Relighting my fire at Brimstone, the chicest retreat in the Lake District

brimstone hotel spa review 2023
Brimstone, the chicest hotel in the Lake DistrictEmma Gritt

‘It’s OK, don’t be afraid,’ I said to the - surprisingly large - sheep. ‘You could get run over. I just want you to go back into your field.’

They eyeballed me with pure scorn then continued to trot along the road, oblivious to the potential danger that could quite literally be around the corner.

Watching them casually zig-zag across the winding lane was the most stressful moment of my two-night trip to the super-luxe Brimstone Hotel in Ambleside. In fact, I found the sight of the two stray sheep even more nerve-wracking than driving an all-electric BMW iX1 300 miles from London to the Lake District.

But while I was genuinely worried for the fleecy escapees, I also was grateful my mind now had something new - albeit much more gruesome - to ruminate on. I had been growing bored of the constant whirl of ‘Where will I charge it? What if it runs out of battery? What if there are no chargers? What if I break it?’ that had been polluting my head for the hours ahead of our arrival.

sheep in the lake district
These sheep paid no heed to my warnings about oncoming traffic Emma Gritt

Yes, 48-hours in the deep countryside, being soothed by nature - and with my feet on the ground - was exactly what I needed to silence the 'charge anxiety' and reboot my own flagging, emotional circuitry.

What was the BMW iX1 like to drive?

I’m no stranger to long-distance driving in an EV, having previously taken a Volvo C40 on a similar jaunt. Comparing to the C40 I found the BMW iX1 - a smaller vehicle - a dream to handle, it was a much more manageable size for me and I found the driving experience incredibly enjoyable.

One of my favourite things about the BMW iX1 is that the ‘engine noises’ were created by legendary Hollywood composer Hans Zimmer. As you put your foot down it really feels as though the car has come to life, with the interior lights glowing and a synthetic revving sound humming through the dashboard.

brimstone hotel spa review 2023
The area around the hotel is breathtaking Emma Gritt

Not only did it deliver a lot of aesthetic pleasure, it also made for a more intuitive driving experience - I never realised how much the peaks and troughs of a car’s revs influenced how I drove until getting into a battery-powered EV.

I found moonlighting as a ‘BMW driver’ particularly eye-opening, noticing that on the motorway I experienced some fairly hostile lane changing and blocking by other road users, a phenomenon I had previously shrugged off as myth. ‘It’s because you’re driving a brand new BMW,’ my boyfriend later helpfully pointed out. ‘Plus, you’re a woman.’

I’m still not sure about the science behind his theory, but at the time I was delighted that he had switched up his usual explanation for any car-drama I experience which is simply, ‘you’re a terrible driver’. I’m not by the way.

The reason I was able to drive myself to Brimstone is because of the exciting partnership between the hotel and BMW which allows people who stay there the chance to borrow an iX1 to go out and explore some of the region’s most stunning walks, views and villages in a stylish and eco-friendly way. But for me, there was only one place I wanted to explore… the hotel’s spa.

OK so what’s the spa like?

Few things spark as much joy in my heart as a luxury spa with a ‘thermal journey’. The Brimstone Spa has ten heated experiences tempered by two cold ones, a gorgeous spa pool and an outside seating area with an crackling wood burning fireplace. Throw in an hour or so of quiet reading and sipping on a glass of fizz and I’m in heaven.

We were booked in for a whole day at the spa, which is located away from Brimstone in a separate leisure complex. The spa day included a tasty mezze lunch and glass of Prosecco, and we also had a 50-minute treatment (£125 each). The spa uses their own range of locally made products, Pure Alchemy, which harness the invigorating and soothing scents of violet, star anise and lavender in their scrubs, body butters and oils.

bmw brimstone

Scent is such a huge part of the overall spa experience, and the thermal journey begins with huge dishes of scented seeds, herbs and dried flowers placed upon three ‘fragrance columns’. We were invited to inhale each one deeply before choosing the one that matched our current mood the most closely. We also picked up a couple of small salt-filled pouches of the same blend which we could inhale at leisure as we moved around the different experiences, or add to a bath (more about that later).

Once inside the spa, I felt like I had stepped into another world. The stress of my busy life (and niggling concerns for the welfare of the stray sheep) slowly evaporated with every minute I spent in the herbal steam bath and sauna, lava sauna, and Himalayan salt steam room. And even an icy cold foot bath helped in its own way!

Part of the large spa pool pokes out from the building into the outside, extending on to a slate terrace where cosy seating flank a huge log fire. It was a sensory delight to gaze at the swaying trees with the warm pool bubbling up to my waist and brisk cold air blasting everywhere else - good ol’ British summer time. When dark clouds rolled into the sky and a thunderstorm started, there was nowhere else I’d rather have been - and hilariously for friend and I, a dozen or so loved-up couples thought the same. It was giving Love Island vibes.

As the rain got heavier and the pool got steamier, we decided it was time to retire to our room - just like some of the more amorous bathers.

What was your room like?

There was more relaxation to come when we got back to our room. The Brimstone is a collection of sixteen chalet-style suites hidden away on the 35-acre Langdale Estate. They offer tranquility, privacy, and a generous sprinkling of indulgent luxury. Huge floor to ceiling bifold doors open on to massive glass-fronted terraces which let you gaze over the stream and lake next to the spa. There is very little between you and the great outdoors and its orchestra of birdsong, rustling leaves, crunching twigs and scurrying squirrels. And a few bleats from the sheep fields nearby.

The room my friend and I stayed in was simply jaw-dropping, with a huge super king size bed and en-suite up on a mezzanine level, a wood fire (which could be lit on request by one of the ever-helpful staff members) and a huge standalone bath.

Our one was hidden away in a secret room beneath the stairs, we were so excited to find it. There were plenty of other indulgent touches, such as an all-inclusive minibar, plus all guests have access to a 24/7 snug, the Reading Room, where wine, local ales, cheese and pastries are free to pick up and enjoy there or back in your room at leisure.

Brimstone Hotel is a short walk away from its sister property The Langdale Hotel, and scattered around the mature woodland between the two - and all over the estate - there are over 100 5* timeshare chalets and apartments - although we’d never have believed that we were sharing this beautiful pocket of England with so many other people until darkness fell and lights began to shine out from between the trees, reflecting on the streams and ponds.

The Reading Room sounds amazing.. what was rest of the food like?

We arrived on Friday night and enjoyed a hearty dinner up the road at Wainwright’s Inn - which is also part of the complex. The other patrons were a mixture of locals, other tourists, and delightfully for me, lots and lots of (well behaved!) dogs.

a landscape with a fence and trees
The view from the pubEmma Gritt

When it came to breakfast, we could either walk to the on-site restaurant - Stove - or have it delivered to the room to eat on the balcony. We chose the latter for ultimate indulgence.

For dinner on our second night, we were booked in at Stove and I am so pleased we got to eat there. I had one of the best pizzas of my entire life, the crust was golden and light as air and the mushroom and truffle topping was perfectly balanced. The restaurant also overlooks a working waterwheel which I was delighted by. It was very Beatrix Potter-esque.

Reluctantly, it was all too soon until we had to return to real life. Setting off, both me and the car were fully charged and my frazzled nerves were forgotten. Well, until I saw those blimming sheep again. And this time there were three of them!

Brimstone Hotel and Spa, rooms start from £200 a night. BOOK NOW

Making off-grid travel even more accessible, BMW’s ‘Recharge in Nature’ partnership with National Park’s aims to bring electric charging units to areas of outstanding natural beauty. Find more information on BMW and National Park’s Recharge in Nature Project here.

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