Sporty high-flyer diagnosed with MND after slurring making speeches raises £170K for research with 50 mile cycle backed by David Beckham

A sporty high-flyer who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease after slurring as he made speeches has raised more than £170K for research into the incurable condition with a 50 mile off-road cycling challenge – backed by celebrities like David Beckham.

Senior property executive, James Clarke, 42, first noticed something was wrong in May 2021 when he started slurring and fumbling over his shirt buttons – something doctors initially attributed to stress.

Then, two weeks before Christmas in 2021 he was diagnosed with the incurable and degenerative disease which affects the brain and nerves, although no family history or lifestyle connections have been made to the shocking prognosis.

Determined to fundraise to help find a cure, despite having depleted speech and reduced strength in his arms, James, who lives in Wyck, Hampshire, with his wife, stay-at-home mum Lottie Clarke, 45, and their children, Martha, 14, Ollie, 12, and Matilda, five, said: “When they said I had motor neuron disease (MND) it was horrendous. I felt like my body had failed me.”

James Clarke, 42, with Martha, 14, Ollie, 12, and Matilda, six, on their favourite beach in Norfolk (Collect/PA Real Life)
James Clarke, 42, with Martha, 14, Ollie, 12, and Matilda, six, on their favourite beach in Norfolk (Collect/PA Real Life)

He added: “But my attitude to life has completely changed. I am saying yes to everything, while I still can.”

His positivity is shared by Lottie – his wife of 17 years – who said: “Some days, James can find it very hard to fight because there is so little hope with this disease.

“But I strongly believe this is not the end of our story.

“I am confident that if we can keep James as well as we can for as long as we can, we will find something, anything, to stabilise the condition.”

James Clarke, 42, with his wife of 17 years, Lottie Clarke, 45, in Norfolk last week (Collect/PA Real Life)
James Clarke, 42, with his wife of 17 years, Lottie Clarke, 45, in Norfolk last week (Collect/PA Real Life)

She added: “We’re not asking for our old life back, that is gone forever.

“But we can still build a really exciting future with what we have now.”

A “fit and healthy” cyclist and runner, James only started noticing symptoms of the disease last year.

Lottie continued: “I didn’t notice anything at first.”

She added: “He kept saying to me that he couldn’t grip things as well, but I just said it must be stress and that he was overworked.

“But his muscles were twitching quite badly and he started to struggle doing up his shirt buttons.

“We had a night out with friends in July and that’s when I realised something wasn’t right.

“He had two gin and tonics and, literally, I couldn’t hear a word he was saying.”

James Clarke, 42, with wife, Lottie Clarke, 45, and their kids Martha, 14, Ollie, 12, and Matilda, six, in Ibiza last year (Collect/PA Real Life)
James Clarke, 42, with wife, Lottie Clarke, 45, and their kids Martha, 14, Ollie, 12, and Matilda, six, in Ibiza last year (Collect/PA Real Life)

Heading to see the doctor, James visited a neurologist for scans – but the results at that point came back clear – despite him mooting the possibility it could be the cruel disease.

Then, changes in James’ voice about three months after, in October 2021, signalled to the couple that something was still not right.

Lottie said: “His voice would be fine for a few weeks and then it would just go, or sound like he had a fly in his throat.

“He started to lose confidence and think he was mad, because everyone kept telling him it was stress.”

James Clarke, 42, with his son Ollie, 12 (Collect/PA Real Life)
James Clarke, 42, with his son Ollie, 12 (Collect/PA Real Life)

Heading back to see the doctor in September, James decided to take December off, to see if it was stress that was impacting his body.

But on December 15, after further test results came through, doctors confirmed the worst.

Lottie said: “When James called me and said it was motor neurone disease, I just collapsed on the bathroom floor.

“He has always been this competitive, super sporty person, who is so incredibly driven and never ill. I couldn’t believe it. We were devastated.”

Trying to digest the news and not frighten their children, James and Lottie “drip-fed” information about his health to them.

Lottie said: “We were very careful not to name his illness, so they didn’t Google it.

“But, eventually, James wanted them to know.

“We waited until Easter, when we due to be going away to Cyprus, so we would have that time together, and explained to them that we are doing our best to find something – like a treatment that will hold symptoms at bay – but this is a terminal illness and their dad might not recover.”

He added: “Telling them was awful. They were upset but they have been amazing and so resilient.

“They are still in a safe environment with two parents who love them and we are making life as normal for them as we can.”

Refusing to be defeated, despite struggling to come to terms with the diagnosis, James quickly decided he needed to do something to make a difference.

So, within two weeks, he organised a 50-mile off-road cycling route from Hayling Island to Binsted along the Ship Wrights Way in aid of the MND charity, My Name’5 Doddie, founded by former Scottish rugby player, Doddie Weir OBE, who also has the disease.

Lottie said: “In the week running up to the challenge, he was literally the old James Clarke. He was this driving force.”

Also starting an Instagram to publicise the challenge, James recruited a star-studded cast of celebrity support, including footballing legends David Beckham, Micah Richards, Jamie Redknapp and Alan Shearer, actor James Nesbitt, comedians David Walliams and John Bishop and television presenters Gabby Logan and Fearne Cotton. Even British astronaut Tim Peake added some intergalactic glamour.

Completing the challenge on 1 July in four hours and 20 minutes, with 24 friends and family cycling alongside him, Lottie said: “Seeing so many friends, family and famous faces supporting James was humbling.

“The whole day was incredible. There wasn’t a dry eye in sight.”

James Clarke, 42, with wife, Lottie Clarke, 45, Ollie, 12, and Matilda, six (Collect/PA Real Life)
James Clarke, 42, with wife, Lottie Clarke, 45, Ollie, 12, and Matilda, six (Collect/PA Real Life)

She added: “It was so nice to see a glimpse of the old James and the man I have lived with for the last 20 years.”

But the cycling feat is nothing compared to the challenge that lies ahead for James and his family.

Lottie, who is preparing to run a marathon next year in Leeds, while some of their friends will be swimming from Europe to Asia to raise money for MND research, said: “Everything we are doing is because we don’t want anybody to have to go through what we have been through.

“Motor neurone disease robs you of everything, literally everything.”

She added: “People often say it isn’t painful, but they don’t see the mental anguish and the pain that I see James go through every day.

“And it sounds ridiculous, but we are the lucky ones. We have a lovely family, a home and access to private healthcare and not everyone has that.”

While the couple are focusing their energy on fundraising and finding a cure, they are also cherishing every moment they can enjoy together.

Lottie said: “We are going away every few weeks at the moment together to make memories.”

James Clarke, 42, with Martha, 14, Ollie, 12, and Matilda, six, in Turkey in May 2022 (Collect/PA Real Life)
James Clarke, 42, with Martha, 14, Ollie, 12, and Matilda, six, in Turkey in May 2022 (Collect/PA Real Life)

She added: “We went away to one of our favourite places in Fethiye, Turkey, where we have gone with the kids since they were tiny and we swam together, had boat trips and just relaxed in the sunshine.

“We went to Norfolk a few weeks ago and we just spent time on the beach having BBQs and paddle boarding.

“On the last night, on one of our favourite beaches, I caught James having some tears and he said he said, ‘I think this will be the last time’.

“But I said, ‘It won’t be the last time, I will make sure you get back here.'”

Meanwhile, with the support of his family, his friends and the many people who have boosted his fundraising pot, James is remaining positive.

He said: “Coming to the end of the 50 mile ride, I was very emotional and seeing everyone there waiting for me was really humbling.

“You never really know how much love is around you until something like this happens.

“It just makes me want to do more.”

Jill Douglas, CEO of the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation, is impressed by James’ sunny outlook.

She said: “James’ story is incredibly inspiring and we are so thankful to his friends, family and colleagues for supporting our cause.

“It is because of people like James that we can continue to fund our vital research into finding a cure for MND.

“Like Doddie, he is giving so much of his precious time to raise funds to hopefully put an end to this disease.”

To support James’ fundraising efforts, visit