Terrible blunder or inspired intervention? How Prince William waded into politics

Prince William
Prince William

In Britain’s constitutional monarchy, the royals are expected, by and large, to keep well out of politics. And, mostly, they do. Even on matters of immense national importance, the late Queen Elizabeth II was scrupulous in making no public comment that would place her on either side of an argument.

To her admirers, this neutrality was one of her great strengths. To some detractors, it occasionally made her seem out of touch. There is, of course, no pleasing everyone.

With this in mind, the aim of the modern Royal family seems to be to please as many people as possible by maintaining a carefully non-partisan line on anything remotely contentious. So when Prince William made his public intervention this week on the war in Gaza, the stakes were undeniably high.

Few recent foreign conflicts have proved quite so polarising here, and the Prince’s decision to weigh in was always going to be fraught with risk.

But was it the ill-conceived blunder some have suggested? Or was it, rather, an inspired and heartfelt effort to voice what so many are feeling?

His words, note commentators, were painstakingly chosen. Released as he visited the British Red Cross in London, his statement spoke of the “terrible human cost of the conflict” and the view that “too many have been killed”.

He called for an “end to the fighting as soon as possible”, and added: “There is a desperate need for increased humanitarian support to Gaza. It’s critical that aid gets in and the hostages are released.”

Significantly, he avoided the word “ceasefire”, history professor Keith McLay from the University of Derby points out. “He steered away from politically disputed words,” he says. “So he was clever in the way he cast it.”

The Prince will also visit a synagogue next week to hear about the recent rise in anti-Semitism. Avoiding alienating those on either side of the conflict, while still making an impassioned and bold plea for an end to the bloodshed, appears to be the target. Has he hit the mark?

“He’s something of a diplomat, but it’s a tragedy unfolding… and I think [his intervention] does bridge the gap between the fact he’s the heir [and] has, there’s no doubt, weighed into a very toxic crisis and knows it,” says royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams. “It’s very carefully worded so it’s impossible really to fault what he says.”

To see it as an inappropriate expression of political opinion is wrong, he argues: it’s specifically party politics the royals should avoid.

That the Prince made his remarks just before a critical House of Commons vote on calling for an immediate ceasefire might be seen as questionable timing, politically speaking. But although it’s his boldest intervention on the Middle East yet, it is not his first.

On October 11, four days after the Hamas attack on southern Israel that left about 1,200 dead and more than 240 others taken hostage, the Prince and Princess of Wales said in a statement that “the horrors inflicted by Hamas’s terrorist attack upon Israel are appalling”.

They added: “As Israel exercises its right of self-defence, all Israelis and Palestinians will continue to be stalked by grief, fear and anger in the time to come,” and said they held “all the victims, their families and their friends in their hearts and minds”.

Previously, in 2018, the Prince became the first member of the Royal family to make an official visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories and expressed his hope for a “just and lasting peace”.

Nor is the Middle East the only political issue with which he has (carefully) involved himself. In October 2015, he asked Chinese consumers to stop buying illegally traded wildlife items like ivory and horn, in an attempt to help save Africa’s rhino and elephants.

This came hours before a state visit to the UK by Chinese president Xi Jinping, who the Prince had formerly praised for promising to take measures to halt China’s domestic ivory trade.

Last June, he launched a major five-year campaign to end homelessness, a problem he said should not exist in a “modern and progressive society.” Less controversially perhaps, he and Kate spearheaded the Heads Together mental health campaign in 2016, along with Prince Harry.

While none of these issues are directly party political, they are not entirely devoid of political context.

The Prince of Wales pictured during a visit to the British Red Cross headquarters, where he heard about the humanitarian efforts taking place to support those affected by the conflict in Gaza
The Prince of Wales pictured during a visit to the British Red Cross headquarters on February 20, where he heard about the humanitarian efforts taking place to support those affected by the conflict in Gaza - Kin Cheung/PA

But William’s path is a well-trodden one, historically, says Prof McLay. “It fits a pattern of princes of Wales commenting in this way through history and fits within the constitutional bounds,” he says of the Prince’s most recent comments on the war in the Middle East.

He cites not only the King – who as Prince of Wales made his opinions known on a range of issues, including the environment and architecture – but also Edward VIII, who toured poverty-stricken parts of South Wales in 1936 and remarked of the unemployed that “something must be done to find them work”.

Whatever his intentions, this comment was regarded at the time as criticism of Conservative economic policy. After his abdication, of course, in 1937 he and his wife Wallis Simpson visited Nazi Germany and shared tea with Adolf Hitler.

If Elizabeth II judged it better to keep her counsel almost all of the time, William follows more in his father’s footsteps, observes Prof McLay.

Arguably, he also follows in those of his late mother, Princess Diana, whose call in 1997 for a global ban on landmines was controversial at the time – it appeared she was backing a Labour policy – and yet few today would call it wrongheaded.

In braving the backlash as his mother did, the Prince could be doing himself a favour in the long run. The latest YouGov polling last week showed that two thirds of the British public want Israel to call a ceasefire and be prepared to enter into peace negotiations with Hamas.

Only 13 per cent want to see the country continue to take military action, down from 19 per cent in mid-November.

Young people have been especially vocal in their support for Palestinians, and for a ceasefire. An Ipsos poll in October found those aged 18 to 34 were more likely to want the UK Government to support the Palestinians (23 per cent) than the Israelis (7 per cent), while a quarter wanted the UK to be a neutral mediator.

In a social media age, when almost every public figure is expected to have an opinion, it’s perhaps increasingly untenable for younger royals in particular to remain above the fray.

“It’s a humanitarian issue… but there’s also an issue about modern communication, in that there’s a need for an instant view on topics of the day,” says Prof McLay. “In this day and age, with a 24-hour news cycle and social media, the communications pressures are such that there’s an expectation [there], particularly among the younger generation.

“Saying absolutely nothing at all about a major news item… and for there to be no comment, particularly when you’re visiting the British Red Cross, might be interpreted as a bit curious.”

The reaction to the Prince’s recent comments have so far been mixed. While some have questioned why he has intervened now, but not on other foreign conflicts that saw great human suffering, others have applauded his willingness to risk disapproval.

“William obviously feels the monarchy needs to be seen to be supportive on things such as this,” says royal commentator Ingrid Seward, editor in chief of Majesty magazine. “His father as Head of State can’t say anything, but William can and it all had government clearance. So good for him. He will have known he would get criticised and is obviously prepared to take the flack.”

Meanwhile, Conservative peer Stewart Jackson criticised the comments as “ill-timed and ill-judged” while Conservative MP Andrew Percy, vice chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on anti-Semitism, said that “[the] underlying principle of our constitutional monarchy is that members of the Royal family do not engage in contentious political issues of the day on which there are divergent and strongly held beliefs in this country”.