Rich Froning, CrossFit's 'Fittest Man in History' Shares His 3-Move Home Workout

Photo credit: Jason Lee
Photo credit: Jason Lee

From Men's Health

The term “GOAT” gets thrown around too freely these days. But given the punishing physical demands of CrossFit, the “sport of fitness”, Rich Froning Jr is one man who has truly earned it. Arguably the greatest athlete in the history of the CrossFit Games, the four-time individual champion has an air of calm. As MH meets him under a 2.5m-high mural of his face, he muses, “I don’t know why they chose a shot of me looking so cross.”

Froning’s laid-back attitude is at odds with the ferocity of the team training session he has just completed. That’s his arena now: while Mat Fraser has picked up his torch in the singles event, Froning and his CrossFit Mayhem teammates have won four group titles. “It’s way more fun,” he says. “Being able to train with the team day in, day out, and see the sacrifices they make to push that much harder on the floor is amazing.”

Rich Froning's 3-Move Bodyweight Workout

You can focus on functional gains and still chase a six-pack. Froning’s session uses the Tabata format to scorch fat and reveal hidden muscle.

It isn’t just the number of people around him that has changed. Froning has adapted his training. “I’ve been trying to take more care of my body, especially as I’ve got older,” he says. “I worked with a chiropractor who does some manual therapy, some acupuncture. The big thing is to do something on a regular basis, rather than waiting to get hurt.

“I’ve also taken to intermittent fasting, and I love it,” Froning says. Rather than some mythical impact on metabolism, it’s the practical issue of fuelling his training that has convinced him. “My problem was that I would eat in the morning, get busy in the day and not eat until night,” he says. “Now, I start eating at 1pm and feel good for the second workout of the day, where I used to just feel run down.”

Though simply saving your porridge until midday won’t guarantee you a place at the CrossFit Games, it is reassuring to know that not even Froning goes into every session feeling at his peak. Push through your day’s AMRAPs and EMOMs like Froning, however, and you, too, can build fitness worthy of a champion.

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