"If A Knife Is Falling, Let It Fall": People Reveal The Things They Don't Mess With Because Of Past Experiences

As the ancient saying goes, "Experience is the best teacher." Sometimes, though, what we learn through experience is to NEVER do something again because it resulted in a not-so-great outcome.

Hannah Witton, in a plaid top, speaks in front of bookshelves and a microphone. Yellow text reads "DOING IT!". Captioned text says "I'M NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN! NOPE. NOPE. NOPE!"

Recently, Reddit user Ancient-Rub-6987 wanted to hear about those experiences when they asked: "What, due to experience, do you know not to f*** with?"

Kenan Thompson sitting and looking to the side with a slight smile, with the text "NOPE." appearing at the bottom of the image

The thread went viral, getting 9.5K comments. Below are the top, best, and most-often-repeated things that people will never mess with again:

1."People in the middle of a road rage incident. It is amazing how a grown adult can absolutely lose their mind when inside a vehicle."

A man in a car angrily gestures at another driver through his window

2."Construction sites. They are one of the most dangerous places to be, so you have to be paying attention the entire time you are on-site."

Construction workers on-site, one person in a hard hat and reflective vest directing others standing on an unfinished building structure

3."Payday loans."

Neon sign in a window displaying the words "PAYDAY ADVANCE"

4."If you're traveling, never mess with the locals. I've seen people pick fights with one of the locals, and 10 of his buddies came out from every shop around them."

Four men arguing aggressively in a bar, with beer mugs and snacks on the table

5."Food poisoning. If you've ever had it for real, your own personal food safety standards will rise significantly."

A man with short hair and glasses sits on a couch, holding his stomach in discomfort while wearing a light shirt and jeans

6."Bodies of water in general. A floaty blew off the back of my boat, and drunk me thought I could dive in and get it. By the time I came up for air, it was 50 yards away, and after swimming in its general direction, I was too far from the boat to swim back. I was rescued by a quick-thinking kayaker. Never again!"

Ocean wave crashing gently under a partly cloudy sky with the horizon in the background

7."Mountainous roads during or after a blizzard. I’ve seen a few people just die from turning corners too fast and hitting oncoming traffic. Bridges freeze and traffic backs up for hours. Seen plenty of cars spinning out on black ice."

A car is driving on a snowy, tree-lined road during heavy snowfall, surrounded by frosted trees and snow-covered ground

8."Swans during mating season. Think about a goose on steroids and three times bigger. They've been known to chase down jet skiers and knock the driver into the water for getting too close to their nests."

A serene swan floats peacefully on calm water in a picturesque outdoor setting

9."Don't mess with people who cook, deliver, or serve your food."

A chef garnishes a plate of steak and roasted vegetables with a sprig of rosemary

10."Tape measures. I ended up with 10 stitches."

A tape measure extended to approximately 35 centimeters against a plain background

11."Skiing or snowboarding past the out-of-bounds signs."

A sign on a snowy mountain showing a skier with a red prohibition symbol, indicating that skiing in the area is not allowed

12."Driving tired. It can be WAAAAAY worse than driving drunk."

A woman yawns while driving a car, covering her mouth with one hand

13."Internet trolls. They've literally got nothing better to do with their time and will take you down to a deep, dark trench if you allow them to. In my 20s, I allowed too many of them to wreak havoc on my life, and it took me to some dark places."

Hands typing on a laptop while numerous negative comments like "IDIOT!", "LOSER", "HATE U", and others appear on screen, indicating online harassment

14."If a knife is falling, let it fall, and don't try to catch it. It's better if the knife gets damaged than if you get hurt yourself."

Kitchen knife resting near the edge of a countertop, blade facing outward

15."Strangers. Flipped off one, he tracked me down and threatened to murder me."

A man in a car and another man on foot are arguing loudly with expressive hand gestures on a street

16."Not finishing antibiotics. Just because you feel better doesn't mean you stop taking them."

A person holds a pill near their lips with one hand and a glass of water in the other hand, appearing to be about to take the pill

17."As a homeowner that has had a long list of shit to do for a very, very long time, I do not mess around with plumbing or garage doors. No f'ing way. Nuh-uh. Nope."

A man talking on the phone is looking at a leaking pipe under a sink, with water spilling into a metal bucket

18.And lastly, "Hydration. Drink more water. Yes, you."

A woman with curly hair smiles while holding a glass of water, standing in a bright room with plants in the background
Jlco - Julia Amaral / Getty Images

You can read the original thread on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.