The ‘Science-Backed 7-Minute Workout’ Is Doing the Rounds Again, but Will It Actually Boost Your Fitness?
A workout that will ‘get you fit’ in just seven minutes. ‘It’s real—and backed by science!’ some media outlets claim.
Well, if it’s backed by science, it must be legit, right? Surely it’s not just another over-promising, under-delivering blast of fitness hot air to swindle January new year resolutionaries?
Let’s take a look.
What is the 7-Minute Workout?
Billed as the ‘do-it-all’ workout that promises to build strength, endurance (and even confidence!) using just your bodyweight in less than 10 minutes, the 7-minute workout was developed and researched in 2013 by exercise physiologist Chris Jordan – the study featuring the workout was published in the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health and Fitness Journal. So, when you read the headline ‘backed by science’, there is some truth to it.
The workout itself is made up of 12 familiar bodyweight exercises, each performed in 30-second intervals, with just 5–10 seconds of rest between each exercise. The goal is to go hard on each movement, aiming for an 8/10 on the RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) scale, and pushing through to complete all movement intervals in under 7 minutes.
The movements include:
Jumping jacks
Wall sit
Abdominal crunches
Step-ups on a chair
Triceps dips on a chair
High knees running in place
Push-ups with rotation
Side planks
Does the 7-Minute Workout Work?
I’m going to be really clear from the start: we think all movement is good movement. That is, all movement that doesn’t cause harm.
The universal conflation of movement with exercise, and exercise with training in the gym (or worse still, weight loss), might just be one of the most harmful things to ever happen to our health.
We should all be moving – moving against resistance and moving rigorously in ways that elevate our heart rate – and we should be doing it often. If you believe that your ability to get fit relies solely on having gym access or regularly practising rigid, hour-long exercise routines, you could be setting yourself up to fail.
Move, move often, and move in ways that are sustainable for your lifestyle, cool?
With that being said, the question the 7-minute workout presents (when you’re being promised that it will ‘get you fit’) is: fit for what? How fit? And for how long?
The research behind the protocol is based on the idea that participants in the study were able to get the same benefits of regular, longer exercise from frequent, shorter workouts, i.e., seven minutes. And to be honest, if you have no specific fitness, physique, or strength goals, this could well be true, especially if you’re starting from a fairly sedentary position.
Using the RPE/effort scale means you’ll be working at the same intensity, but hopefully increasing the amount of work you can do in the same time as your fitness improves. By definition, this means you’re getting fitter, so in that regard, yes, the 7-minute workout works.
If you’re starting from scratch, are short on time, or just need something small and accessible to get started, the 7-minute workout could well be your gateway drug into the wider world of exercise.
BUT (you knew it was coming), if you have ambitions of building a Spartan-like physique, running a marathon – or even a fast 5k – or deadlifting double your bodyweight, the 7-minute workout probably isn’t going to cut it. Especially if you already have some background in exercise.
This isn’t to say short workouts don’t work – we love them – it’s just to say that for more specific goals, a more deliberate approach is required. One that may involve training for longer, with more variety, more specificity, or with more resistance than your own bodyweight can provide.
With that in mind, here are some of our favourite short workouts, plans, and routines, whether you have 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes to spare.
And remember, a short workout you actually do will always beat the longer one you skip because you didn’t have time.
Best 10 Minute Workouts
Use This 10 Minute Arm Finisher Twice Per Week To Supercharge Your Bicep and Tricep Gains
Try This 10-Minute Fat-Arm Finisher From Our Big Arms Bolt-On Plan
This 10-Minute Kettlebell Flow Builds Strength, Skill & Stamina
Best 15-Minute Workouts
Build Stronger Arms in 2025 With This 15-Minute Dumbbell Arm Workout
Crush Your Legs in 15 Minutes with This Three-move Dumbbell Workout
This 15-Minute Leg Workout is Perfect For Busy Men Looking For Leg Growth
Build Broader Shoulders, Stronger Legs and a Bigger Chest in 15-Minutes and Two Moves
This 15-Minute Bodyweight 'Giant Set' Workout Will Score You a Huge Upper-body Pump
Two Dumbbells, Three Moves and 15 Minutes For a Massive Full-Body Burn
Two Dumbbells,15 Minutes and 115 Reps Are All You Need for Serious Leg Day Gains
Best 20-Minute Workouts
Short on Time? Smash Leg Day in 20 Minutes with This Intense Lower Body Workout
Try Arnold Schwarzenegger's 20-minute, 7-move Full-body Workout
The Ultimate 20-Minute Upper-Body Workout (With Built-In Progressions)
This 20-minute EMOM Workout Builds Muscle and Boosts Fitness
This 20 Minute Kettlebell Only Leg Workout Builds Explosive Lower Body Power
One Dumbbell, Four Moves and 20 Minutes Is All You Need for a Total-body Workout
This Dumbbell Interval Workout Packs a Full-Body Punch in Just 25 Minutes
Best 30-Minute Workouts
Add Size to Your Back & Biceps in Just 30-Minutes with This High-Intensity ‘Pull’ Workout
Build Explosive Strength with This 30-Minute Full-Body Kettlebell Workout
Our 30 Minute Hyrox EMOM Workout Will Boost Your Skills and Fitness
The FB:30 Method Delivers Full Body Gains in 30 Minutes Using Just Dumbbells
This 30-Minute (No Bench) Dumbbell Workout Is All You Need for a Full-Body Blast
Build Size and Strength in 30 Minutes with This 3-Day Workout Dumbbell Plan
This Three-Day Workout Plan Builds Full-Body Muscle in 30 Minutes
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