Pirates of the Caribbean surfer star Tamayo Perry, 49, dies after 'shark bite'

Tamayo Perry
-Credit: (Image: oahusurfingexperience/Instagram)

Pirates of the Caribbean star and surfing legend Tamayo Perry has reportedly died following a shark attack while surfing off the shores of Hawaii. The 49 year old is understood to have been found off Mālaekahana Beach on Oahu's North Shore by other surfers with an arm and a leg missing, according to Stab Magazine.

Emergency services rushed to the scene, where they reported that he had suffered "more than one possible shark bite." Lifeguards took the star back to shore by jet ski, but sadly he was later pronounced dead by paramedics. An official shark warning in the area has been issued since the attack.

The surfer was born and raised on the east side of Oahu, making a name for himself on the North Shore, as a professional surfer and lifeguard. He had been surfing since the age of 12 and quickly became a well-known face in the industry, praised for his ability to tackle huge waves.

Tamayo Perry
Tamayo Perry has died after a suspected shark attack -Credit:Getty Images

His career took off In the early 2000s with the star landing roles in Blue Crush, Lost, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and Hawaii Five-0.

In 2005, he won the Pipeline Masters and also went on to surf in commercials for the likes of Nissan Xterra, which aired during NFL playoffs and the Winter Olympics, as well as a Coca-Cola advert, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports.

He later worked as a lifeguard and also launched his own surfing school called Oahu Surfing Experience with his wife, Emilia, dedicated to teaching people to learn the sport safely.

Tamayo Perry surfing
Tamayo Perry surfs a big day at Pipeline on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii -Credit:AFP via Getty Images

Describing the business, he said: "As a devoted waterman, I've gained a tremendous amount of knowledge, not only from what I've accomplished, but also from what I've suffered.

"A number of years ago, while surfing Pipeline on the Extra Large size, I was involved in a near-fatal experience," he said, without going into specifics. "The incident happened all because of someone else's lack of awareness.

"The lessons I've taken from that event have inspired me to my goal of instilling proper surf etiquette and safety to those whom I teach."

Non-profit lifeguard charity Never Off Duty paid tribute to Tamayo, posting a picture of him wearing a lifeguard uniform. They said: "The things we have seen! My brother in Christ I love you brah! Tamayo, I won’t get over this until I see you in heaven. You protected and looked out for me at Pipe for no reason since 99.

"I was so stoked you and Emilia found each other, I just cannot process this! Tamayo Perry you weren’t my friend you were my little brother, the pain we're collectively feeling is immense."