Confused by training jargon and paces? Just use our simple Runner's World training pace calculator

Train too hard, and you'll probably burn out or get injured. Train too easy and you simply won't make the most of your potential - though hey, that's perfectly okay too! But if you do want to try and get faster and bust out some PBs, then you do also need to know how hard to push on hard sessions - and then how easy to take it on easy runs. Training by heart rate is one good way of getting it right (see the links at the bottom of the page). Using this calculator is another.

By telling us a recent race length and time, we'll calculate roughly how fast you should be running in each area of your training, to ensure you're training to your full potential. Of course, it should go without saying this is just a rough guide and can't take into account important other factors like hills, heat, how much sleep you've got and if you are well fuelled, so don't treat these numbers as a prescriptive guide. It's really important to listen to your body and run on feel too. Some times just feel better than others! However, as a very rough guide, it can be useful to know what to aim for - or what to slow down to - when you need it.

How to use the training pace calculator:

It's very simple, just tap in a recent race time and press 'calculate'.

The calculator will automatically show what sorts of speeds you should run the different components of a training week at (though don't do them all in one week...!)

What do the different runs in the training pace calculator mean?

Easy runs

Almost without exception, top coaches and exercise physiologists believe that most runners should do 80-90 per cent of their weekly training at an easy run pace (and this includes your long runs). Easy running builds your aerobic fitness, and your muscular and skeletal strength. And taking the easy runs properly easy, helps you recover better in order to be ready for those harder workouts.

Tempo runs

Tempo runs help improve your running economy and your running form. They are sometimes described as 'threshold' or 'hard but controlled' runs, and they will help you prepare for all races, whether you are aiming for a fast 5k or 10K all the way up to the marathon. Tempo sessions generally fall into one of two categories: steady runs of 2 to 6 miles; or longer intervals at tempo pace with short recoveries. Here's an example of the latter: 4 x 1 mile at tempo run pace, with 2 minutes of recovery jogging between efforts. You should do tempo runs no more than once a week, and they should make up no more than 10 to 15 per cent of your total training. Though the pace should feel 'comfortably hard' not absolutely flat out, they are still a hard session and the recovery period from them should be respected.

VO2-max runs

VO2-max training helps you improve your running economy and your racing sharpness. V02 max sessions - or 'intervals' at this pace - are most useful when you are preparing for races at the shorter end of the spectrum, though anything up to a half marathon will benefit. Generally, VO2 max pace is something people can only sustain up to about 10 minutes.

Here's an example of a good VO2-max workout: 6 x 800 metres at VO2-max pace with 4 to 6 minutes of recovery jogging between efforts. You should do VO2-max workouts no more than once a week, and they should make up no more than 6 to 10 per cent of your total training. When you run these workouts, you are running at or near 100 per cent of your maximum oxygen capacity, which scientists call VO2-max.

Speed-form runs

Speed-form workouts help you improve your running economy, form and leg speed. These are also interval sessions, tailored to help you prepare for races of 800 metres to 5K. Here's an example of a good speed-form workout: 8 x 400 metres at speed-form pace with 3 to 4 minutes of recovery jogging between efforts. You should do speed-form sessions no more than once a week, and they should make up no more than 4 to 8 per cent of your total training.

Yasso 800s

Yasso 800s are an invention of Runner's World US writer Bart Yasso, who has run more than 50 marathons and ultramarathons. They're simple: if you want to run a marathon in 2:45, 3:29 or 4:11, you should train to the point where you can run 10 repetitions of 800 metres in the same time: 2:45, 3:29 or 4:11. The only difference is that your marathon time is hours:minutes and your 800 time is minutes:seconds. It should be noted that you shouldn't take this too seriously as a marathon race time predictor - but it's certainly a great workout.

Bart suggests doing Yasso 800s once a week as part of your marathon training. Start with perhaps 4 x 800 and build up to 10 x 800. Between the 800s, take a recovery jog that lasts as long as your 800s. A good Yasso 800 workout: 6 x 800m at Yasso pace with recovery jogs between the 800s.

Long runs

Long runs form the foundation of all marathon training programs - they build everything from your confidence to your discipline to your fat-burning. So, even when you're not training for a specific marathon, it's a good idea to do at least one semi-long run a week. Because long runs are done at a relaxed pace, there's great latitude in how fast you actually run. In general, we believe that slower is better than faster. Let your long runs be your slow runs, and save your legs for other days of the week when you might do tempo runs or maximum-oxygen runs. But there are a thousand theories about how to do long runs, none of which have yet been proven superior to the others. The important thing is building up the distance and training your body to keep going for however long your race is going to take you.

What does this all mean?

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When it comes to putting this all together into a training plan, whether you're following one or building your own, it's important not to overdo your training. To get a general idea of what you should be running each week, follow these basic rules:

How often should I do 'hard days'?

We recommend that most beginner and intermediate runners do just two hard days a week. More advanced runners can do three hard days if they're careful.

Each of the following is a hard-day workout: tempo runs, VO2-max sessions, speed-form workouts, Yasso 800s, long runs.

Please note there that long runs - even at an easy pace - are still a 'hard' day because of the amount of 'time on feet' that will fatigue your body and your muscles.

What should I do on 'easy days'?

A hard session should usually be followed by one or (even better) two easy day sessions. Easy days can include rest days and cross-training days.

How many 'rest days' should I have per week?

Most beginner and intermediate runners should run no more than 4 to 6 days a week. We recommend one or two rest days, when you do no training at all (or just take a relaxed 30-minute walk) and one or two cross-training days.

What are the best cross-training exercises for runners?

The world of cross-training has expanded dramatically in recent years. While research indicates that cross-training probably won't make you a faster runner, it can certainly make you a stronger and healthier and less injury-prone runner. Runners do best with cross-training exercises that are non-weight-bearing. This includes swimming and aqua-running, strength-training, cycling and rowing. We also like non-impact exercises, which include nordic skiing, elliptical training and step climbing.

Why is strength training good for runners?

Running stronger comes from being stronger. Strength training is an essential supplement to a runner’s roadwork because it strengthens muscles and joints, which can improve race times and decrease injury risk. We've got plenty of strength training and core workouts on the website, but here's a few to choose from:

What is the best gear to train in?

From the best running shoes, to the best places to buy a cheap Garmin, if you're after kit that will go the distance, whatever you're training for, here's where to find it:

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