Courgette and feta shakshuka

Red pepper and feta shakshukaGetty Images

Shakshuka is one of the most beloved brunch dishes, and it's easy to see why. It tastes indulgent and complex, yet it's deceptively simple to make — all it takes is a handful of ingredients (which you most likely already have in your kitchen cupboard) and a single deep saucepan (minimal washing up, fyi!).

You have to momentarily pinch yourself when you realise just how healthy Shakshuka is, too. Its rich, tomatoey base is composed of vegetables including onions, courgette, garlic, chilli and tomatoes, and it's topped with a healthy helping of eggs - great for a protein hit.

But don't be fooled: Shakshuka isn't just for breakfast or brunch by any means. It's a delicious (not to mention, nutritious) meal that's fit for any time of day.


  • 4 Eggs

  • 1 Bag of Spinach

  • 2 courgette (grated)

  • 1 White Onion (sliced)

  • 2 Cloves garlic (smashed)

  • ½ Cup of Peas

  • Feta Cheese to taste

  • 1 pinch of Za’atar

  • 2 tbsp. Olive Oil

  • Salt & Pepper to taste


  1. Fry the onion on a medium heat until golden brown.

  2. Add the garlic and zucchini – cook for 5 minutes.

  3. Add the spinach and the peas and cook until wilted – add salt & pepper to taste.

  4. Add the eggs and the feta, put the lid on and cook until the eggs white and yolk is running.

  5. Top with za’atar. Enjoy.

Fancy recreating other favourite Farmer J recipes? Click here for more inspiration – or to order your fave salad, from their new summer range, now.

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