What should your resting heart rate be if you're a runner?

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Resting heart rate: A complete runner's guideandreswd - Getty Images

While the use of heart rate monitors is now common practice among many runners, how much do we really know about the data that they capture? We're all aware that our heart rate rises from it's 'normal' level when we run and do other forms of exercise, but we might not know what this normal level – our resting heart rate – should actually be.

Our resting heart rate is an indicator of our aerobic fitness, with a lower resting heart rate generally implying healthier, more efficient heart function. But are there exceptions to this? And are there any warning signs we should look out for when it comes to resting heart rate? We sat down with leading sports cardiologist Dr Dan Augustine to find out more.

What is a normal resting heart rate?

Augustine notes that there is no golden number when it comes to resting heart rate. Rather, what's considered a normal resting heart rate falls within a range, with your fitness level generally dictating which end of the scale you fall under.

'The average resting heart rate in the general population will vary between 60-100 beats per minute (bpm),' he says. 'I think it’s fair to say that the lower that is, generally the fitter you are. In those that exercise, I’d expect resting heart rates to be much closer to 60 bpm, and it’s not uncommon for recreational runners to have resting heart rates in the 40s.'

Is a high or low heart rate cause for concern?

'It’s about how you feel with that heart rate,' says Augustine. 'So, if you have a resting heart rate of 90, but you feel fine going about your daily business, I don’t worry.'

This is reassuring for those who have resting heart rates at the top end of the normal scale. However, if you do not feel rested while at your resting heart rate, then Augustine recommends that you see a medical professional for advice.

'If you’re having abnormal symptoms at rest, such as disproportional breathlessness, you need to get it checked out,' he says. 'Another concern would be people with heart rhythm disturbances who get disproportionately high heart rates for the level of exertion they’re putting in. For example, where you’d expect their heart rate to be about 140, it’s at 180, and it stays high for a while after they stop exercising or reduce their exercise intensity. We also shouldn’t feel dizzy or faint as we are exercising, particularly as we increase the intensity of exertion. So, if this is happening, it’s something to get checked out.

Augustine adds that people with a low resting heart rate who feel dizzy or faint should also seek medical attention. 'Feeling dizzy or faint is unusual and you should seek advice. So I worry more about symptoms accompanying heart rate rather than just the number itself.'

What can affect resting heart rate?


Physiological differences between females and males do play our part in determining resting heart rate, with female hearts generally beating faster than those of males.

'The average female resting heart rate is slightly higher than the average male resting heart rate,' says Augustine. 'The average male resting heart rate is around 70 bpm, while the average for a female is a couple of bpm higher. That’s largely driven by the difference in size between men and women – female hearts are slightly smaller, so they beat a bit quicker to get to the required cardiac output.'


'When you’re an adult, the resting rate doesn’t vary much with age,' says Augustine, highlighting that it is, instead, your peak heart rate that is more likely to change over time.

'As a general rule of thumb, as we get older, our peak heart rate drops. If you’re 40, your peak heart rate should be around 180. By the time you’re 90, that will reduce to around 140. There is a slight difference in men and women when it comes to the dropping of maximum heart rate with age – the rate of decline of peak maximum rate is slightly slower in women.'

But how do you calculate your peak heart rate? According to Augustine, there is a loose rule we can follow.

'There are few ways to try to calculate your peak heart rate, some of which are more accurate than others,' he says. 'The equation '220 minus your age' was first written in the 1970s and not intended to be applied strictly, as it has faults. In younger people, it probably overestimates what your peak heart rate should be. In older people, it probably underestimates what your peak heart rate should be.'

Nutrition, sleep and stress

‘Anything that upsets our physiology – whether that’s poor nutrition, lack of sleep or physical and emotional stress – can impact our resting heart rate and cause it to be higher,' says Augustine.

'Our 'rest' time, where we are not exercising, can often be neglected – but it’s really important to get the balance right from a physical and psychological perspective. That includes getting enough sleep, identifying stressors in our lives and modifying those as much as possible. It’s also important from a general health perspective to have a healthy diet. Factors such as eating fruit, vegetables, whole grains and controlling alcohol consumption will all contribute to a healthy physiology and a lower heart rate in the longer term.'

Why shouldn't your resting heart rate be too high?

Have a high resting heart rate? Augustine suggests that you first try to identify whether there's a reason for this.

'What you have to be mindful of is what’s causing it to be high,' he says. 'If there’s a medical condition causing it to be high, such as anaemia or an over-active thyroid, that will cause a faster resting heart rate. Sometimes, a faster resting heart rate can be a sign that something else is going on. Then it comes down to your efficiency. At rest, your heart’s not meant to be having a cardiac output of 8 litres [the average is 3-4 litres per minute]. But, if you have a really high heart rate, it will cause a high cardiac output – so you have to work out why that is.'

How can you lower your resting heart rate?

If you want to lower your resting heart rate, then the good news is that regular running can help you to do so.

'There’s not one thing on its own, but exercise will certainly help', notes Augustine. 'Generally getting fitter with aerobic exercise will lower most people's resting heart rate, depending on how much they are doing. We know that if you undertake regular aerobic exercise, probably for more than three hours a week, then the heart will start to adapt and undergo physiological changes. One of these will usually be a reduction in the resting heart rate.

'There are a few reasons why your resting heart rate goes down as you undertake more aerobic exercise,' he adds. 'These include the heart itself becoming bigger in size so it doesn’t have to beat so fast to increase the cardiac output. Also, we all have a pacemaker in our heart called the sinus node, and through regular exercise it’s believed that the sinus node down-regulates slightly and lowers the heart rate. In addition, exercise can enhance part of the nervous system – something called the parasympathetic or vagal tone – which can lower your resting heart rate.'

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