How to quantum leap your manifestation powers during the Lion's Gate Portal, according to an astrologer

lions gate portal 2024 8 8 august astrology manifesting
Lion's Gate Portal: How to supercharge manifestingHearst Owned

If you’ve felt a growing sensation of magic in the air or feel ‘plugged in’ to an elevated state of being then congratulations! It could well be that you’re hyped-attuned to the cosmic energies that are abounding right now, because from July 26th to August 12th we will have entered a celestial vortex known as Lion’s Gate Portal.

This auspicious period is believed to enhance our spiritual growth, elevate our consciousness, aid in transformation and – because of the higher awareness we are granted thanks to Light Codes - supercharge our manifestation powers.

This will be especially prevalent at the peak of Lion’s Gate Portal – the 8th of August – which is also known as the Galactic New Year.

What is the Lion’s Gate Portal?

The Lion’s Gate Portal is triggered when Sirius is closest to the Earth and aligns with the Sun in Leo, the constellation represented by the courageous lion.

Sirius is also known as the Dog Star and is the brightest star in the sky at night. In Ancient Egypt, Sirius was linked to the goddess Isis, who was revered in Egyptian mythology and is associated with fertility, renewal, and the flooding of the Nile.

In astrology, we link Sirius to our higher spiritual aspirations and the elevated karmic journey of our soul. The Sun is related to our identity, ego, sense of purpose and the potential for where we can ‘shine’ in this lifetime.

Therefore, when they are together the brightness of Sirius merges with the life-giving power of the Sun to illuminate our true path and where we can reach optimum spiritual growth. Their alignment creates a portal through which we receive potent messages in the form of Light Codes.

These can be anything from divine downloads, sudden flashes of inspiration or awareness, a serendipitous meeting, ethereal messages and energetic activations.

This energy is thought to provide accentuated opportunities for healing, manifestation, and enlightenment. It can trigger transcendental awareness and broaden our mental and spiritual horizons, which allows us to integrate a new level of consciousness.

What's special about 8/8?

Lion’s Gate Portal and the assimilation of Light Codes reaches a peak on the 8thAugust. The date 8/8 is even more auspicious because in numerology the number 8 is associated with luck and good fortune and is also the symbol for infinity when placed sideways.

On the 8thAugust, we celebrate a cosmic alignment between Sirius, the Sun, the Earth and the ‘galactic centre’, which is the central point of the Milky Way. This date is known as Galactic New Year and is thought to be the day when Light Codes are strongest.

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By receiving these messages and being willing to transform and shed a past version of ourselves, we are cosmically supported in breaking old patterns and karmic loops that have been inhibiting us from evolving spiritually. This is why 8/8 can be viewed as a new year for our ‘spiritual consciousness’.

Manifestation 101

There’s a lot of hype surrounding manifestation, and chances are you’ve heard a few Instagram gurus promising to activate your potential, worked with your own Manifestation Meditation or maybe you read bestselling book The Secret and have a fair idea about the Law of Attraction.

The essential concept of manifestation is that we can create an optimum scenario that we want to attract into our lives, via the power of our attention.

The phrase ‘where attention goes, energy goes’ is the basic principle of manifestation.

It is a fact that the entire Universe is created from energy – Einstein famously said ‘Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality.’

We are existing in a ‘world’ of limitless potential that is just constantly shifting energetic vibration. When we alter the vibration of our thought waves, we change the frequency of the Universe to provide us with what we want.

This doesn’t happen automatically – we need to have clear intention, a strong vision of the outcome we desire, gratitude for what we are attracting (even before we have it) and a sincere faith and belief that we deserve this eventuality.

We must also ‘release’ what we want to manifest into the Universe and trust that we will receive what it is we need, not always what we want. All manifestation, at its core, is an act of co-creation with the Universe.

Over Lion’s Gate Portal, it is thought that the energetic vibrations travelling to us via Light Codes are being received directly from the Galactic Centre, which is the Source of all knowledge.

As these codes are transmitted, they are amplified by the proximity to Sirius and therefore, when these flashes of inspiration or heightened awareness reach us here on Earth, our power to create a new reality that we desire to call in is massively amplified.

How YOU can use this Lion’s Gate Portal energy

During the Lion’s Gate Portal vortex between July 26th to August 12th, it can be useful to treat all encounters, opportunities and situations as serendipitous.

  • Could they have a deeper message or lesson for you?

  • What flashes of inspiration are arriving and where do you feel a deep transformative shift?

  • Are you having any intuitive insights or boosts of energy that will help facilitate your healing?

If anything arrives for you, note it down in your journal.

Think about the person you want to become and the past version of yourself you want to step away from. What has been inhibiting you? What patterns can you break, or ties can you cut that drag you back time and time again? Where can you use this period to step into the most courageous, empowered version of yourself?

On Galactic New Year (8th August) start the day with a gratitude list. Gratitude is an essential part of manifestation, as it literally changes our frequency to one of high vibrational reception.

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In fact, if you can write a gratitude list on each day of the portal – even if just three things you’re thankful for – then this opens you up to receive even more.

It’s also good to spend some time practising meditation, breathwork or yoga as a way of clearing your mind and tapping into your higher consciousness. This can allow inspiration, downloads and the ‘messages’ of Light Codes to make themselves known. You might want to integrate crystals such as citrine, sunstone and amber in your practice as a way of aligning yourself to be in a more receptive state for these insights.

Treat this day much as you’d treat any other ‘new year’ – by setting intentions, creating resolutions and writing down your goals and desires.

Try this Lion's Gate manifestation practice

Define what it is you want to manifest into your life. Be specific and positive.

Close your eyes and visualise yourself in this scenario, sometime in the future. What can you feel, smell, taste, see and hear? As you imagine this situation allow a warm glow of gratitude and thanks to spread through you from the bottom of your spine, up to the crown of your head. Welcome the feeling that you already know you have this coming for you.

On a piece of paper, write a detailed account of this situation in the present tense. For example: ‘I am sitting in my dream kitchen looking out of the window at my country-cottage garden, with the love of my life sitting next to me, and I can see…’ Make it really come alive on the page.

You may then want to put this paper in an envelope and, as you fold and seal it, openly say ‘thank you’ to the Universe and acknowledge that you are now releasing your desire to source consciousness.

You might also want to journal with the following prompts at various times throughout this cosmic portal, as a way of better understanding yourself and welcoming in the potential to change your current trajectory.

  • What practices, situations and people make me feel most powerful and confident?

  • What activities make me feel as if I’m treading my true path?

  • Where do I currently feel frustrated, limited and stuck?

  • How am I blocking myself off from stepping into the role I want to play?

  • What fears stop me from taking centre stage or allowing myself to follow my dreams?

  • What limiting thought patterns or habits can I shift? How can I allow myself to be more vulnerable so that I can usher in a fresh mindset and new behaviours?

Remember that a key element of Lion’s Gate Portal is also working on radical self-acceptance and self-love.

Practising daily affirmations and supportive self-talk throughout this period is incredibly powerful and potent. If we’re still resistant to the person we are, how can we hope to appreciate and work with the next version of ourselves that we want to become?

Follow Bex on Instagram, @cosmic_cures

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