Sally Kirkland was 'obsessed' with Bob Dylan

Sally Kirkland owes her Hollywood success to being "obsessed" with Bob Dylan.

The '80 for Brady' actress was working as a waitress in New York when she first crossed paths with the folk singer in the 1960s, and even though he was married to Sara Lownds, she decided to relocate to Los Angeles shortly after the 'Like a Rolling Stone' hitmaker did in an attempt to get closer to him.

She admitted to "I fell in love with him the second I saw him perform on stage. I was 22 at the time. I was working as a waitress at Café Figaro in New York.

"Bob was singing at venues around Greenwich Village with Joan Baez...

"When Bob moved to LA in 72, I was living in New York City still, working as a stage actress.

"I said to myself, 'I am not going to stop until I am with him.' So, I moved too.."

Within months of moving, Sally quickly found herself cast in movies and TV shows and began to forge connections with people in Bob's immediate network.

She said: "Bob's best friend was Louis Kemp and I was very close friends with Louis' sister, Sharon Kemp, who also grew up with Bob

"Sharon told me, 'If you make me your manager, I will get you together with Bob.' So, obviously, I did."

Following Sally's divorce from first husband Michael and the demise of Bob's marriage to Sara, the pair connected and regularly discussed spirituality.

She said: "When I was just divorced from my husband Michael and he was legally separated from Sara, I used to send Bob the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness newspaper.

"I believe in life after life. I believe that I have had five lifetimes with Bob,' Kirkland tells 'I told Bob this once and he agreed with me."

But it took some time for their relationship to turn romantic, and they then enjoyed an on/off relationship for several decades.

Sally said: "I didn't get romantic with Bob until I was in my 30's. When we started dating, I finally got to tell him what I had been waiting to tell him since I was 22 years old, which was how I felt about him.

"We got together in the late 70's, had another affair in the mid 80's and then another one in the 90's."

The 'Anna' actress - who also enjoyed a brief fling with Robert De Niro - hasn't seen Bob for over 20 years but she still considers him "the love of [her] life".

She said:" I haven’t seen Bob in many years now and I haven't talked to him in a very long time. I miss him very, very much...

"I was obsessed, Oh God yeah. He is the reason I am single and is definitely the love of my life."