Piers Morgan outraged to learn Duke and Duchess of Sussex will receive human rights award

Piers Morgan can’t believe the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are to be awarded the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Medal.

Next month, Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, will present the couple with the Ripple of Hope Award for standing up to the alleged racism they faced while working members of the British royal family.

During their interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan claimed a member of the royal family made a racist remark about the skin tone of their unborn son, Archie.

Many praised the pair for "taking a stand against racism" but Morgan was not pleased with the outcome.

"The idea that these two little grifters, who quit royal duty, quit Britain… exploited and fleeced their royal titles for hundreds of millions of dollars straight in their back pocket,” he stated on Fox & Friends on Monday. “The idea that they're being lauded as some kind of heroes in America by your own sort of royal family, if you like, the Kennedys, it really sticks in my gullet."

Afterwards, he criticised Harry and Meghan for "tarnishing" their families in the media and accused the 38-year-old of causing distress to his father, King Charles III, with the imminent release of his new book, despite the monarch dealing with emotional difficulties following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

"You've got Meghan Markle, who was a sort of two-bit mediocre actress who married into a family, took our favourite prince, took him to America, and is now spending her entire time trying to attack the monarchy,” the controversial TV presenter continued. "And I'm sorry, but as a monarchist and as somebody who loves this country, I think it's completely outrageous that they are now being given the cloak of honour and prestige and branded heroes by a Kennedy."