Pink discharge? 11 reasons why, including when you wipe and after sex

pink discharge
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Many factors can influence the colour of your vaginal discharge, from hormonal changes to periods. Pink discharge, ranging from a light to a deeper pink, is usually benign, and even if it sometimes indicates blood mixing with your discharge, it's usually nothing to worry about and can be addressed easily. We spoke to Dr Brooke Vandermolen, Obstetrics and Gynaecology doctor and founder of The Obgyn Mum, for the reasons behind pink or light pink discharge, including when you wipe, after sex, and before your period and whether it means pregnancy.

As ever, if you are concerned about your health, book an appointment with your GP or call NHS 111 for advice.

Meet the expert: Dr Brooke Vandermolen, Obstetrics and Gynaecology doctor and founder of The Obgyn Mum.

What is pink discharge?

'Pink discharge occurs when blood gets mixed with cervical fluid as it passes through the uterus and out of the vagina,' says Dr. Amit Shah, leading gynaecologist and co-founder of Fertility Plus. It can be due to multiple causes, he says, and while primarily not of serious concern, it could be a sign of a possible infection or hormone imbalance.

'The key is to identify at what point in your menstrual cycle pink discharge is occurring alongside what other symptoms you are experiencing in tandem', says Shah. 'This can help you identify what might be driving the occurrence of pink discharge, and it can therefore be treated accordingly if needed.'

I have pink discharge when I wipe. Is that normal?

While you may be a bit freaked by the sight of pink discharge, there are plenty of reasons as to why it might be happening — and they aren't all something to worry about. However, if you are ever worried about something happening down there, do book in with your GP to discuss your symptoms.

What does pink or light pink discharge after sex mean?

Pink discharge after intercourse can occur for a few reasons.

1. Hormonal imbalance

Too much or too little oestrogen or progesterone, and hormonal birth control, can cause pink discharge as well as irregular or heavy periods.

2. Insufficient lubrication or foreplay during sex

This can cause tears and some pink discharge.

3. Ectopic pregnancy

In some cases, bleeding could also be an indication of ectopic pregnancy, where a fertilised egg implants and grows outside the uterus.

Does pink or light pink discharge mean pregnancy?

Not necessarily, but it can. Implantation bleeding – the spotting or light bleeding that sometimes occurs following conception – can be an early sign of pregnancy. However, not everyone who is pregnant experiences implantation bleeding, and not every case of pink discharge is caused by pregnancy.

If you think you might be pregnant, some very sensitive tests can detect pregnancy around 8 days after conception and before you miss a period.

What does pink or light pink discharge before my period mean?

Towards the start or end of menstruation, says Dr Brooke Vandermolen, Obstetrics and Gynaecology doctor and founder of The Obgyn Mum, your period can combine with other vaginal secretions on its way out, diluting it from red to pink.

'If you experience lighter periods for 2 days or less, you may see pink discharge at the beginning and end of your cycle,' adds Shah. 'This could appear as spotting rather than a full flow, and be more pink too. Lighter periods can be due to a myriad of causes, from stress and age to changes in weight.' Read below for more information.

11 causes of pink or light pink discharge

1. It’s your period

Perhaps the most obvious cause of pink discharge is blood. As stated above, towards the start or end of menstruation, your period can combine with other vaginal secretions on its way out, diluting it from red to pink, says Dr Brooke Vandermolen.

'If you experience lighter periods for 2 days or less, you may see pink discharge at the beginning and end of your cycle,' adds Shah. 'This could appear as spotting rather than a full flow, and be more pink too. Lighter periods can be due to a myriad of causes, from stress and age to changes in weight.'

Starting or changing a new hormonal birth control could also trigger bleeding. 'This is due to the artificial oestrogen imbalance that may result from the change, and may cause spotting or pink discharge,' says Shah. 'It’s important to note that this is more common with contraception that doesn’t contain, or is low in oestrogen,' he adds.

Alternatively, if pink discharge has caught you by surprise and it’s not your usual time of the month, it could be a sign of irregular menstruation, which can be brought upon by age, stress, lifestyle changes, like travel, or fluctuations in weight.

2. You’re ovulating

Mother Nature can alert you to where you're at in your cycle.

'You may notice pink discharge around the time of ovulation (mid-cycle),' Dr Vandermolen says.

Around 5-20% of women experience mid-cycle spotting at the time of ovulation – it’s pink because the body is also producing extra clear cervical fluid at this time, which dilutes it.

'It results from a sudden surge in oestrogen at ovulation that then drops, causing destabilisation of the endometrium,' Dr Vandermolen says. 'It usually lasts 12-72 hours.'

3. Your hormones have gone haywire

If your oestrogen levels tip, the uterine lining can break down and shed ahead of schedule or irregularly, leading to pink discharge spotting.

'Irregular uterine bleeding can occur with either high or low oestrogen levels,’ says Dr Vandermolen. 'If you are having irregular menstrual cycles — for example, due to PCOS — there may be some anovulatory cycles where no egg is released.

'In this situation, progesterone isn’t released as normal and oestrogen levels continue to cause the lining of the womb to thicken. This can then slough off incompletely and irregularly, giving pink discharge or red spotting.'

There are also situations when women ovulate but oestrogen levels remain low, which can also cause irregular bleeding or pink discharge. Take stock and see if you’ve been experiencing any other symptoms of hormonal imbalance such as hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, brain fog and UTIs. If you think this could be you, book to see your GP and explain your symptoms.

4. You’ve changed your contraception

For many women, says Dr Shree Datta, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, the start of hormonal contraception can trigger breakthrough bleeding, the term given by the experts to pinkish, reddish or brown discharge and spotting in the first few months after beginning birth control.

It can be pretty sucky but it’s nothing to worry about as is just your body’s way of adjusting to the new hormones.

5. You’re pregnant

When a fertilised egg takes root in the lining of your womb, it can sometimes trigger pink discharge – called implantation bleeding. (Note: Not all women will experience this). If you’ve had some unexpected spotting and had unprotected sex, watch out for other signs of early pregnancy, including morning sickness, sore boobs and fatigue.

Additionally, pink discharge can occur even if you’re well underway in your pregnancy. According to Dr Datta, it can result from bleeding from the edge of the placenta, particularly if yours is low lying.

‘You may also see it if you have abnormalities on your cervix, or if you have broken your waters,’ Dr Datta says.

‘Later on in pregnancy, pink discharge may represent a show, suggesting you are about to start labour. Regardless of what stage you’re at, it is always important to get checked over to make sure a you and baby are both doing alright.’

6. It could be a sign of miscarriage

This is unlikely, but it's important to be aware. Not all miscarriages present themselves in the form of heavy bleeding, and, according to Dr Datta, for some women, one could look more like pink discharge – underlining the importance of always making the time to get checked out during pregnancy if you're worried about any new signs or sensations.

If you are concerned, contact your midwife or doctor.

7. You’ve caught an STI

Had unprotected sex, have pink discharge, not pregnant? It might be that you’ve picked up a sexually transmitted infection, says Dr Datta.

Watch out for other symptoms and get yourself checked out at the clinic or with an at-home test as certain STIs, like chlamydia and gonorrhoea, can lead to pelvis inflammatory disease (PID) and infertility if left untreated.

8. You have an ovarian cyst

Ovarian cysts can be caused by hormone imbalances, as well as conditions such as endometriosis. As well as pink discharge, you may notice bloating or a feeling of pain or heaviness in your pelvis.

'This is unusual but, for a minority of women, ovarian cysts, which release hormones, can lead to abnormal vaginal bleeding, which increase over time,' Dr Datta says.

If you experience these symptoms, and, even more so if the pain is limited to one side of your pelvis, which could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, it's one for your GP.

9. You’re experiencing the perimenopause

During the transition to menopause, your ovaries aren’t producing as much oestrogen as they once were which can impact the regularity of your cycle and lead to unexpected pink discharge.

Have you also noticed your vagina isn’t as naturally lubed as it used to be? Or you can’t be arsed with sex at all? Or you’re experiencing night sweats? These can be signs of early menopause, which most commonly happens in one's forties, so ask your GP for blood tests to see what's going on.

10. You recently had rigorous sex

Think of this pink discharge as the internal equivalent of bleeding from a scuff or scrape. Vigorous sex, or placing certain objects inside your vagina, can cause irritation and slight bleeding, which may present itself as pink discharge. Insufficient lubrication or foreplay can also have this effect.

'The cervix (neck of the womb) has quite friable tissue that can bleed easily,' says Dr Vandermolen.

'You may also have an ectropion on your cervix, which is when the normal lining of the cervix that is on the inside can be found on the outside of the cervix. This is common and can occur if you take the contraceptive pill or are pregnant. It can bleed easily on contact, such as during intercourse.'

Just be conscious of looking after your body during sex and take a little breather while it heals.

FYI: In rare situations, pink discharge has been associated with cervical cancer so, if you are regularly experiencing bleeding after sex, you should see your doctor to rule it out.

11. You have a yeast infection

A yeast infection, or bacterial vaginosis, can cause bleeding from your vaginal wall and mingle with the white stuff to create pink discharge. Suspect that this is the case? Book in with your GP.

How can you treat the symptoms of pink discharge?

Treatment will depend on what the root cause of the pink discharge is, says Shah. 'Hormonal imbalances may require working closely with an endocrinologist to tackle any deficiencies driving low oestrogen— this will look different for everyone.''If it appears due to hormonal contraception and does not settle after a few months, talk to your gynaecologist about exploring alternative methods of birth control.' And, finally, if it's the cause of an infection or STI, then antibiotics will be required.

How long does pink discharge last?

Hard to say, since it really depends on what's causing you to experience pink discharge in the first place.

Spotting – or pink discharge – after sex (known as postcoital bleeding) is likely to only last an hour or two, whilst pink discharge caused by ovulation or implantation bleeding could last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Some people have reported experiencing implantation bleeding for up to seven days, though it's less common.

It's normal to experience pink discharge for a few months after switching to a new method of contraception (particularly if you have an IUD, implant, injection, or you're trying out a new pill), and usually eases over time.

When should you speak to a professional?

If you are experiencing symptoms that are out of the blue, unusual for your body or persisting for longer than what's considered normal, speak to your GP or a gynaecologist.

The takeaway? If your pink discharge is not what's normal for you, it's best to speak to your GP, especially if you don't think you fall into any of the categories above or if you’ve also been experiencing pain during sex, lower back pain, an increased need to wee or blood in your urine or poo.

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