Sewing machine beginner? Watch our video guides to learn all you need to know

a woman using a sewing machine to sew fabric
Watch to use your sewing machineDougal Waters - Getty Images

Using a sewing machine is such a great way to get quicker and more professional finishes on your sewing and dressmaking projects. But are you a sewing machine beginner? Look no further – we're going to take you through the basics of how to use a sewing machine through a series of step-by-step beginner guides.

Firstly, we'll show you how to thread your sewing machine – an essential step to learn before you can start sewing! If you're wondering what the best sewing machine thread to buy is, try Gutermann on Amazon.

We'll also show you how to use the foot pedal and all the key sewing machine stitches you'll need to know before you start making beautiful projects. We'll take you through which stitch you should use for which project, and show you what each stitch looks like when it's been sewn on the machine.

And once you build your confidence with the basics of how to use a sewing machine, learn how to use an overlocker sewing machine with our video guide. An overlocker is a great way to get perfect hems on every sewing project, and we'll show you how to set it up and get stitching!

And if you're not sure which sewing machine to invest in, check out our guide to the best sewing machines for beginners.

Happy sewing!

Do you love sewing? Share your creations with us by tagging @primamag in your pictures on Instagram!

How to thread your sewing machine

Before you start your first sewing or dressmaking project, you need to learn how to thread your sewing machine.

It can be a bit fiddly at first, but our video guide takes you through each step, so you're ready to get sewing as quickly as possible!


sewing machine
Hearst Owned

How to use a foot pedal

The next stage on your sewing machine journey is learning how to use the foot pedal. Although a lot of modern sewing machines have a start/stop button too, most sewers prefer the control of using the foot pedal.

Get to grips with it by watching our beginner's video guide.


hands using a sewing machine and showing how to use a foot pedal
Hearst Owned

Learn the basic sewing machine stitches

It's time to learn how to use the stitches on your sewing machine – and which stitch is required for the different parts of your project.

Our video guide takes you through all the basic stitches, including straight stitch, back stitch and hem stitching.


sewing machine stitches
Hearst Owned

How to use an overlocker sewing machine

A lot of sewers find an overlocker machine a really useful tool to get perfectly neat hems every time, that will never unravel.

Once you know what you're doing, an overlocker machine is pretty easy to use – check out our video guide to get started using yours.


hands stitching using an overlocker on a sewing machine
Hearst Owned

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