PSA: Your sex and love horoscope for the weekend is here

Your sex horoscope for the weekendHearst Owned

What’s happening: We’re all feeling the Moon’s conjunction with Neptune tonight, which makes for a rather emotional evening until the Moon enters Aries around 11:19 PM. On Sunday, the Sun squares off with optimistic Jupiter, and on Monday, the Moon enters Taurus. Then, the Moon enters Gemini on Wednesday. At the same time, Venus (which is still retrograde) squares off with Uranus, and Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter.

What that means for *you*:


You’re feeling pretty turned on this week, and getting laid is at the top of your to-do list! Get wild in bed—the kinkier, the better—and try as many new things and/or people as you can. This week, I want you to treat yourself (and your boo) to an amazing time in bed. If you’re single, you’re having some kick-ass hookups this week, but the likelihood of any of them turning into an actual relationship is close to zero.


Venus Retrograde is all about your exes reaching out to you, but right now, it looks like you’re the one reaching out to an ex. Old connections are coming into your peripheral vision, and you feel the urge to talk to them. This isn’t always a great idea, especially if your ex is a real piece of crap, but if you and them are on okay terms, why not shoot your shot? If they are interested in coming back into your life, make sure you go very, very slow.


Any behind-the-scenes shadiness in your love life is coming to light this week. Maybe you’re flirting and fooling around with someone who you really shouldn’t be—well, looks like everyone knows now. Maybe you’ve been hiding secrets or holding back your feelings for someone—it’s all coming out. This week isn’t easy, and it’s a real test for your love life. If you can navigate these potential problems with patience and compassion, your relationship will be okay. If not, this could be the week you and your boo call it quits.


Your boo is forgetful and quiet lately. Your crush is giving you less attention. Your date keeps ghosting you. Whatever the specific situation is, things are moving really slow. And even though you usually enjoy taking things slow, this is starting to feel excruciating, even to you! Slowly, your impatience can turn into agitation, then anger, and you might just blow up. Instead of doing that and pushing your partner away, I suggest being calm and gently telling them how you feel. The astro this week is volatile, so keep a level head.


Venus is still in your sign, and although it’s retrograde, the planet of love and beauty is still doing its best to turn you into a complete babe magnet. This weekend is great for getting intimate with your boo and having a more sensual, erotic time in bed. If you’re single, you’re still having amazing sex, but hookups are all but guaranteed to lead to you catching major feelings. If you want to have fun, you gotta hang loose, and don’t set any big expectations for the people you fool around with this week.


It’s fun to daydream about your crush, swoon over all of the ideas of what you want to do with your partner, or imagine an elaborate fanfic about you and your favorite celeb, but playtime is over. Come back down to earth, Virgo. You have big, bold goals for your love life, but you’re ignoring the problems right in front of your face. You’re acting a little delulu. Whether your partner is being forgetful and inconsiderate, or they're actively engaging in secrets, lies, and manipulation, there are problems you can’t keep ignoring. Get serious.


This weekend’s astro finds your emotions running very high. On one hand, you can experience some wonderful romance and extremely intimate sex, but on the other hand, you’re getting very upset, very quickly, over any feelings of loneliness or rejection. If you’re single, this is a good time for speed dating. Hop on Bumble, or Hinge, or whatever. Hookups right now will defs lead to you catching feelings, but casual dates are a great way to kill time, have fun, connect with new people, and potentially find a new partner!


Your chart’s relationships zone is being lit up all week long, so your love life is defs getting some action. This weekend, your rizz game is astronomical, and making new connections is easier than ever (which is amazing news for all you single Scorpios). The Moon in Taurus for the first part of the week is great for first dates, too. Arguments between you and your boo can break out on Wednesday—you’re both feeling particularly short-tempered—but the influence from Jupiter suggests you’ll get through the drama relatively easily.


This weekend is stellar for sex, whether it’s with the LOYL or just a quickie, and you’re having loads of fun. The Taurus Moon makes work your top priority during the beginning of the week, but by Wednesday, you’re back to having fun with your partner. Get a little more adventurous in bed this week, too. You’ll find a few more exciting ways to spice up your love life!


Sweet talk your boo a little tonight. You’re not the gushy, emotional type, but little acts of kindness—holding their hand, complimenting their outfit, telling them “I love you” just because you do—can seriously improve your love life right now. All you single Capricorns out there aren’t getting much action until the Moon enters Taurus on Monday, which encourages both romance and hot, hot hookups.


This is a fun weekend for you single Aquarians, because the Aries Moon puts a little pep in your step, boosts your confidence, and makes it easier to connect with new people, especially on Sunday. If you’re boo’d up, there’s a little trouble in paradise near the middle of the week. Whether it’s a tiny mishap or major drama, you’re more likely to blow up over problems with your boo this week. Stay calm! Fighting will only cause more drama—you can talk it out.


Be more genuine this weekend. If you have feelings for someone, don’t smother those emotions, speak on them! If you want to talk about taking things to the next level with your partner, start that conversation! Just don’t actually make any major commitments ‘til Venus Retrograde is over. You’re struggling with a lack of action right now, but the more you open up and share your thoughts and feelings, the more people will love you, and the more your relationship can grow.

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