Is Quorn actually good for you?

is quorn good for you
Quorn: Is it actually healthy? Hinterhaus Productions - Getty Images

Whether it's for health, ethical or environmental reasons, increasingly more people are now eating less or no meat at all. In fact, recent research has found that 4.7% of the UK's adult population – equating to approximately 2.5 million people – is now vegan, with this figure having risen by a sizeable 1.1 million in the space of just 12 months between 2023 and 2024. And, according to the same study, a further 3.1 million adults in the UK follow a vegetarian diet, making up 5.8% of the population.

This makes sense when we consider how much more aware we are of the environmental consequences of meat consumption, with a 2021 study finding that meat accounted for 60% of greenhouse gases from food production. As such, given that vegan or vegetarian options are often marketed as a healthier and more sustainable choice, you'd assume that plant-based Quorn is a great plant-based option for runners. But what is Quorn actually made from? And is it really a nutritious alternative to meat? We asked nutritionist Kim Pearson to give us the full picture.

What is in Quorn?

Quorn contains what is known as mycoprotein, which is made through the fermentation of the soil mould Fusarium venenatum. This is then mixed with egg albumen (or potato protein in the case of the vegan Quorn products) so it can bind together. It is then processed in different ways to create different textures and forms.

Is Quorn good for runners?

In general, highly processed foods are not the healthiest choice, even if they are vegan or vegetarian. 'There is no denying that Quorn is a highly processed food,' explains Pearson. 'It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking that plant-based automatically means healthy. But the same rules apply to plant products as they do to animal products – the less processed, the better.'

That said, Quorn may still be a healthier choice than many meat products, which can also be highly processed and contain far more saturated fat. According to evidence from the World Health Organisation, eating red and processed meat can additionally increase the risk of developing cancer. Plus, when it comes to the environment, vegetarian or vegan options generally win on the sustainability front, requiring less water and land to produce and, of course, no animal suffering.

Which Quorn products are the healthiest?

'If you're opting for meat replacement protein sources, you are best off opting for the simplest versions that are the least processed and have the fewest added ingredients,' says Pearson. 'These tend to be the most basic Quorn pieces, rather than options such as the battered replica fish fillets and pies, for example.'

So, if you want to include Quorn in your diet, you should ideally include it as an ingredient or protein within a dish – and avoid Quorn products that are more like complete ready meals.

What are the benefits of eating Quorn?

Pearson says that mycoprotein, the protein-rich ingredient that is both key and unique to Quorn products, is a complete protein providing all essential amino acids. 'This is rarely found in other plant-based protein sources. It is also high in dietary fibre, unlike meat – and, according to Quorn, producing mycoprotein uses 90% less land and water than producing some animal protein sources.'

Can Quorn improve your recovery?

Yes, it can. In fact, research from the University of Exeter, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, demonstrated that mycoprotein stimulates post-exercise muscle growth more than milk protein.

According to the results of this study, those who ingested milk protein increased their muscle growth rates by an average of 60% – meanwhile, those who had mycoprotein increased their muscle growth rates by more than double this. So, if you are organised enough to plan your meals in advance of a hard or long run, Quorn might indeed be a good choice.

Is it better for runners to consume natural forms of protein?

'In a nutshell, yes!' says Pearson. 'Vegetarians are much better off going for fresh eggs as a protein source than Quorn, which often contains rehydrated egg whites. There are many more natural vegan protein sources available, too. That said, while variety and focus on natural, minimally processed foods is key, if you do fancy a meat substitute every now and then, Quorn is fine.'

What are the best natural vegetarian or vegan forms of protein for runners?

'Opt for protein sources like eggs, pulses – including beans, chickpeas and lentils – tempeh, quinoa and seeds,' suggests Pearson. 'And good quality vegan protein powders can be used to boost levels if needed.' Bear in mind, though, that protein powders are also processed to varying degrees. For example, hemp-based protein powders are minimally processed, while whey-based ones have undergone more processing.

If you want a bit more inspiration when it comes to injecting more protein into a vegetarian or vegan diet, we've rounded up the best natural sources of protein for runners here.

How much protein should runners be getting?

'As a minimum, runners should aim for 0.8g of protein per kg of body weight, based on the ideal weight,' says Pearson. 'That said, most athletes should look to increase this to 1.2-1.5g – although exact protein needs may vary depending on your individual requirements.'

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