This photographer is taking body positivity to the next level
From banning retouching to promoting a wide range of sizes, some brands are starting to understand the need for a different perspective on beauty.
One photographer, however, still isn’t satisfied. After realising that Instagram campaigns can only do so much, Emily Lauren Dick turned to more traditional methods to send out her message.
Over the past three years, Emily has photographed over 40 women in their underwear to showcase what real bodies look like. The series will be featured in a book that is currently raising funds on Kickstarter.
Average Girl: A Guide to Loving Your Body includes interviews and information for all the young women “who feel their body doesn’t quite fit into society’s standards.”
“It is so evident that the world needs this book because we are still shocked when we see images of real life beauty. When we see stretch marks, blemishes and bruises, we have started to question why they are present… The fact is that we need young girls to learn about how their body image is linked to things like eating disorders, bullying and sexual harassment so that they can protect themselves and build up their self-esteem,” she says.
“Instead of focusing on what women need to do to ‘improve’ their bodies, I want to prove that we are beautiful the way we are.”
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