"I Hated Feeling Trapped" — Dads Are Sharing The Most Surprising Thing About Being The Stay-At-Home Or Single Parent, And It's Honestly Eye-Opening

Raising a child comes with surprises for every parent, regardless of circumstances. One thing that is certain, though, is that most people view moms as the default, primary parent, and because of that, dads who are as hands-on as moms often face unique surprises.

A man and a young girl, both casually dressed, are using a laptop together at a wooden table in a cozy room, engaging in an educational activity
Images By Tang Ming Tung / Getty Images

It's true, too, that society primes girls for parenthood, but not boys — at least to the same degree. I imagine that men who become parents face a lot of surprises that women have already been taught to expect. To get more perspective on the matter, I decided to go straight to the source and ask stay-at-home and single dads about the parts of parenthood they least expected. Here are their most insightful answers:

1."I was audited by the government nine times, and it took almost two years before I could receive any benefits for my daughter even though I’ve taken care of her alone since she was a newborn and been to court to get full custody of her."

A man in a light-colored shirt holds a sleeping baby wrapped in a soft blanket. They are indoors, with a chair and side table visible in the background

2."[I was surprised by] how much fun parenting provides me. I had no idea my son would make me laugh so much."

A man sits on a couch reading a card with a red heart on it, as a child playfully covers his eyes from behind

3."I adopted my son when he was 11 as a single, divorced dad. I was a bit surprised that I didn’t really have support for child care for a good nine years."

"I didn’t date or go anywhere on my own. I wasn’t resentful. I had made this choice. I was also surprised that school volunteerism and PTAs in my community are completely female-driven and they had nothing available that I could do as a single dad.  In spite of the challenges and obstacles, my son has turned out really well. I’m very proud of the man he’s become."


4."It can get really lonely when you don’t deal with adult humans regularly. After seven years as a stay-at-home dad, I am never bored but it’s very isolating. I knew it was, just didn’t really know."

<div><p>"I have a very strong-willed mother and grew up with two younger siblings so I had lots of practice at parenting as a kid. The basics of parenting came pretty naturally to me and I was hard-pressed to find surprises. </p><p>Every kid is [entirely different]. What they eat, how they sleep. Everyone says it, but it’s true. My fourth almost killed us both with exhaustion, never slept or ate. My first, polar opposite. You can truly never tell what you will get. </p><p>Things that are supposed to be equal are not... Courts, mediation, all of this is going to have you acting from the back foot... </p><p>[It all] makes me stare back in horror at a time with much less technology and much more for the 'at-home' parent to do — which was always Mom. This is probably why we as dads have such an uphill fight, even when we are the good guys. Generational guilt for the subjugation of half our species is a price we may pay. Having my kids is worth it, and I am happily married now, thankfully. The kids always surprise me, and it’s truly a new adventure every day."</p><p>—<a href="https://www.buzzfeed.com/arkadidamstetter" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:arkadidamstetter;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">arkadidamstetter</a></p></div><span> Mariia Malysheva / Getty Images</span>

5."When my four kids were younger I would take them to the store, park, pool, you name it. Almost every time, someone would say 'How brave of you!'"

A man and a young girl in a swimsuit with arm floats smile near a pool at a suburban home. Another child is swimming in the background

"[I'm] nice, so I would just smile and walk away. But in my head, I always had a few great responses that would shock the person. My favorite thought was 'Just because I have a penis doesn't mean I can't handle my kids in public.'"


Fluxfactory / Getty Images

6."[I've been surprised by] how little support there is from absolutely anyone. My daughter's mother believes I'm completely incompetent despite all the evidence — my healthy, happy, wonderful, and intelligent daughter — suggesting the opposite."

A man sits outdoors holding a toy plane as a young girl in a pink shirt and shorts stands beside him, wiping her face with her arm. They are surrounded by trees

7."I know one other stay-at-home dad, and one single dad (a neighbor who I don't know too well, but am friendly with). A few years ago when my kids were small, I was often the first stay-at-home dad people knew. I live in a fairly progressive West Coast city, and except for a few anomalies, people were overall very kind. Something I struggled with was the loneliness."

A person with glasses and casual attire sits indoors, holding a drink with a straw, looking off to the side. A plant is in the background

8."[What I didn't expect was] the amount of suspicion you get. I'm a single dad of two girls, 4 and 5, and since I gained full custody and even before, people have assumed that I've been disgusting and assaulted [my children]."

"I've even been told to my face on multiple occasions that I've 'probably touched' my kids. [It's] about as mortifying a thing to hear as you can expect. Obviously, single moms don't face this. I just wish I had the kind of privilege [one gets] being a mother, because I need just as much help as them."


9."When I started being a stay-at-home dad to twins, I thought other stay-at-home moms would be super supportive. My wife even joked about it, saying, 'Stay away from all those moms!'"

A man kisses a baby on the head while holding them. Another baby in overalls is crawling on the floor

10."[People are] always amazed there is no mom. [They] offer help, but never reach out or follow through."


11."I was a stay-at-home dad for about seven years. I’ll always be glad l did it, but it was Groundhog's Day: laundry, meals, activities, repeat."

A man with a beard and tattoo on his left arm is ironing clothes on an ironing board in a domestic setting, with steam rising from the iron

12."[What wasn't expected was] the loneliness; [all] because you're doing the right thing."


13."Single dad here: my son is only 4 and at this age, it's really common for moms to be the social planners for their kids. I didn't expect how hard it would be to facilitate my son's social life when trying to communicate with married dads."


14."I'm a stay-at-home dad of two. It was never a question for us; I'm a writer so I work from home, and my wife has a very lucrative job. Plenty has been shocking, but the most shocking thing has been the way this lifestyle has exposed how many men in my life are quite misogynistic, and the degree to which they are."

Two men stand in a kitchen talking. One has long hair and a beard, wearing a plaid shirt over a black T-shirt. The other is seen from behind

15."I'm a single dad. My wife died of cancer when our child was young. People have been very, very kind. They also assume I have lots of help."

A man with a messenger bag crouches beside a young child at a playground, helping them with what seems to be a small toy or object

16."It was very difficult for me to figure out who I was when the kids were in school. And those struggles impacted me in several ways. I struggled with basic motivation to leave the house. I hated feeling trapped."


17."I was a stay-at-home dad. My boys are teens now, so this was several years ago when there weren’t as many stay-at-home dads, but I was always surprised at how low-key degrading moms were to me."

A diverse group of people sits in folding chairs in a bright room, including a woman holding a microphone, seemingly speaking or asking a question

18."My wife is in the military and [is] the breadwinner. We got uprooted from where we met and moved across the country. Every time we're asked how we got here and [the] military gets mentioned, I'm assumed to be on active duty even with a full beard. It's quite funny and my wife has learned to laugh it off."

A man playfully adjusts his glasses, making a baby he is holding laugh, while a woman smiles at them. They are in a kitchen with various vegetables on the countertop

19."I didn't expect so much distance from other, female stay-at-home parents when I tried to talk to them. Being the only man at the park feels isolating."


20.And finally: "I was surprised by the way people in our (small, East Coast, progressive) town reacted to my choice to stay home as a dad. It's clear to me now that many people who think they're 'progressive' are still upset when social norms are flipped."

A quaint small-town street with various shops and a tall church steeple basking in early morning light

Let me know your thoughts on the above; there are a lot of diverse experiences here! And if you have your own story about being a single/stay-at-home dad, feel free to share down below. Or, if you prefer to be anonymous, you can fill out this Google Form. Your story may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed article!

Please note: some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.