Prince Louis shares adorable moment with his sister, Princess Charlotte

Prince Louis shares adorable moment with his sister, Princess Charlotte

If there's one thing that we all know about Prince Louis of Wales, it's that he sure does know how to steal a show, work the limelight and basically, make any crowd fall at his feet. And yes, he is only 4 years old but we’ve seen it plenty of times (read: those Palace balcony pics). But his most recent exchange with older sister, Princess Charlotte may be the most adorable to date.

As predicted, little Prince Louis joined other members of the Royal family, including both of his parents, the Prince and Princess of Wales, alongside siblings Prince George, 9, and sister Charlotte, 7, on their walk to St Mary Magdalene Church on Christmas Day. It's an annual tradition for the family to spend Christmas at Sandringham House and this year Louis made his debut.

The walk began at Sandringham House and finished at St Mary Magdalene Church where the family attended the morning service. During the 300-metre public stroll, the royals met with and greeted crowds of people who lined the route to the church.

Mirroring his elders, Louis received gifts from members of the public and one Twitter user caught a very adorable exchange on camera. Watch said cuteness below:

As shown, Louis received a bunch of flowers and in response, ran to give them to Charlotte. Oh, and if you listen very carefully, you would hear him cry out "Charlotte!", followed by a chorus of "aww" echoed throughout the crowd. My response exactly.

"Awww! Prince Louis running to his Father, Prince William and his siblings to join them and hand Princess Charlotte some flowers is the brotherly bond I needed to see today", a Twitter user wrote to caption the now-viral vid.

If only all brothers were as sweet as this, ey?

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