These plants are the best burglar deterrents for your home

best plants to deter burglars from the home   anti burglar plants
The best plants to deter burglars from your homeCircle Creative Studio - Getty Images

There's nothing more important than making sure you feel safe at home. As well as good quality fencing, motion sensor lights, and a security camera or CCTV system, did you know that plants can help to keep your property secure too?

The following plants act as good burglar deterrents and some are particularly easy to install if you benefit from a front garden.

1. Prickly hedges are obviously a good way to help stop an intruder. Go for gorse, berberis, pyracantha, blackthorn or hawthorn, as they all have nasty thorns.

2. Dense evergreens form a physical barrier. Bamboo, yew and laurel will all grow into a tall and solid barrier, while low plants such as creeping juniper are difficult to walk through.

3. Evergreen shrubs dotted around your garden – especially if you have a side path or piece of land – with gravel laid between will mean that anyone crossing it will make a loud crunching noise, so no one can approach without you hearing them.

4. Thorny climbers grown over fences make them more tricky to scale. Look for roses with vigorous growth and spiny stems, such as Rosa rugosa.


While these are the best plants to deter burglars, one thing to beware of is allowing these green deterrents to grow too big. An overgrown garden gives thieves shelter and plenty of places to hide. Leave points of entry to the house visible to the street and illuminate them with a motion sensor light if possible. Also, don't attract burglars into the front garden with ornaments or expensive pots – keep these decorative items in the back garden or make sure they're well secured.

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