19 Of The Most Painful Double Standards That Still Exist Between Rich And Poor People

It's not news that there are double standards when it comes to many things in today's society. So, we recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the things broke people do that are considered "trashy" but when rich people do them, it can be considered "classy." Here's what they said:

1."Rich people who lease vehicles can be considered classy, but broke people who do not own their vehicles can be considered trashy."

A woman showing a man a car
Bluecinema / Getty Images

2."Getting married in your backyard."

Blurry photo of a backyard wedding
Ruslanshramko / Getty Images/iStockphoto

3."Any creepy, weird behavior...if you're rich, it is eccentric. If you're poor, it's deranged. If the guy in 50 Shades of Grey was broke, it would have been a Criminal Minds episode."

Screenshot from "50 Shades of Grey"
Michael De Luca Productions

4."Classy: purposely wearing clothes that have pre-made holes, rips, and stains because you paid $$$ for them. Trashy: wearing old clothes that have holes, rips, and stains because you can't afford to buy 'new' clothes."

Closeup of a woman's jeans with rips in them
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

5."Having 'help' if you're not rich and if you have a house cleaner come once a month, you're considered 'lazy.' But, if you have money and a daily housekeeper, it's a completely different story."

A man and woman cleaning someone's house
Kawee Srital-on / Getty Images

6."Speaking a language other than English (in America specifically)."

Two women looking at an Italian language book
Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

7."Not finishing your education."

A young woman holding a book and sitting on some outside steps
Iryna Melnyk / Getty Images

8."Owning, or even just living on, a farm. For poor people (like my mom’s ancestors), it’s survival. For a rich person (like Tom Selleck’s avocado farm), it's a hobby or a way to live an equestrian lifestyle, or family tradition, or a tax dodge, etc."

Closeup of a chicken
Tina Terras & Michael Walter / Getty Images

9."Swearing (watch Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father — it is 'fuck/fucking' this, that, and the other). But if someone from a disadvantaged background swears that much, they're considered aggressive and unintelligent."

Fabio Lavarone / Getty Images/iStockphoto

10."Living in a hotel."

A woman opening curtains and letting the sunlight into her hotel room
Oleg Breslavtsev / Getty Images

11."Showing off things you got for free and also expecting free stuff. The super-wealthy expect and are given free stuff all of the time, and it's a norm. Try and persuade people that giving something to a poor person is a good idea, and 9/10 the response is: 'Why should we give them handouts to make up for their life choices?' It boggles my mind."

12."Working on your career and getting others to look after your child. AKA a nanny if you're rich but babysitter if you're poor."

A woman playing with two toddlers
Manu Vega / Getty Images

13."Multiple marriages. If you're working class, you're trashy and have 'baby daddies,' but if you're wealthy, it's almost like a status symbol."

Divorce papers with a wedding band sitting on top of them
Alecu Mocanu / Getty Images/500px

14."Lingerie. You put it on a high-society white woman and it's oh la-la and so (wink) naughty, but any other lower-class woman and it's trash. (I personally do not feel this way.)"

Lingerie hanging on a clothesline
Peter Dazeley / Getty Images


A man smoking a cigarette
Kwanisik / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16. "'Rewearing clothes.' Celebrities are praised when they re-wear outfits, but if lower-class people do is, it is often not as 'cool.'"


17."Cooking homemade meals from scratch — as in cooking the dish yourself, and not having someone else like staff cook for you."

Two men laughing and cooking in the kitchen
Jordi Salas / Getty Images

18."Asking for charity and thrifting (thanks to influencers and the rich, my $1 thrifted jeans are now more expensive than the brand new ones at Walmart)."

A donation box
Boonchai Wedmakawand / Getty Images

19."Living in your car or having 'van life' is cool if you're rich but not if you're broke."

A man and his dog living in their van
Lourdes Balduque / Getty Images

Do you have any to add to the list? Let us know in the comments!

NOTE: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.