People Are Sharing The Weirdest Thing They Have Ever Done That They Would Only Tell Anyone Else Anonymously

We all probably have one or two or a dozen weird things we have done in our lives that we will likely never tell anyone about.

two women sitting on the couch asking, what's the wildest thing you've ever done

And recently, Reddit user Key_Nectarine_1969 was curious about just that when they asked: "What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done that you could only tell people anonymously?"

woman saying, that's weird

The thread got thousands of responses from people eager to share the weirdest thing they have ever done. Below are the top and best comments:

1."Stole over 1,000 wafers from church because I really liked the Communion wafers and didn’t know where else to get them. I felt really blessed and cursed for a long time."

tray of the wafers
Avalon_studio / Getty Images

2."I was envious of my friends who were close with their cousins and relatives because I didn’t have that dynamic with mine. So when I was younger, I would come up with stories about being close to an imaginary cousin and tell stories about us during school breaks. I had to create a fake profile account on social media for this 'cousin' so she can add my friends too."

instagram app
Stockcam / Getty Images

3."Once I got off the subway in NYC and I was super early for an appointment. So, I picked a random guy and just followed him on foot for like 30 minutes, pretending I was like a private detective or something. Always kept about a half-block behind. He turned this way and that, and eventually went into a building I had lived in nine years earlier. It was weird, and so was I."

blurry people on the subway platform
Tashka / Getty Images

4."I smell my headphones after wearing them."

Kmatta / Getty Images

5."I downloaded Grindr because I thought maybe I was gay but after a few dudes started messaging me I was like, 'This is not for me' and deleted it."

Sopa Images / LightRocket via Getty Images

6."Chugged altar wine, ate Communion hosts, and then wheelied my BMX bike off the altar and down the aisle of my church. There were three of us doing this."

empty church
Monashee Frantz / Getty Images

7."We got super drunk and ate a ton of spicy food in New Orleans. Back at the B&B, the food started to come out the back side. I was sitting on the toilet shitting bricks of fire. At that moment, the booze decided to hang a U-turn. The trash can was out of reach and I couldn't risk standing up from the toilet for even five seconds. The closest receptacle was the bathtub. I managed to turn in such a way that I could keep shitting in the toilet while vomit into the tub. Both ended up clogged, and there was no plunger. I had to call the owner to explain that I had destroyed both their toilet and their tub simultaneously."

Marlene Ford / Getty Images

8."I used a depilatory cream on my balls. Worst pain ever."

hand holding two tennis balls
Joshblake / Getty Images

9."I wrote a diary entry during an exam. On the extra exam sheet. I'm talking like, one and a half pages, full text with personal Details. I hadn't prepared for the test and knew I'd tank it. So I figured I might as well use the time for something else. I got caught. Most humiliating day of my entire life."

rows of students taking a test
Chris Ryan / Getty Images

10."I once attended a 'silent disco' event at a park, but I didn't have any headphones. So, I just danced along with everyone to the silent beats, pretending to hear the music. It was bizarre to dance in silence, and I couldn't tell anyone because they'd think I was weird."

people dancing in the park wearing headphones
Carlos Barquero Perez / Getty Images

11."Was in like middle school and my older sister and I somehow had a great idea. We took a bunch of our younger siblings toys and made a horror scene with them in the basement. Like red paint blood, dismembered, hanging from the ceiling. We looked at our creation and immediately realized we went too far. Not only did we waste my mom's money, but would have traumatized the crap out of two elementary schoolers. Took it all down and disposed of the evidence quickly. No idea who’s idea it was but we decided never to tell them, lol."

Image Source / Getty Images

12."Was drunk at an escape room with coworkers. It was an extreme one where you are handcuffed the entire time. I decided in my drunken state that it would be badass to dislocated my thumb and slip off the cuffs like the movies. It wasn't. We got kicked out, my coworkers were weirded out and I had to go to the hospital. I quit a few weeks later. White collar wasn't for me."

Jackf / Getty Images/iStockphoto

13."When I was in middle school I covered myself with chocolate pudding and Kraft Singles American and would run out in front of incoming traffic on my street pretending to be a monster."

kraft cheese singles
Juanmonino / Getty Images

14."When I was a kid, I was in a big indoor waterpark, which had a large whirlpool like thing. I had to take a dump, but it was too much fun in there to get out. My childish reasoning said, the bubbly surface would cover everything underneath, so I just pulled my swimming pants and set it loose, believing the bubbly surface would hide it. It did not."

kid underwater
Bicho_raro / Getty Images/iStockphoto

15."I 'steal' batteries from those collection bins for old batteries 'cause I have a collection of batteries with names I find funny for some reason. I put steal in quotes because in my eyes taking things others do not want to own or sell anymore while not damaging people or property does not constitute theft."

Georgeclerk / Getty Images/iStockphoto

16."During lockdown, I was invited to a 'fight club' in an abandoned farm. Drove down and ended up fighting two people at various levels and styles. Last fight we all just collectively decided to fight nude 'because that’s what the Ancient Greeks did.' We ended up fighting three two-minute rounds before shaking hands going our own way. Box was ticked and never felt the urge to do it again. Stupid thing though. 'Hey, do you want to meet two strangers at an abandoned farmhouse and also fight them?'"

Smith Collection / Getty Images

17.And lastly, "All throughout middle school, there was someone who tucked unwrapped Hostess Devil Dogs into the toilet paper dispensers in the bathrooms, so that when you pulled some toilet paper out, the devil dog would fall out into your hand. We had to have an assembly about it. That person...was me."

hostess dessert
Memoriesarecaptured / Getty Images

You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.