'Royal baby watch' underway as barriers go up outside Lindo Wing

Royal baby watch is on [Photo: Getty]
Royal baby watch is on [Photo: Getty]

We don’t mean to alarm you, but ‘Royal baby watch’ has officially begun.

As we type, press barriers are being assembled outside the Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital in London hinting at the imminent arrival of the third Cambridge child.

The Duchess of Cambridge is due this month, though the exact date has never been released by Kensington Palace.

Royal correspondent at HELLO! and Royal expert Emily Nash tweeted that the barriers had gone up outside the private wing where the Duchess is due to give birth.

She wrote: “Barriers have gone up outside the Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington in preparation for the world’s media, but won’t be in use until the Duchess of Cambridge has been admitted in labour.”

The Duchess gave birth to both of her two children George, four, and Charlotte, two, at The Lindo Wing.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge appear with Prince George [Photo: Getty]
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge appear with Prince George [Photo: Getty]

As with George and Charlotte, it’s thought that obstetrician Guy Thorpe-Beeston and Sir Alan Farthing, surgeon-gynaecologist to the Queen, will lead the team in charge with delivering the royal baby.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Princess Charlotte [Photo: Getty]
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with Princess Charlotte [Photo: Getty]

Nash also added a breakdown of the exact protocol that will take place when the Duchess goes into labour in a series of tweets.

She writes: “The first indication that the baby is on the way will come via @KensingtonRoyal who announce that the Duchess has been admitted to hospital in labour. At that point the media will assemble and wait for news that she has given birth.”

Nash continued in another tweet: “As with Prince George and Princess Charlotte, they’ll announce the sex, weight and time of birth. A formal notice will appear on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace, bells will ring, guns will fire, flags will fly and the bookies will either laugh or cry.

“Ideally the announcements will come between 8am and 10pm, but everything depends on when the new little Prince or Princess puts in an appearance! William and Kate will want to inform the Queen and their families before sharing their news with the world.

“Royal aides and St Mary’s Hospital have worked hard to ensure there is minimal disruption to staff and patients, so don’t expect to see regular reporting/updates from the Lindo Wing until the time comes.”

So now we wait…

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