Solar Eclipse in Libra: How every zodiac sign will be affected, according to an astrologer

astrology 2nd october libra solar eclipse 2024
How the Solar Eclipse in Libra will affect youHearst Owned

Over this eclipse, you are being invited to envision a bold, brilliant, brand new you.

This isn’t to say there was anything wrong with your previous version. See this more as a system upgrade – which is the magic of an eclipse. In astrology, they are associated with transformation and the potential for radical personal evolution.

Imagine that this 2nd October Libra Solar Eclipse has the capacity to catapult you into the next realm of life. Where are you aiming for? What fresh start are you ushering in? What plot twist are you ready to welcome?

Eclipses are generally known as being the disruptive junctures in our celestial calendar since they force us to alter the current status quo via discomfort. However, Libra is the sign associated with balance, harmony and peacekeeping, and a Solar Eclipse – aka a supercharged New Moon - is all about new beginnings.

This is a time to trust your instinct, believe in your decision-making power, and speak out about anything unfair, unjust or unaligned that’s currently taking up important real estate in your life.

Remember, if something feels unruly, disordered or chaotic, this is an opportunity see how you are being urged to initiate a new order.

Libra is the sign of the scales, precariously balanced but ready to tip at any moment. Over this eclipse, notice where things feel out of balance for you. This could be in your work life balance, your ability to prioritise self-care, and the energy you give to others.

Since this is also the zodiac sign that is related to love and partnerships, we can also use this eclipse to improve our relationships – both with others, and ourselves. After all, Libra is ruled by Venus, which helps us romantically connect with others, discover our self-worth, and idealise the world around us.

Since Solar Eclipses are thought to herald new beginnings, see this lunar phase as a chance to alter the way you welcome harmony and beauty into your life.

  • What does ‘true love’ look and feel like to you?

  • Are you showing yourself the same kindness you offer to others?

  • How you want to create stronger boundaries that supports your journey?

  • Where do you need to find more balance?

Remember that the low vibration of Libra is to go overboard with the diplomacy and slip into the habit of people-pleasing, so over this eclipse notice where you are being given the chance to say a loving NO to anything that doesn’t feel aligned with you right now.

Eclipse 101

A New Moon occurs when the Moon’s orbit through the zodiac belt aligns with the exact same degree at which the Sun can be found. Imagine Earth as a stage, and the Sun is a huge spotlight. As the Moon passes in front of the Sun’s glow, it blocks out the light we receive here on planet Earth, much as when a person stands in front of the spotlight in the theatre. A New Moon happens once a month, and classically signals new beginnings and the chance to set fresh intentions.

What makes a Solar Eclipse different is that the Moon and Sun are in close proximity to one of the Lunar Nodes, aka the Nodes of Fate. The Nodes are two locational points where the orbit of the Moon crosses with the ecliptic, which is the journey of the Sun measured from here on Earth. This meeting of Moon and Sun, Yin and Yang, outward expression and subconscious introspection, creates a hugely powerful vortex.

In astrology, we believe Solar Eclipses herald drastic shifts, sudden changes and unexpected curveballs that can accelerate your personal journey, as well as pushing society in a brand-new direction. Shadows often come to the surface over a Solar Eclipse – remember the Sun’s light is being blocked more fully, and in some parts of the world the Earth will experience an uncanny daytime darkness – and it is in the dim, hushed twilight we are given the chance to shed, release and move forward.

This Libra Solar Eclipse on the 2nd October is taking place near the South Node, also referred to as the tail of the dragon in mythology. This twitching, coiled tail indicates what we are here to leave behind, urging us to release the karmic baggage that ties us to this past version of ourselves.

Just as a snake sheds its skin, so the tail of the dragon encourages us to wriggle free of the dead scales and emerge, glittering and empowered. Still, it won’t necessarily be comfortable. You might feel particularly detached or like you need to sever something in order to find a new beginning over this Eclipse, so remind yourself that endings facilitate new beginnings.

Fresh starts and flashes of inspiration

Since Solar Eclipses steer us towards dramatic new starts, then see this Moon as a fresh page. Libra is a cardinal Air sign, and therefore is all about connections.

Libra is the ‘bridge’ of the zodiac, so use this New Moon to ask yourself where you’ve been stuck on one side of the river and are now ready to cross. What bridge or connection are YOU going to build over this Eclipse?

A good way to identify what needs change in your life is to notice where you are being called to honour the values in your life. It may be that this means establishing stronger boundaries so you can prioritise things that are important to you.

This Eclipse holds extra potential for important connections and conversations since it is in close conjunction (next to) Mercury, the planet of communication. When the Sun and a planet cosy up like this, it’s known as a Cazimi, which means ‘in the heart of the Sun’.

Since the Sun represents our core self, identity and consciousness, then the planet experiencing this cosmic connection is illuminated and empowered by the Sun’s energy. Mercury is related to the way we process information; it is our understanding of knowledge, our communication style and the way the world is reflected back to depending on where we focus our attention.

Therefore, this Solar Eclipse gifts us with the chance to gain crystal-clear insight into relationships, as well as an auspicious moment for resolving conflicts or making important choices with fairness and diplomacy. Look out for sudden downloads, flashes of inspiration, exciting invitations, illuminating conversations and significant messages. Your horoscope below gives more information on where to focus your attention.

And remember – Venus-ruled Libra is linked to charm. Flirting, persuading, or influencing people towards your perspective is especially powerful in the days surrounding the Eclipse, so make the most of your gift of the gab!

Your eclipse checklist:

YES to finding balance. Where do things feel out of whack? Where can you tip the scales in your favour?

YES to embracing beauty! This is a Venus sign, after all. Buy yourself flowers for your desk, spruce up your home, get a manicure, wander round an art gallery for half an hour… how can you romantic life a little?

YES to style. Similar to the above, but in your personal aesthetic! Spend the days of the Eclipse wearing outfits that empower you and make you feel gorgeous.

YES to self-worth. Positive affirmations in the mirror each morning will do wonders for you over this Libra Solar Eclipse.

YES to boundaries. Need to say no? Do it. Need to cancel something for your mental or physical health? Give yourself permission.

YES to naps. The period before a New Moon is generally pretty draining, but an Eclipse amplifies this. Rest when you need to.

YES to joining a women’s circle or moon ceremony. Libra is all about connection, so finding support with other women can be incredibly empowering.

Equilibrium Unveiled: A Solar Eclipse Ceremony for Cosmic Transformation is an online ceremony held by Bex from Cosmic Cures for women all over the world, taking place on Wednesday 2nd MORE INFO

NO to people-pleasing. You can still be supportive and compassionate without compromising your own needs.

NO to burnout. Staring at the laptop and not getting anywhere? Feeling completely overwhelmed? Anxiety creeping in? Take time away from tech, ground yourself outside with deep breathes, and welcome in perspective. It’s going to be okay.

NO to avoiding conversations. If there’s something that needs to be brought to light, use the power of this Cazimi to speak your truth kindly, lovingly and firmly.

NO to over-exertion. Can’t do your usual morning 5K or weights routine? Eclipses drain us! Switch it up for a yin yoga, a barre class, or a brisk walk.

These are your horoscopes for the Solar Eclipse in Libra. Read for your Sun sign and your Rising Sign.


The Libra Solar Eclipse brings a buzz of fresh life to your relationships, Aries, and it may be that you are thinking how to take things to the next level. Since it is taking place in the sign of the scales, you are being urged to curate the balance needed to engage in healthy, collaborative partnerships.

Where can you water the delicate blooms of romance, connection and intimacy? What boundaries need to be reinforced? And, crucially, how does your current attitude towards your own self-worth and confidence filter down into your partnerships?

If you’re in a relationship then this is an incredibly powerful New Moon to set intentions that allow you to bond even further, and commit to one another in a harmonise way that allows both of you to flourish.

If you're single and looking for a partner then use the cardinal energy of Libra to set things in motion and take decisive action to bring love into your life.

This Libra Eclipse Cazimi may bring karmic curveballs in the form of conversations with partners, close friends, or even business associates, which lead to deep insights about how you relate to others.

Be open to flashes of inspiration that show you a new way to balance your needs with the needs of those closest to you!


This Eclipse brings fresh new starts and exciting opportunities regarding your health and job, Taurus, so think about what you want to set in motion and how you want to kickstart an entirely new chapter. If you’ve been wanting to get off the hamster wheel of mundane routine then look out for ways this Solar Eclipse is ushering you to take the plunge in a new direction.

Similarly, if you’re fed up with your health or have decided you need to adopt a more proactive approach to wellness, then this Eclipse invites you to join that class, sign up to a gym or commit to a half marathon, whilst treating yourself to some new exercise gear (your Venutian ruler is all about working out in style!).

Have you been ignoring the situations and activities that you know make you feel more vibrant and energetic? Have you succumbed to sluggishness, indulgence or overwork?

This is supercharged New Moon to keep your eyes open for the things in life that add to your life force, and make more time for them. It's also great for setting intentions regarding your job, and the changes you want to implement which will make you feel aligned in your work.

Where have you been dancing to the beat of someone else's drum? The Libra Eclipse Cazimi may bring a plot twist regarding your job or daily routine, so keep your eyes peeled for emails, conversations or sudden flashes of inspiration that allow you to steer it in a direction that feels more harmonious to you.


This is a Solar Eclipse to set things in motion regarding the things that give life a little more colour – namely: drama, romance and fun! Since the sign of Libra is all about balance, notice where you haven’t been prioritising joy, hobbies, flirtation and even sex.

Gemini, how can you set something in motion that is going to feed your soul and allow you to lean into the sassy side of life? How might these things also connect to your self-expression, for example returning to a hobby (or starting a new pastime) that makes you feel in tune with the world around you?

Similarly, this could be an important New Moon to set some boundaries. Is there someone who brings chaotic energy into your life and therefore drains you? Where does self-deprecating talk stop you from taking the stage, and is this Eclipse delivering you the chance to promote yourself?

The Cosmic Cazimi means sparks are flying, which could lead to exciting conversation that lead to breakthroughs in romance or self-expression. If you’ve been waiting for a fresh idea or a new way to express your passions, the Cazimi will deliver.

Be open to playful inspiration or unexpected romantic revelations and remember that giving yourself space to indulge in play, hobbies and creativity is just as important as 'getting the job done' - use the Venus-ruled energy of Libra to see where you can allow more pleasure into your life.


This Solar Eclipse triggers a ‘fresh start’ in terms of family and home life, Cancer. Perhaps it’s time to reconnect with a loved one. Maybe you are considering moving house or renovating your existing dwelling. It could be that you are ready to expand your own family, or maybe this Eclipse will help you move on from the past.

This Libra Eclipse also ushers in a need to find balance when it comes to self-care. It may be that things peak regarding the energy you exert in the world. Are you allowing yourself enough time for restoration? Can you work on saying 'no' sometimes when people ask things of you? 'No' doesn't mean denying your love - it means creating boundaries that allow you to fill your own cup first, and therefore have more to offer the world. Don’t be surprised if the Eclipse creates a situation where this is necessary.

The Cazimi Libra Eclipse may also bring sudden flashes of wisdom regarding your home and family dynamics, and conversations with loved ones could offer deep insight into how you can create more peace and harmony in your personal space. Look out for unexpected realisations about your emotional roots or living situation. Remember to consider the balance you currently tread between living in the past and striving forward with new plans. Learn from your experiences but don't let yourself be dragged back by nostalgia or fear - if a new chapter is calling, listen to your intuition!


This Libra Eclipse is all about daringly expressing yourself, and trusting in your ability to share ideas and concepts that people might not expect from you. Perhaps an idea has been percolating and you’ve been waiting for the confidence to bring it more life? Libra rules beauty, the arts and creativity, so ensure you’re balancing your time so you can incorporate these elements into your life.

Enlightening conversations, random trains of thought, a book or magazine you decide to pick up and flick through, an unexpected meeting in your neighbourhood, a chat with a sibling… all of these things can bring ‘ah ha’ moments.

Libra is also the zodiac sign of justice and fairness however, so it might be time to have your say if you’ve been holding back, especially with the Cazimi also taking place around this Supercharged New Moon.

Whether it's sending an unanticipated email that swings the balance in your favour, presenting yourself on social media in a way that invites people to see another side of you, or having a conversation that helps you set better boundaries or boosts your own self-worth, then use this Libra Solar Eclipse to set things in motion that bring you into a sense of alignment of what it is YOU want to communicate to the world at large.


This Solar Eclipse brings opportunities to completely renovate or renew your attitude towards abundance, Virgo. Look out for ways you’re being urged to gain control of your financial situation, raise your prices, embark on a new income stream, or alter the way you make money to align with your values.

Material possessions as well as self-confidence are highlighted over this Eclipse, so plot-twists could arrive regarding what you ‘value’. How does your attitude toward abundance, self-worth and what you own affect your overall sense of harmony? Are you currently living in a scarcity mindset with any of these things? Are you splurging with no idea of a budget? Or perhaps you've been super thrifty recently but are starting to feel like you'd like to invest in yourself or even just have a little fun?! If we consider money as energy, is it currently lighting you up or draining you?

The Cazimi may deliver conversations around money, resources, or your values that could lead to powerful revelations about how to create more balance in your financial life, so pay attention to the interactions you have, the invitations that arrive and the opportunities that arise around this Eclipse.


This Solar Eclipse is a biggy for you Libra – the final Eclipse to take place in your sign for the next 18 years. This supercharged New Moon is all about unravelling the lessons and identifying the wisdom from the last 12 months, noticing what strengths you've gained and how far you've come, and setting intentions based on the incredible improvements you've made.

Where do you feel like it's time to really step into your own? Where has the balance been subtly shifting, and how are you now going to prioritise your own dreams? This Cazimi in your sign brings powerful clarity and insight about your identity, personal goals and even appearance.

Expect flashes of inspiration about how to present yourself to the world, or a conversation that helps you gain a fresh perspective on how to embrace your true self.

A fresh start and chance to 'remerge' has arrived, so make the most of it! This can be in your general attitude to life and the ‘new chapter’ you’re finally ready to commit to, as well as basic principles of the ‘self’ such as appearance.

Don’t be surprised if you want to have a haircut, makeover or some kind of dramatic change over this Eclipse – it’s just your deep desire to announce you’re ready for the next phase. Getting clear about what this next version of yourself looks like is essential, and this is a Moon for manifesting that kind of magic.


This Libra Eclipse is nudging you to honestly assess where you willingly allow your spiritual journey to take priority, and where you avoid asking yourself those deep questions that lead to growth.

Scorpio, karmic curveballs or cosmic plot-twists may arrive that bring something to the surface you thought you’d buried – and this is a positive thing, because it’s a Moon where you finally find closure. This will come as a result of setting some important boundaries and perhaps having a conversation that leads to deep healing. With this seen to, it’s going to feel like a breath of fresh air where you can now finally take a step which wasn’t clear beforehand.

If you've been feeling the need to indulge your more introverted side recently to make magic and experience restoration, this is the time to do so. Life is about balance, and sometimes that means stepping off-stage and retreating into the shadows to learn more about your own motivations.

Deep conversations or internal reflections could lead to profound spiritual or psychological insights during this Cazimi. Expect intuitive flashes that help you release old patterns or beliefs, making room for peace and healing – these may come in your dreams, so keep a journal next to your bed, or they might arrive when you’re in meditation or working with Tarot or Oracle cards.

You might have an "aha" moment around a hidden aspect of yourself and your intuition is extra potent over this Eclipse, so tune into your deepest wisdom and your gut instinct when deciding what to initiate and what boundaries to create. Set intentions surrounding a bit of spiritual deep-diving to better understand what brings you into a state of harmony, away from the hustle and bustle of life.


Over this Libra Solar Eclipse, your relationships with friends and groups in your life are thrown into sharp focus, Sagittarius. It's a time to really assess the people you surround yourself with, remembering that these can either be your cheerleaders or your detractors.

If boundaries need to be drawn, or a conversation needs to be had, now’s the time to do it. This may simply be telling someone how much they mean to you or re-stoking a friendship fire that has simmered down the embers. Perhaps you need to let someone know the negative effect they are having on you, to save a friendship (or your sanity!).

Since New Moons herald new beginnings, this is a powerful period to look out for people coming into your life that may turn into soulmates and close companions. This also applies to your groups – an exciting chance to network could be on the horizon, so look for ways you’re being urged to share ideas with a fresh group of people that gives you an exciting and innovative view of your future.

The Cosmic Cazimi can deliver illuminating conversations within your social circle and community, bringing sudden clarity that helps you understand how to bring more harmony into your collaborations. Flashes of insight about your long-term goals or future vision may also arise, and a karmic curveball might arrive in the way you assumed your future was going to unfold – if there’s a sudden change to your five-year-plan then channel your Sagittarius adventurous spirit and welcome this revolutionary opportunity!

Don't be afraid to play the rebel a bit in your relationships, either. You do you over this Libra Eclipse - your unique side will attract the right tribe for you!


This Solar Eclipse in Libra brings about exciting shifts in your career and the way you are willing to accept authority and be ‘seen’ by others, Capricorn. Look out for any cosmic plot twists that let you leap ahead in your professional life, initiate more leadership, or shift the balance so you’re working towards a project that aligns with your true values.

This is also a supercharged New Moon to notice if you’ve been putting too much energy and effort into things that don’t support your ultimate ambitions. Over this Eclipse it can be powerful to ask yourself where you eventually want to be in life. What legacy do you want to leave? What relationships can you cultivate that will help you climb the ladder, and are there intentions you can set that will help you advance or expand in the way you'd like to regarding your aspirations in life?

The Eclipse Cazimi may well deliver blinding flashes of insight surrounding your career, public image, reputation and life ambitions. Conversations or correspondence with authority figures or mentors may offer guidance and opportunities on how to achieve greater balance in your professional life, so investigate if there’s anything you can do to precipitate this.

It’s an important period to remain open to inspiration about how to align your public persona with your inner values, which will go on to help you lead a life of purpose. This Moon could well show you where you’ve veered off course because you've been working towards other people's expectations of you. Bring it back to your dreams!


This is a superb Solar Eclipse to embrace the theme of expansion and broadened horizons, Aquarius, and it’s asking you to stop playing small. If you’ve been limiting yourself then the goal posts are about to shift, and the balance is ready to sway in your favour.

Fortune favours the bold and optimism wins out this is what you want to remember during this period! Have you been dreaming about learning a new skill, taking a new course, or educating yourself in some way that's going to improve your future?

See this as your chance to take the plunge and forge relationships in your life that could be stepping stones to understanding yourself on a spiritual and philosophical level. Have you been intending to travel or take a trip that’s going to bring more harmony and happiness into your life? Ask yourself what’s really stopping you.

The Cazimi offers flashes of insight surrounding travel, education and your personal belief system, potentially bringing a huge revelation about a plan you have to expand your horizons. Conversations with someone from another culture or a teacher could offer a new perspective that shifts your worldview, so be open to sharing your ideas and opening your mind - amazing insights could occur!

Remember, this is a supercharged New Moon to believe the best could happen, take a risk or believe in luck, so go for it.


You could be feeling more drained, emotional or sensitive than usual Pisces (and that’s saying something, since you’re one of the most compassionate and empathetic signs of the zodiac!).

You’ve just had a Lunar Eclipse in your sign, and now the Solar Eclipse is emphasising the part of your chart related to intimacy, healing and transformation. A chance to accept a shadow side of yourself and move forward is part and parcel of this Eclipse, and facing a fear or working through pain will feel so cathartic that you could indeed have a sense of a brand new you on the other side of this Moon.

If some kind of transformation has been on the horizon, then the balance is being tipped. Remember, you've got all the tools you need to conquer any shadows that arise, and bring your truth to the light. Don't shy away from intense conversations - remember the power of mediation and compromise, while also setting clear and defined boundaries. In fact, look out for deep and transformative conversations around shared resources, intimacy, or personal power.

The Cosmic Cazimi may offer sudden insight into a financial situation or help you gain clarity in a close partnership. Be open to flashes of inspiration that help you release fear and embrace emotional vulnerability.

Taking the time to listen to someone else could mean becoming even closer as you comprehend their motivations. Allowing yourself the time to heal and align with the actions and thoughts that bring you a sense of safety is also key during this Solar Eclipse so set intentions that encourage a personal evolution of sorts.

Zodiac compatibility explained

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