How Saturn Retrograde will affect all zodiac signs, according to an astrologer

saturn retrograde 2024 all zodiac signs affected
What to expect from Saturn Retrograde 2024 Hearst Owned

Saturn is stationing retrograde in Pisces from the 29thof June until the 15th of November, encouraging you to hit pause on the treadmill of life, catch your breath and take a hot minute to ask yourself: What am I exhausting myself for? Am I really honouring my dreams, desires, and heart-led ambitions?

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed, overworked, hindered by responsibility or simply lacking motivation each morning, then listen up. This astrological transit is the ideal opportunity to reconnect with your core values to help you to build stronger foundations for future success.

First, let’s get clear about what ‘retrograde’ actually means. Generally, the word relays the concept of ‘moving backwards’. However, when it comes to astrology then it’s not quite as literal. After all, behemoths such as Jupiter and Uranus, and even the less impressive planets such as Mercury and Mars, cannot ‘reverse’ in their steady, ancient orbit of the Sun.

Instead, retrograde motion is an optical illusion caused by the relative positions and movements of Earth and the other planets.

Imagine you are on a train, which in this case in Earth, and the track is the ‘orbit’ – aka the gravitational pull from which it cannot deviate. You pull up next to another train, on a parallel track. As your train speeds up and passes the other, the slower train appears to move backwards, even though it’s still moving forward.

This is similar to retrograde motion in astrology. When Earth ‘overtakes’ a slower-moving outer planet in its orbit, that planet appears to move backward in the sky.

In this case, Saturn will only look like it’s moving backwards. During its retrograde – which happens every year, for about four and a half months at a time – the ringed planet will seem to retrace its path in the sky.

So, what does that mean for us? Retrogrades tend to get a bad rap, thanks in large part to Mercury. We all know the eyeroll-inducing announcement that ‘Mercury is in the microwave again’, since this is the planet to station retrograde most frequently, and during its periods of retrograde, there seems to be an increase in technological issues, crossed wires, misunderstandings and missed flights. After all, it is the planet of communication.

And whilst yes, while the spiritual community does believe that retrogrades can create delays and pauses, there is so much more depth to these ancient astrological occurrences.

You may notice there are a lot of ‘re’ words coming up: ‘retrograde, retrace, reverse’… and this is because focusing on the ‘Re’s are essential during a retrograde. This is, in fact, how we use retrogrades to our absolute benefit.

In astrology, a retrograde period is seen as a time for reflection, revisiting old issues, and reassessing the areas of life ruled by the retrograde planet.

And what does Saturn rule?

Structure. Discipline. Boundaries, regulations and the systems we must enforce so our hard work pays off. Saturn is the Lord of Time and reminds us of the importance of patience and long-term planning. When Saturn is involved, some kind of caution is advised.

If that sounds… boring, well, fair enough. ‘Serious Saturn’ is considered one of the more oppressive planets and yes, it’s a complete fun-sponge compared to a benevolent planet such as life-of-the-party Jupiter, or pleasure-seeking Venus.

However, Saturn has a job to do, and this is to present you with the challenges necessary to step up, take responsibility and start ‘adulting’ (incidentally, this is what your Saturn Return is all about and why it generates so many groans. Time to get real, kids!).

And whilst Saturn can bring about difficult situations that test our resolve and endurance, the benefit of this is that we emerge stronger, wiser and more mature. This is why Saturn is also related to success, ambition and our career.

Saturn will be retrograde in Pisces from 29th June to 15th November. Pisces is the sign of the dual fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the spiritual concept of ‘as above, so below’ (in the Heavens, so on Earth). Saturn struggles in Pisces. It wants firm ground on which to lay concrete foundations, and the ephemeral, constantly shifting shores of water-sign Pisces are far from solid.

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Saturn retrograde in Pisces, however, offers an opportunity to revisit and refine our spiritual practices and creative endeavours. It encourages us to reflect on insecurities and boundaries that we enforce on ourselves, enabling us to build inner resilience and turn our dreams into achievable plans. Sounds pretty good, right?

This is the idea time to:

Re-evaluate your Responsibilities.

Reflect on current obligations and commitments. Are you taking on too much responsibility? Have you been avoiding it? Are you actually putting way too much effort into things that don’t resonate with your values? Time to switch things up.

Revisit your Long-Term Goals

Examine your long-term plans and ambitions. Are they still aligned with your true purpose? How have you transformed since that last mood board you made? It could be time to make some adjustment to factor in the person you’re becoming. Remember Saturn is also linked to our professional life, so reflect on your career path and change direction if necessary.

Reflect on your Boundaries and Limits

What boundaries you have set in your life? Are they truly serving your best interests? Most importantly, where do you intuitively feel you need a healthy change? Don’t be surprised if you realise your current boundaries aren’t quite supporting what you really want from life. In which case…

Rework Structures and Systems

Analyse the existing systems and structures in your personal and professional life. How do you go about your day? How do you manage you time? What do you prioritise? This is a time to reflect on your life’s journey and the lessons you are meant to learn.

Reassess your approach to Discipline and Patience

Work on developing greater self-discipline. Cultivate patience and long-term perseverance – this is a marathon, not a sprint. Use this retrograde to set realistic goals for your creative projects, turning dreams into structured plans for the future.

Horoscopes for Saturn retrograde in Pisces

Read for your Sun sign and your Rising Sign if you know it.


This Saturn retrograde is asking you to get spiritual, Aries. Take time to reflect on your hidden fears. What insecurities can you work on healing during this retrograde which will then give you the strength to reassess your long-term goals? If this means carving out time to retreat, then shift the current systems in your life so you can do just this. Time alone to process will work wonders. Restructuring your approach to solitude and mental health will help set a solid foundation for your future.


Saturn is putting your social circle in the spotlight, Taurus. Use this retrograde to focus on reassessing your friendships and social networks. Are they supporting you? Are you giving too much or too little time to particular people or groups? Reflect on your long-term aspirations and how they align with your values. You might want to revise your involvement in group activities, ensuring they truly resonate with your heart's desires.


Saturn's retrograde journey through your 10th house of career invites you to take a closer look at your professional ambitions, Gemini. This is a key time to reflect on your public image and revise your goals. What professional opportunities are reappearing that now offer you a chance to do things differently? Equally, reassessing your work-life balance, and making the necessary changes, will help you achieve sustainable success.


Saturn’s retrograde could you have reflecting on the walls you’ve erected that hinder you from expanding your horizons. Where have you limited yourself when it comes to travel or education? Have you been feeling the itchy feet of wanderlust, or had an intuitive desire to take a course, gain another qualification or embark on a journey as a teacher yourself? Cancer, this is a wonderful chance to return to education or revisit a travel plan, whilst also revising your long-term vision and ensuring that your pursuit of knowledge aligns with your true purpose.


This Saturn retrograde could feel pretty profound and deep Leo, because it is retracing its path through your 8th house of transformation, shared resources, intimacy, and the mysteries of life and death. This is a key time to reflect on your approach to romantic and sexual intimacy, as well as financial partnerships. Do you need to create stronger boundaries for your mental health? Or have you been hiding behind the parapet of emotional protection and now it’s time to let down the drawbridge of vulnerability and allow people in? Be gentle with yourself and allow necessary changes to happen, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.


With Saturn retrograding in your 7th house of relationships, it's time to focus on your close partnerships and attitude to love, Virgo. What are your boundaries like in relationships? Are you constantly going above and beyond, or making excuses for people? Do you close yourself off from real connections due to a lack of trust? Or perhaps your happy relationship could benefit from carving out more time to honour your commitment to one another – in which case, use this retrograde to restructure your attitude to quality time!


As Saturn appears to reverse through the area of your chart related to your health, job and daily schedules, it’s time to reconsider your attitude towards your routines and work habits. Are you working in a way that benefits the person you aspire to become and that aligns with your values? Libra, can you restructure your day or reassess your work-life balance to feel happier and more purpose-driven? This is also a pivotal point to reflect on your health practices to enhance your overall well-being. What needs to be readdressed in order to create longevity and increase vitality, and how can you get enthusiastic about these changes?


Saturn's retrograde in your 5th house highlights the need to reflect on your creative expressions and romantic relationships, Scorpio. Revisit your hobbies and sources of joy. Do you carve enough time to let your inner artist flourish? Is there a pastime or interest you’d like to focus on – dancing, poetry, painting, design – which helps feed your soul and is an outlet for your talents? Revising your approach to self-expression could be a game changer.


Don’t be surprised if Saturn retrograde brings up a desire (or, in fact, a need) to reassess your home life and family dynamics, Sagi. What is your current approach to self-care? Are the systems you live by allowing for enough rest, recuperation and nourishment? You may also reflect on your emotional foundations and sense of security, which can bring a desire to reconnect with your family and your roots to gain a deeper understanding of your own motivations in life.


This Saturn retrograde is the perfect chance to reflect on your communication style and the way you share ideas, Cap. Would you like to have more confidence in the way you write or articulated yourself? Would you like to take on more responsibility or authority in your community? Is it time to restructure your approach in order to make more time for a project that sparks your curiosity? This transit can also highlight intellectual pursuits, and you may find it’s the ideal time to go ‘back to school’ to help lay the foundation for long-term success in the future.


Saturn's retrograde journey through your 2nd house urges you to reflect on your financial situation and attitude to money, Aquarians. It’s an important time to re-evaluate your approach to money management and material possessions. Is it time for a huge declutter? Has a ‘lack’ mindset or fears about financial security been hindering you from making decisions that align with your long-term plans? Could this be time to invest in yourself? Restructuring your financial goals and working to improve your self-confidence will help you build a solid foundation for future success and prosperity.


With Saturn retrograding in your sign, the focus is on your personal identity and self-image, Pisces. If the last six months have felt like you’ve been slogging away and putting in the hard work, you’ll likely find that your diligence will be rewarded, and you may receive praise for your efforts. This is now a time to halt on the hustle and revise your goals. Do they still align with your true self? Do you want to step up and approach the world differently, or consider changing where you focus your responsibilities? Restructuring your approach to self-care and personal growth during this period will lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life ahead!

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