Pregnant Meghan Trainor gets husband to shave her legs

Meghan Trainor enlists her husband, Daryl Sabara to shave her legs while she's pregnant.

The 29-year-old pop star is currently expecting her second child with Daryl- who she married in 2018 - and she's now revealed she relies on him a lot during pregnancy because her bump is so big she can no longer reach certain parts.

Speaking to PEOPLE, she explained: "He shaved everything! I told him yesterday: 'I'm at the point where I can't see, I can't reach, I can't

bend'. He'll do anything for me."

The couple are expecting baby number two this summer, and she says this pregnancy has been easier than her first because she doesn't have to deal with gestational diabetes.

Meghan said: "I had gestational diabetes my first pregnancy. This one, I don't have it. It's a while new pregnancy; I don't have to prick my finger

and check my blood four times a day."

Meghan started dating actor Daryl in 2016. They got engaged in 2017 and married a year later. Their first child - a son named Riley - arrived in

February 2021 and the couple announced in January they are preparing to add another baby to their brood.

Meghan says having children has made her a better person so she's hoping to have at least two more kids.

She added; "I'm the best version of me. Each kid's going to bring a new version of me that I think is going to be badass - so I need four, at


However, she will be hoping for better experience during the birth as she previously admitted she was left terrified as Riley didn't cry straight away

after he arrived.

During an appearance on the 'Today' show, she explained: "It was one of those horror stories where he didn't cry. He didn't make noise when he came out. I was like, 'Why isn't he crying?' Then they told me he was having breathing issues.

"It was definitely a rough start. But we're so lucky we got to bring him home after five days."