Sarah Hyland shared the best body-positive Instagram post

Photo credit: Rodin Eckenroth - Getty Images
Photo credit: Rodin Eckenroth - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Despite having to deal with some difficult changes to her body, Sarah Hyland always remains positive. Unfortunately, she was born with a chronic illness called kidney dysplasia, which meant that her kidneys were unable to fully develop.

Because of this, the 29-year-old had to undergo a kidney transplant back in 2012 - something she's been very open about sharing with her 6.9 million followers.

As well as her surgery, Sarah has had to take various different medications to help support her kidney, some of which have caused nasty side effects.

Hyland has candidly spoken about how she'd suffered from hair loss and now, she's taken to Instagram to share some thoughts about how incredibly resilient her body is.

Sarah can be seen wearing her gym gear and she looks (as always) amazing, but admitted she didn't feel that way when she first saw the photo...

"To my fellow #invisibleillness warriors. It’s ok to be insecure about your body. Just remember to check in with yourself at least once a day and say thank you. Our bodies have endured unfathomable feats that our minds barely have time to comprehend what has actually happened."

"With inflammation, excess water gain, and medications, my skin has a hard time bouncing back. I saw this picture and HATED it but quickly readjusted my attitude and decided to celebrate it. Love yourself and be patient. We are all stronger than we think we are."

It's definitely a message we can (and should) all get behind.

Follow Gabrielle on Instagram.

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