Sorry, but seeing the angel number 777 doesn't mean you're about to hit the jackpot

POV: You’re starting to feel just a little unhinged. On a Saturday (that is, the seventh day of the week), your pre-night out corner shop bill comes to £7.77. Now, the last three digits of your Uber license plate are all 7s. And oh, what’s that? You’re headed to building 77. What does it all mean?!

Okay, so maybe that scenario is a bit extreme, but constantly seeing repeating numbers in your life is no joke. If you’re seeing the same number again and again (and again), it could be an angel number.

The term 'angel number' is quite new, and one that gained popularity in the age of the Internet. Before they were angel numbers, these ancient communications from the universe were referred to as 'spiritual numbers' or 'repeating numbers.'

Basically, they’re 'specific number sequences that are connected to specific spiritual messages for you,' says Novalee Wilder, a professional numerologist and author of A Little Bit of Numerology.

An angel number can be as simple as seeing your birthday on the clock every day—which might be a sign to go and do you, says Joy Woodward, Pythagorean Numerology expert and bestselling author of A Beginner's Guide to Numerology: Decode Relationships, Maximize Opportunities, and Discover Your Destiny.

They can be as easy as 123 (a symbol of progress) or 321 (a sign to slow down). Most commonly, however, we see them as a repetition of three to four numbers: 1111, 222, 333, and so on. These unique number sequences have vastly different meanings. So, what can 777 tell you?

Meet the Experts:
Novalee Wilder is a professional numerologist and author of A Little Bit of Numerology.
Joy Woodward is a Pythagorean Numerology expert and author of A Beginner's Guide to Numerology: Decode Relationships, Maximize Opportunities, and Discover Your Destiny.

Contrary to popular belief, 777 doesn’t really have anything to do with luck or finances—at least, not in the way you’re thinking. The true meaning behind 777 is so much deeper. And honestly? Seeing this angel number in your life is a lot cooler than a bit of luck or a few extra dollars in your pocket.

What does the angel number 777 mean?

First, it's important to look at the number on its own. 'Seven is the most spiritual number,' Wilder explains. 'It is the most immediate. It’s not necessarily action-oriented, but a spiritual message.'

Seven also represents justice and the justice system, says Woodward. On the more personal level, it also rules over self-care and gender identity. The world is about to enter a universal 'seven' year with 2023 (2 + 2 + 3), and Woodward predicts that all of these things are bound to come into play.

So, what about seven as an angel number? Simply put, Wilder describes 777 as an omniscient *something* trying to come through and send you a message. And that all-knowing *something* could very well be yourself.

According to both Wilder and Woodward, seven is an incredibly personal number. For Wilder, 777 is all about intuition. To Woodward, this angel number wants you to take care of yourself. Seeing 777 is a sign from the universe to 'slow down, get centred, get grounded,' she says.

What does 777 symbolise? (Spoiler: It's not what you may think.)

If you spend a lot of time online, you’ve probably come to associate the angel number 777 with luck and money. According to numerologists, though, the actual meaning behind 777 has been lost in the sauce of trend culture.

The origins of the 'luck and money' myth make sense, though. After all, 777 adds up to 21, and two plus one adds up to three. 'I can get to luck, because the [number] three is very lucky,' Woodward says. 'But finance? No.' She suspects that people associate 777 with money because the number looks like 'Lucky 7’s, like a slot machine.'

Even still, this is not what 777 stands for at its core. So wait, did you have the wrong reading of your angel number this whole time? Yes and no. Woodward stresses that this misconception is why it's so important to take everything with a grain of salt when it comes to different kinds of divination as spirituality makes its way into the mainstream. But it’s also a reminder for why figuring out what a number means to you is so crucial.

When it comes down to it, maybe you can make 777 mean luck, if that's what your intuition is telling you…

So, why do I keep seeing 777?

Perhaps you're trying to feel out a situation or make a decision. The number seven is your intuition. And 777? That might be the universe telling you that the situation you’ve found yourself in 'needs to get investigated,' Woodward explains. 'You don’t have all the information, do more research.

'Of course, we also know that 777 can be added together, creating a grand total of 21. This has a special meaning to it, too: 21 is the numerical manifestation of mastery, according to Wilder. 'We are equal parts logic and emotion, and somewhere in between your intuition lives,' she says. 'To step into the full mastery of the human condition is to trust the part of yourself that doesn’t have a voice.'

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The main message here? Take it from Wilder: 'You’re the master. You’re responsible. It’s your life, and you already know what needs to be done.'

What do I do if I keep seeing 777?

For the most part, both Wilder and Woodward agree that meditation is the answer. Intuition and centring yourself are so important when it comes to 777, so it's a no-brainer that your best option would be to sit down, gather your thoughts, and focus on what your gut is telling you.

Meditation not your thing? That's okay. As Woodward explains, Mother Nature rules the number seven. If you find yourself grappling with a difficult decision and 777 seems extremely present in your life, take a walk in the woods (or a nice park, if that’s as close to nature as you can get) and let your intuition lead you to what's best for you. Above all else, the 777 angel number is a sign to trust your gut.

What are the other angel numbers?

What if 777 isn’t the angel number on your mind? Or, what if you find yourself seeing different sets of repeating numbers out in the world, too? Here’s a rapid fire look at nine other angel numbers you might see in your life and what they each mean.

000: 'I like to think of the zero as a piece of quartz,' Woodward says. 'It will amplify anything near it.' Zero is the great magnifier, but it is also the reset of the number cycle—a clean slate for whatever number follows.

111: One signals new beginnings, a fresh start. The number 111 is trying to grab your attention: a sign from the universe shouting 'you, you, you.' Because of the nature of 111—its aptitude for creation and opportunity—Woodward says that seeing this angel number can be a sign to manifest whatever it is you seek.

222: Two energy is fairly straightforward. This number stands for relationships—'you and something else,' Wilder says. The number 222 can also be an invitation, a sign to make a connection.

333: Three is the magic number. It’s all about luck, ambition, and creativity. Wilder noted that she often associates 333 with learning. However, 333 also adds up to nine, which can be a sign to trust what you know.

444: '444 is probably the original angel number,' Woodward explains. It’s 'a hug from your angels,' the universe telling you 'we’re with you, you’re protected.'

555: The key words associated with this angel number? Connections, exchange, travel, and communication. Wilder says that whenever you see 555, that might be your sign to try the lotto or check flight prices for your dream getaway. '555 is screaming adventure,' Woodward adds. 'Change is coming.'

666: While 222 stands for relationships of any kind, 666 specifically represents romantic love. Wilder notes that this angel number can also represent 'loving yourself enough to love other people.'

888: This angel number is one of, if not the most, complex. 'Eight is the most intense number to see,' Wilder says. 'It is very much a lesson of balance—a teaching moment.' Seeing 888 can often be a sign that you need to let something go, but it can also represent hard truths.

999: Nine is a very humanitarian number, says Woodward. It can represent gratitude or random acts of kindness. More than anything, however, 'nine energy is completion, the end of the line,' Wilder says. 'The final stage, the final thing you have to do—[or] maybe it’s already done, and you just have to enjoy it.'

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Whether you see angel numbers all the time or you’ve never taken a second look at the clock (or that scary number at the bottom of a receipt) in your life, let this remind you that the world works in mysterious ways.

'Every number has a message,' says Woodward. 'When you become well-versed in the language of numbers, the universe will start showing them to you all the time.'

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