'My sister has made petty request as my wedding is before hers – it's so unfair'

A newly engaged woman wants to get married this year but her step-sister has been left furious as she is also walking down the aisle soon (stock image)
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Two engaged sisters have fallen out over their wedding dates, with one bride-to-be accused of trying to steal the limelight for an entire year.

This real-life Bride Wars scenario unfolded on Reddit, where a woman shared her predicament. A bride explained how she got engaged a month ago and wants to tie the knot this year due to her fiancé's high-stress job. With the help of a wedding planner, they are planning a small 20-person ceremony.

However, her step-sister, who has been planning her own big day for over a year and is set to wed in November, believes her newly engaged sister is trying to upstage her. But the bride finds her reaction unfair, and said: "To have to wait over a year just because of her childish vendetta seems grossly unfair."

She added that while she and her step-sister Wren have always been competitive, she thought they had outgrown such behaviour. Now, she claims Wren is trying to "always tries to one-up me" her and is causing unnecessary drama.

The bride-to-be shared: "Wren is livid that we're planning to get married before her. She knows the reasons but she still insists that I've planned this to upstage her wedding. She is also causing trouble amongst mutual friends she has with my fiancé - this is not a huge deal because they're not wanting to get involved but it was extremely embarrassing because she announced the date of our wedding before we did."

She further revealed that her parents are subtly suggesting that they should postpone their wedding until after Wren's. She added: "My stepbrother has also said that while he knows I didn't do it on purpose, because of past issues this will be extremely hard for Wren to get past. He also said I was naïve for thinking that just because my wedding is different from hers that she would let it go. ".

However, the bride is adamant about not changing the date. She expressed: "I don't like being the one to rock boat and I do sometimes feel a bit sorry for Wren. Maybe this isn't the time to take a stand. I really don't know if I'm in the wrong here."

Thousands of Reddit users were quick to share their opinions on the situation, with the majority insisting that the bride should stick to her original wedding plans. One user commented: "Wren sounds spoiled as hell, and your family is doing nothing to change that. As soon as she took issue with this, everybody should have told her that she needs to drop it."

One person chimed in: "If you move your wedding, she is happy for the moment, until she manufactures a new problem. What if you have the first grandchild? The first house? The first dog or cat or whatever? Do what is right for you as if she wasn't there to complain because she will complain about more."

Another added: "If you were having the wedding the same month I'd say it'd be a shitty thing to do. But you're having it three months before her. Wren doesn't own the whole year."

"It's your wedding date and you have a genuine reason for doing it now," someone else commented.

However, one commenter offered a different perspective and said: "Think if this was told from Wrens perspective more people would be on her side. I think most people would be upset if their sibling got engaged and then married two months before their wedding. Two months after is fine, but it does seem weirdly competitive."

Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Do you have a story? Get in touch at Lucy.Marshall@reachplc.com.