Prince Harry and Meghan could miss seeing the Queen on UK visit over security issues

Prince Harry and Meghan - Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images
Prince Harry and Meghan - Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are set to miss seeing the Queen during their upcoming visit to the UK unless a security dispute can be resolved.

Prince Harry and Meghan, who will be visiting the UK and Germany during the week beginning September 5, are not expected to travel to see the Queen at Balmoral.

The Telegraph understands the couple have not yet been made aware of decisions about their security while they are in Britain as a Home Office panel rules on whether they should qualify for Met protection.

Harry and Meghan have confirmed they will attend two events in the UK: a youth summit in Manchester and the WellChild Awards for seriously ill children and their families, for which Prince Harry has served as the long-term patron.

In between, they will also fly to Dusseldorf for the launch event for 2023’s Invictus Games.

The pair's schedule leaves the Wednesday and Thursday of that week free, with the couple previously expected to use the opportunity to visit Harry's grandmother.

Visit to Queen not anticipated

While it is possible that other engagements could be confirmed, a visit to the Queen is not anticipated, according to sources.

Her Majesty had been planning to return to Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle to appoint a new prime minister on September 6, following the Conservative leadership election, making it a short trip from the Sussexes’ home at Frogmore Cottage.

But it was reported on Sunday that the Queen was now “carefully considering" whether she feels able to attend the Braemer Games, nine miles from her Scottish home, at which she is regularly photographed enjoying the Highland sports.

She is now likely to stay at Balmoral to receive her outgoing and incoming prime ministers in greater comfort, with sources indicating the Sussexes would be unable to see her unless security issues can be resolved.

While they would fall under the protection already in place at the royal estates in Windsor and Balmoral, Met policing for their external activities, including travel, are determined on a case-by-case basis.

During their most recent visit for the Platinum Jubilee they attended only official engagements where they had security in place along with other members of the Royal family, but did not venture outside Frogmore Cottage and its surroundings for other excursions.

They visited the Queen at Windsor Castle privately.

The Queen has recently been enduring health problems particularly relating to her mobility, and has been resting during her annual summer break in Balmoral.

The Prince of Wales is reported to have been visiting her daily, with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their three young children spending time with her in Scotland along with frequent company from the wider Royal family.

Harry and Meghan's decisions about travel within the UK are contingent on the level of security, if any, guaranteed, The Telegraph understands.

Private protection team

While they are able to use a private protection team, Prince Harry has argued those officers would not have access to enough UK information to keep his family safe.

He has previously argued that he, his wife and their two children should be afforded permanent security when they are in the UK, regardless of their new status as non-working royals.

The decision was made by the executive committee for the protection of royalty and public figures in Feb 2020, when it was ruled that the Sussexes' choice to live in the US as private citizens did not “fit readily” into any category of its framework.

Acknowledging Prince Harry’s “particular and unusual position” as an heir to the throne and his service in Afghanistan, the panel agreed he may need protection in certain circumstances.

It was to be considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account whether he was on quasi-official duties or on strictly private outings.

He has offered to pay for Met services but Robert Palmer QC, representing the Home Office, told a hearing that “personal protective security by the police is not available on a privately financed basis”.

Harry challenged the decision through lawyers and has brought Judicial Review proceedings against the Home Office.

In July, he won the right to challenge the process in court.

The couple are not known to have previously visited Balmoral despite being invited, although they stayed with the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall at the Castle of Mey in 2018.

They have previously attended the WellChild Awards together, and Prince Harry went alone last year for a socially distanced ceremony.

Meghan first joined Young One World as a counsellor in 2014, speaking about gender equality, and is due to appear on stage this year.

A source said the Sussexes had chosen to confirm their commitments with the existing organisations, hoping to give each a post-pandemic publicity boost.

A spokeswoman for the couple did not comment.