Thin and crispy or thick and chewy? This is how our food team make the perfect pizza dough

how to make pizza dough
How To Make Pizza DoughArtur Kozlov - Getty Images

If you've had enough of takeaways and want to know how to make pizza dough yourself, then good news. Pizza dough is so fast and easy to make from scratch. Follow our easy pizza dough recipe and tips for making perfect pizza every time...

What’s the best flour to use for pizza dough?

We often use strong white flour in our pizza recipes - the higher gluten content gives a pleasing chew, but you can also use regular plain flour too. It has slightly less elasticity, so yields a more tender result than bread flour, and is great for thin-crust pizzas.

The dough is softer, so needs to be handled carefully after rolling.

What kind of yeast is best for pizza?

You can use whichever yeast you have to hand or prefer - all types work well for pizza dough.

What temperature should water be for pizza dough?

When making any bread, the liquid added can be at a temperature that’s anywhere between tepid and warm. Make sure the liquid you add isn’t too hot, otherwise you’ll kill the yeast - the easiest way is to carefully dip your finger in - it shouldn't feel so hot that you can’t keep your finger in it comfortably.

Do you need to add oil to pizza dough?

You don’t have to add oil, but it gives the dough a silky texture and improves the flavour of the bread.

What consistency should pizza dough be?

Bread doughs are always better when you err on the slightly wetter side. If you skimp on the water, you can end up with a tough, dry dough that is hard to roll out and doesn’t rise.

Do I need to rise or prove pizza dough?

For a fantastically flavoursome finish, we recommend rising the dough for at least 45min, but if you’re in a hurry, you can skip this.

Make the dough, knead it, give it 5min to relax just so you can roll/stretch it into a pizza, and then cook it. This frying pan pizza has no rising time and is supremely speedy.

frying pan pizza alla putanesca
Good Housekeeping


Can I make pizza dough in advance?

There are tonnes of options for making pizza dough in advance. If you like to shape and bake the pizzas just before eating them (this works well if you have a wood fired pizza oven), you can make the dough the day before, leave it in a covered bowl in the fridge to rise, then use the dough when you’re ready to cook.

If you like to meal prep or have lots of pizzas to make for a crowd or party, you can also make, shape and par-bake the bases for 5min, wrap the cooled bases in foil and store them at room temperature up to one day in advance or in the freezer up to 1 month in advance. Just continue with topping and baking the pizzas when ready to serve (you can top and cook the frozen pizzas - no need to defrost.

You can also freeze uncooked topped pizzas whole, and cook them from frozen. Simply open-freeze the topped pizzas on a parchment-lined baking tray, then remove, wrap in foil and store for up to one month.

Should I roll out pizza dough or stretch it by hand?

You can do either - rolling with a rolling pin makes a base of uniform thickness, but stretching by hand gives it a rustic shape and a thicker crust.

How do you roll pizza dough so it’s circular?

In order for the base to end up perfectly shaped, the dough needs to start off as uniformly round as possible. Roll it between your hands into a neat ball, then roll out/stretch the dough, giving the dough a quarter turn every few rolls/stretches so it spreads evenly in all directions.

How can I stop pizza dough sticking to the baking tray?

Dusting a fine layer of flour, semolina or polenta on to your baking tray will help to stop it stick. You can also use a sheet of baking parchment.

Why is my pizza dough tearing?

If you’ve left pizza dough resting for a long time, the gluten will relax, making the dough very soft, so when you roll it out or stretch it, it might tear.

Make sure that once you’ve rolled out the base you transfer it to the tray quickly too, otherwise it can become too soft to move in one piece. To remedy the situation, very briefly knead the dough a couple of turns to work the gluten slightly and re-roll/stretch.

Why is my pizza dough tough and hard to roll?

If you are having issues with the pizza dough not stretching or shrinking back when you roll it, there’s a chance the gluten has become over-worked. Cover the dough and leave for 5-10min for the gluten to relax, then try rolling it again. It can also be because you added too little water to the dough.

How to make pizza dough

  1. Put flour in a large mixing bowl with a pinch of salt and the yeast. Make a well in centre then add olive oil and 150ml tepid water.

  2. Stir together with a wooden spoon to bring ingredients into a dough.

  3. Lightly flour work surface and knead dough for about 5min until smooth and elastic. Sprinkle more flour over if dough is sticky.

  4. Once dough is smooth, soft and elastic, shape into a ball. Grease a bowl with oil and put dough inside. Cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for 45min, to double in size.

  5. Take dough out of bowl and give it a quick knead to knock air out of it. Roll into a circle to desired thickness. Dusted baking tray with semolina and put dough on. It’s now ready to be topped and baked.

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