The Shame Of Acne Is Real — These People (Even Derms) Reveal How They Get Through It

From left, clockwise: Abigail Collins, Abby Rose Maureen, Vin Cirisano, Dr. Anjali Mahto, Yashwant Singh
From left, clockwise: Abigail Collins, Abby Rose Maureen, Vin Cirisano, Dr. Anjali Mahto, Yashwant Singh HuffPost/Abigail Collins, Abby Rose Maureen, Vin Cirisano, Dr. Anjali Mahto, Yashwant Singh

I’ve struggled with acne since high school and sometimes had to skip school because I felt self-conscious, judged and afraid that people would whisper behind my back.

As a teen, I went to a dermatologist who put me on a course of treatments that was ineffective and, at times, painful. As my spots only grew redder, I felt insecure and ugly because of my acne, and I felt that no one understood me. Acne took a toll on my mental health. It made me feel I wasn’t worthy.

I’ve since grown in my confidence, but I know others are going through what I used to go through — and they should know they’re not alone. Acne affects over 50 million people in the U.S. every year, with 85% of those between the ages of 12 and 24.

Various studieshave shown that skin conditions — like vitiligo, acne and psoriasis — can be debilitating both physically and mentally, often increasing anxiety and depression. Another study noted that people in their late teens with acne expressed “more depressive symptoms, lower self-attitude, more feelings of uselessness, fewer feelings of pride, lower self-worth, and lower body satisfaction than those without acne.”

There’s a myriad of acne products on the market, often targeting our insecurities. The size of the acne medication market in 2022 was at $9.9 billion, while Statista estimates it will reach $17.5 billion by 2032. 

But sometimes just getting rid of the spots is a temporary fix. Self-acceptance, which doesn’t come easily, can be a more effective tool.

HuffPost spoke to people who struggled with acne and acceptance to learn the different ways their skin condition affected them, and how they got through it. 

“My biggest advice to others is to seek help as early as possible.”

“I felt very insecure about my skin and I used to hate taking photos. It didn’t stop me from enjoying school or extracurricular activities, but it did make me feel much more self-conscious and negatively affected my self-esteem. 

“Interestingly I didn’t feel judged by others, but I felt judged by myself. I wanted clear skin like most of my peers and I tried many different OTC products to ‘treat’ it, only to make it worse. I specifically remember going to a dermatologist for acne. It felt somewhat frivolous and fluffy, like I should be worried about things that actually ‘mattered’ and not acne. However, I remember going to a dermatologist and having a dedicated conversation about my acne and all the available treatments. He acknowledged my acne, validated my concerns, and actually came up with a very precise treatment plan. I remember feeling justified and reassured. It sounds silly, but I felt heard and it made an impact. 

“There are so many effective treatments for acne, and they work incredibly well for the most part. The only treatment that really worked for me was Accutane, and I needed to take it twice. And I still have acne flares occasionally, but it’s much more manageable. My biggest advice to others is to seek help as early as possible. It’s much easier to manage earlier on and you can avoid deep acne scars that are very difficult to treat, so go see a board-certified dermatologist if it’s been bothering you. You don’t have to live with acne if you don’t want to.” — Dr. David Kim, board-certified dermatologist at IDRISS Dermatology in New York City

“I know I am not alone in this. These are the same sentiments I hear being echoed by my patients in-clinic, on a daily basis.”

As a teenager, my skin problems caused a world of pain. I was about 12 years old when my acne started. Sadly it developed around the same time as a bereavement, which resulted in my personal circumstances changing. In the space of a few short weeks, I was suddenly confronted with bereavement, a new school in an unfamiliar place, and trying to make friends, all whilst having dreadful acne. I was painfully shy and it was hard. I didn’t want people to look at me. All I could see in the mirror were my spots. My eyes would not catch the normal skin between them. They disgusted me and I was certain that anyone who looked at me would feel the same. Unsurprisingly, I didn’t make many friends.

“As an adult with acne, spots continue to evoke shame, embarrassment and feelings of inadequacy. It also generates anger: ‘I should have grown out of this by now!’ In meetings, you wonder if others are taking you seriously when inside you feel like a spotty teenager. Or, if your skin is bad enough, you cancel the meetings altogether for fear of being looked at or, worse still, judged. I know I am not alone in this. These are the same sentiments I hear being echoed by my patients in-clinic, on a daily basis. Acne can have profound effects on self-esteem and confidence.

“It was this personal firsthand experience of acne and how it can affect one’s mental health that led me to specialize in the treatment of acne. I know what it’s like to be in my patient’s shoes and I’m passionate about treating acne before it scars, which is much harder to treat.” — Dr. Anjali Mahto,consultant dermatologist at Self London

“My struggle has made me understand that it’s only human of me and how my skin looks doesn’t define me as a person.”

“I remember I started getting acne very early, as soon as I turned 13. It wasn’t severe in the beginning, but within a year, my face was full of painful cystic acne all over it, and suddenly that was the only thing people noticed about me wherever I’d go. From name-calling in my own house to visiting different dermatologists and ‘experts’ for wild advice, it was simply traumatic. 

“The most difficult part was dealing with unsolicited opinions from people who weren’t even aware of the root cause but were always ready with tips that I never asked for. Even visiting dermatologists wasn’t very helpful, as most of them would put me on hardcore treatments, which would only make it worse. I remember I slowly started isolating myself and started making excuses for being home. I remember breaking down in front of my parents on multiple occasions just so that I could skip school on my worst days.

“After fighting severe cystic acne for almost two years, I started doing my own research just to understand my skin better. ... Slowly, the condition improved. Almost 10 years down the line, I’m a content creator talking about beauty. While I still get a little conscious if someone talks about my skin (even good comments) and getting frequent breakouts as acne in most cases is chronic, my struggle has made me understand that it’s only human of me and how my skin looks doesn’t define me as a person.” — Yashwant Singh, content creator, @yashwantsngh

 “Don’t let acne control your life.”

While my acne didn’t keep me from doing daily activities as a teen, it made me feel self-conscious. I was constantly worrying about what others were thinking of me. I remember I would always compare myself to others, whether they were friends or other people my age, basically asking why they weren’t struggling with this in the same way I was. So, in a way, I think I was judging myself. My confidence was impacted in a way I wasn’t expecting. I simply didn’t want to bring attention to myself but rather wanted to blend in. I know I wanted to try anything and everything to get rid of my acne because it started to become a defining feature for me, which I absolutely hated.

“The way I overcame these feelings was by reminding myself that this wasn’t the end of the world. I had to remember that I wasn’t the only one struggling with acne, especially as a teenager. Also having support was very important.

“For anyone struggling with acne, I know how difficult it can be to in the mirror and think that there’s no way it can get better, but it can. I’m now 28, and aside from the occasional blemish, I no longer struggle with acne. Surround yourself with a good support system and continue to do things that bring you joy. Don’t let acne control your life.” — David Triana, public relations consultant in Orlando, Flοrida 

“A reminder: Not everything you see online is a reality at all.”

“I felt majorly insecure. I was young, and in the early years of middle school, I was consistently late making sure my makeup was right. As I grew up, I became more and more limited, never leaving the house without makeup and never letting anyone see my bare skin.

“I felt judged in so many ways, I felt like people thought I was dirty or just didn’t take care of myself. People would stare and make remarks about my skin and I felt really excluded. I felt like people just avoided me where they could because of my skin, and it was so debilitating.

“Overcoming these feelings came after I started taking pictures of my skin and posting about it. Finding a community that was open and welcoming and seeing other people who looked like me on my socials was a big help — it made it feel more normal, less different and more included. Realizing acne is so normal and widely experienced really helped shift my perspective of it being a bad thing.

“And a reminder: Not everything you see online is a reality at all. I feel my generation has so much pressure to look a certain way 24/7, which isn’t possible. It’s OK to have skin problems, and it’s OK to just be YOU in whatever capacity that looks like!” — Abigail Collins, content creator, @abis_acne

“These unsolicited comments sometimes get to me.”

“I was so insecure when I first started developing cystic hormonal acne. It’s been something that subconsciously has been holding me back from enjoying events, going out and creating content as much as I wanted to, especially since I’m in the skin care niche on social media. Someone is constantly asking, ‘Why isn’t your skin clear when you use so many products?’ These unsolicited comments sometimes get to me. I feel judged and embarrassed for the condition of my skin. 

“But I’m slowly figuring things out, including how to ignore unsolicited advice and stop questioning the condition of my skin and whether my acne will ever improve. Instead, I’m focusing on being present and being more mindful instead of having negative thoughts, and also stepping away from the mirror and friendships that bring me down. All these things have helped change my perspective.” — Abby Rose Maureen, content creator, @abbyrosemaureen

“I feel like my struggle with acne shaped who I am today.”

“I struggled with acne on my face and back throughout high school and in college. It’s been quite a journey, to say the least. At first, it took a toll on my self-esteem. I felt like people were constantly staring at my skin instead of seeing me for who I am. It made me feel judged and self-conscious in social situations, and even simple tasks like changing my shirt during gym class or swimming with friends became stressful. I would make sure my back was against a wall while changing my shirt to ensure no one could see my back. I was also the only one to wear a swim shirt when swimming with friends to hide my back acne. 

“Overcoming these feelings wasn’t easy. I started by understanding that acne is an issue many people struggle with. I spoke to dermatologists about medical treatments, and my skin slowly improved. Beyond medical treatments, I found that self-acceptance was crucial. I realized that my worth shouldn’t be defined by the state of my skin. I began to surround myself with only supportive friends and family who didn’t judge me based on my acne which was out of my control. Today, I still get some acne breakouts, but I no longer let it affect my self-esteem.

“Through my journey, I learned the importance of perseverance and self-acceptance. I feel like my struggle with acne shaped who I am today. I never judge people by their appearance, because I know what it feels like. I enjoy sharing my acne story to help others know they’re not alone and that they will get through it just like I did!” — Vin Cirisano, content creator, @sirisano

Looking for acne solutions? Check out these picks below.

HuffPost and its publishing partners may receive a commission from some purchases made via links on this page. Every item is independently curated by the HuffPost Shopping team. Prices and availability are subject to change.

Large patches for on-the-surface acne
Large patches for on-the-surface acne


Large patches for on-the-surface acne

Target rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars

When you want a patch that will cover a larger surface area, these non-drying hydrocolloid patches by Rael can do the trick. Designed to gently draw out pus and impurities from surfaced blemishes like whiteheads and pustules, these stickers feature seamless tapered edges and a contoured design that works for areas like the nose, chin, cheeks or forehead. This pack includes 10 patches.

Promising Target review: "I don't break out much usually, but I got some bad cystic acne on my chin the other day (pretty sure it was stress acne rip). But I got these yesterday, and after 2 patches (one overnight, one in the day), it's basically all gone! They stay on very well and weren't too noticeable imo (I have fair skin, they are translucent white, so that probably won't be the case deeper skintones). I just have one small, mostly flat bump left that I could probably knock out with a single microneedle patch. These seriously work! :D" – emy

$11.99 at Amazon

$11.99 at Target

$12 at Revolve

Hydrocolloid patches infused with calming ingredients
Hydrocolloid patches infused with calming ingredients


Hydrocolloid patches infused with calming ingredients

Amazon rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars

These thin and transparent hydrocolloid patches claim to shrink surfaced zits overnight and come infused with redness-reducing calendula and tea tree to minimize swelling along with centella asiatica, an ingredient popular in K-beauty products for reducing redness and irritation. The pack comes with 40 patches in three assorted sizes to cover blemishes big or small.

Promising Amazon review: "I love this brand! I have tried all their products- the variety of sizes they offer are wonderful for different needs. I was moving 2 weeks ago and between the stress, dust and sweat both my cheeks broke out- I used the xl patches and it took care of those clusters overnight! I’m 46 so I definitely don’t get as many pimples as I used to (aside from when I’m moving) but as a professional woman having a breakout is embarrassing. I love that these take care of my blemishes right away. My son is 10 and just starting to get an occasional blemish- he also loves these and they work. My niece is 19 and she loves them too! Great for all ages and stages of skin breakouts. Definitely recommend this product and this brand as being reliable and very effective! It’s my go to!" – Laura

$8.49 at Amazon

A sulfuric liquid acne patch
A sulfuric liquid acne patch


A sulfuric liquid acne patch

Ulta rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars

Unlike traditional acne patches, this sulfur-based treatment applies as a liquid and transforms into a lipid-based, skin-mimicking film that appears invisible, yet offers a breathable barrier that protects pimples and allows them to heal. In addition to 5% colloidal sulfur, Dermalogica's liquid patch contains niacinamide to reduce redness and fade post-breakout marks, as well as camphor intended to help soothe any zit-related discomfort.

Promising Ulta review: "I have very sensitive and acne prone skin and i have tried so many spot treatments and have gone through numerous pimple patches. This stuff makes sure deep underground pimples never reach the surface. I would say depending on the size of the pimple this product eliminates it in just a few days. Awsome product!" – mya

$34 at Ulta

$34 at Dermstore

$34 at Skinstore

Extra strength pimple patches for early-stage zits
Extra strength pimple patches for early-stage zits


Extra strength pimple patches for early-stage zits

Amazon rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars

For fast-acting blemish healing, these extra strength patches by ZitSticka are specifically formulated to heal deep-rooted pimples before they've had the chance to surface. They offer self-dissolving microdarts to deliver acne-fighting ingredients like 2% salicylic acid, niacinamide and peptides, which can help promote wound healing and skin health. This pack comes with four patches.

Promising Amazon reviews: "Totally recommend this product, specially if you have a big pimple/cyst coming out. I placed it overnight and the next day the pimple was flat." — noemi flores

"I have normally used one of the salicylic acid and sulfur concoctions on the blemishes you can feel coming under the skin. Works well, though messy and smelly. These patches from ZitSticka serve the same function but without the mess or the smell! They work within a few hours to reduce or eliminate that coming blemish." — Pupspicacious

$18 at Amazon

$18 at Ulta

$18 at ZitSticka

Microdart patches for deep blemishes
Microdart patches for deep blemishes


Microdart patches for deep blemishes

Amazon and Ulta rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars

This highly rated patch that also uses a microdart delivery system is made by Peach Slices, another well-known K-beauty brand. These nine fast-acting patches each have 176 microdarts containing actives like salicylic acid, tea tree and niacinamide, which can help quell inflammation and fade post-mark scarring. These patches are ideal for early-stage blemishes or for pimples that are deep below the surface of the skin.

Promising Amazon review: "These are great when you catch the pimple at the early stage- the ones that are just becoming painful and red, but haven't come to full fruition yet. Use these little suckers ( make sure to press on it for at least 15 seconds when applying) and usually the next day the guy is much smaller or almost gone. Love them- they are a staple in my beauty routine." — Samantha F.

$8.88 at Amazon

$8.99 at Ulta

$8.88 at Walmart

Assorted acne patches from a beloved K-beauty brand
Assorted acne patches from a beloved K-beauty brand


Assorted acne patches from a beloved K-beauty brand

Amazon rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Made by the same brand that brought us the viral and skin-transforming snail mucin essence, these assorted-sized patches by Cosrx are made with hydrocolloid to create an ideal level of moisture for accelerating recovery while also preventing the acne area from scarring.

Promising Amazon review: "This is my go to pimple patch. I have been using it for many years and always have extra in the house. I usually put it overnight on clean skin( no toners ) and leave it there. It’s not water proof but if you use it on your body you can totally keep it for couple days and even take shower with it, it won’t come out. Works best if your pimple about to pop or already did and needs a little more drying. Highly recommend!" — Galina B. 

96-count: $13.49 at Amazon

24-count: $6 at Ulta

24-count: $6.77+ at Walmart

An adorable anti-inflammatory zit sticker starter kit
An adorable anti-inflammatory zit sticker starter kit


An adorable anti-inflammatory zit sticker starter kit

Amazon rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars

These cute zit stickers from Starface use their unique star shape to hug more difficult contours of the face, like around the nose and lips, to ensure the best adhesion possible. They are made just using hydrocolloid to absorb fluid, reduce inflammation and shrink spots and come perfectly packaged in this refillable compact, which holds 32 stickers.

Promising Amazon review: "Decided to make the purchase after seeing them advertised. Applied overnight before a formal event and my pimples were flat and less red (like the packaging instructions, I applied after washing my face). Definitely recommend. I even wear these under my mask at work on nightshift. They don’t fall off, just don’t pick at them! 100% will be buying the refills when I run out!" — Jessica Curtis

$14.97 at Amazon

$14.99 at Starface

$14.99 at Target

Subtle-looking hydrocolloid patches
Subtle-looking hydrocolloid patches


Subtle-looking hydrocolloid patches

Ulta rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars

Mighty Patch's original pimple patches are one of the most-purchased patch options on Amazon and promise to blend seamlessly into skin using a translucent matte finish and an ultra-strong adhesion. Each box comes with 36 UV-sterilized and medical-grade hydrocolloid dots that draw out impurities and keep out bacteria.

Promising Ulta review: "I have the type of rosacea that causes acne. Two days before the the most important job interview of my career I had one of the worst breakouts of my life. I put these patches all over my face, went to bed, and woke up the next morning with a dramatic reduction in pustules. My skin looks nearly perfect. Of everything I've tried in the past to treat a flare up these patches stand head and shoulders above all other products. I'm going to make sure I always have some of these on hand from now on." — Jamie

$11.97 at Amazon

$12.99 at Hero Cosmetics

$12.99 at Ulta

Acne healing dots infused with salicylic acid
Acne healing dots infused with salicylic acid


Acne healing dots infused with salicylic acid

Ulta rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars

This 20-pack of acne healing dots are medicated with encapsulated salicylic acid, a highly efficient form of this loved acne-fighting ingredient that deep cleans pores to help treat and prevent new breakouts, without causing excess irritation. The hydrocolloid polymer is also infused with time-honored ingredients like retinol and aloe vera leaf extract for soothing benefits.

Promising Ulta review: "I've used hydrocolloid patches from a well-known K-beauty brand before and was never very impressed with the results. Ordered these Peace Out ones on a whim thinking they were overpriced and probably wouldn't do much but might as well try. This morning I woke up with a huge pimple on my cheek so I decided to test these out and washed my face and stuck one on. First off, they stick super well compared to the other brand I tried. Second, and most importantly, it started absorbing the gunk almost immediately. I took it off after four hours to see the results and my pimple had decreased significantly in size and redness. I applied another one just to be safe but its barely noticeable at this point. Will reach for these in the future!" — Christine

$19 at Sephora

$19 at Ulta

$19 at Peace Out
