Pet owner issues warning after spate of cat deaths from antifreeze poisoning

Pet owner issues warning after spate of cat deaths from antifreeze poisoning

Cat owners in Heswall and Gayton in the Wirral are being advised to keep their pets indoors after a spate of poisonings has left three dead in less than a week.

The cats, who all lived in the Downham Road and Milner Lane area, all died of antifreeze poisoning, in identical circumstances.

“Our cat only had the symptoms of eating something wrong – lethargic, loss of appetite – but rather than recovering from these symptoms, became less and less responsive,” one bereaved owner told the Wirral Globe.

“By the time we took action, it was too late for the vet to help.”

They warned: “If your cat is in this area and starts displaying these symptoms, it might be worthwhile to get them checked by a vet.

“We don't at this stage know if it is accidental - a spillage - or anything more sinister, but three cats in a few days is a bit much,” they added.

According to the RSPCA, most people are unaware of the danger to pets from antifreeze poisoning.

Consuming even the smallest amount can cause kidney failure and death, especially in cats.

Antifreeze poisoning in cats can show 30 minutes after they’ve eaten it, but it can be two or three days before you notice signs of kidney failures.

Symptoms to look out for include vomiting, seeming depressed or sleepy, appearing drunk or uncoordinated, seizures, and difficulty with breathing.

Antifreeze poisoning can show within 30 minutes (Getty Images)
Antifreeze poisoning can show within 30 minutes (Getty Images)

If left untreated, antifreeze poisoning can cause pain, suffering, distress and ultimately death, warns the animal charity.

It adds that owners should never “watch and wait” and instructs pet owners to contact a vet immediately if they think their animal has been poisoned.

Pets die each year from accidental poisonings from antifreeze spills and leaks, as well as from leaking water coolant from cars, and with winter on the way, it’s important to be vigilant with these harmful substances.

The RSPCA advises pet owners to check their car regularly to make sure it isn’t leaking water coolant, and to carefully store, use and dispose of the toxic substances.

The news comes after a survey published in May revealed that a quarter of pet owners are more happy to see their pet than their partner after a busy day.

Of 2,000 pet owners polled, 73 per cent said their considered their animal as part of the family, with 40 per cent even giving them a designated spot on the sofa.