The real reason Adele moved to LA is so relatable right now

adele performs at vegas residency
Adele reveals why she really moved to LA Kevin Mazur - Getty Images

Adele has revealed the real reason why she won’t move back to the UK – and it has to do with our abysmal weather.

In a new interview, the 35-year-old spoke candidly with suffering with Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. Symptoms tend to be more pronounced in winter, when it is darker and colder.

The NHS explains: "SAD is sometimes known as "winter depression" because the symptoms are usually more apparent and more severe during the winter." Though it explains that it isn't always this way around and that, "some people with SAD may have symptoms during the summer and feel better during the winter."

Adele explained that her struggle with SAD was behind her move to Los Angeles in 2016, where she bought a house thought to be worth £47 million.

adele singing into a microphone
Gareth Cattermole - Getty Images

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, the Chasing Pavements singer said: “I get really bad seasonal depression, so the weather is good for me [in LA].

"It is strange sometimes, because I'm very British.”

That’s not to say Adele doesn’t sometimes pine for Blighty, with her song Hometown Glory often making her long for her old Tottenham stomping ground.

“I really miss London, but I miss the London from before all of this happened in my life,” she explained. “I remember writing that song like it was yesterday.”

Seasonal affective disorder occurs in 0.5 to 3 percent of individuals in the general population. Symptoms include low mood, lethargy and feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness.

There are ways to battle SAD symptoms. One thing you might want to consider is investing in a SAD lamp, light box or SAD lamp alarm clock - which if you didn't already know is a genius form of light therapy invention that helps combat SAD symptoms. You can look at some of our top picks here.

It’s not just the infinitely better weather that Adele likes about LA – she added she gets more privacy in the States than she would back in the UK.

“You get left alone,” she said. "For anyone that has never been to LA, you assume it would be the opposite. But there are so many famous people here that they don't waste their time."

Last month, Adele ‘confirmed’ she had married long-term boyfriend Rich Paul, with the singer announcing the news at an Alan Carr show.

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