People Are Sharing The Jarring Moment They Realized They Weren't "Young" Anymore, And I Hate To Say It, But I Relate

A little while ago, Reddit user u/Traditional-Arm-6114 asked, "What made you realize you are not young anymore?"

Jamie Lee Curtis holding her face in shock, next to Lindsay Lohan who is looking equally surprised in a scene from "Freaky Friday"

And, warning, these replies might hit some of you REAL hard. (I'm speaking from experience). Here are some of their responses:

Note: Some submissions are from this Reddit thread. 

1."Waking up with back or neck pain 'cause I slept in the wrong position."


A man lies in a hospital bed wearing a neck brace, with text on the image reading, "I'm a little banged up, I'm fine."

2."When I worked at a record store and when chatting with a customer, the customer's kid asked, 'What's Atari?'"


3."When buying alcohol at a supermarket someone asked me for ID, and it made me laugh out loud! It also made my day! I was 42."


4."When my hangovers got longer and heavier."


Renée Zellweger and Teri Hatcher sit on a porch swing, each holding a martini glass with eyes closed, appearing relaxed

5."When I started waking up with random aches, despite not having injured myself recently."


6."When I realized that there are people born after me who are now old enough to be president."


7."When a coworker who was in his early 20s didn't know who Jimi Hendrix was."


8."When my niece told me I was from the late 1900s."


Michael Landon and Karen Grassle sit on a horse-drawn wagon in a vintage countryside setting. Landon holds the reins, while Grassle adjusts her bonnet, smiling

9."When somebody offered me their seat on the train."


10."When people at cafés and shops started calling me ‘sir.'"


11."When I saw a group of 18-year-olds going into the pub and thought they were children."


12."When my hairdresser casually brought up Rogaine."


Group of people dancing energetically in a lively, dimly lit dance club with a band playing on stage in the background
Warner Bros.

13."When I started having to get up to pee a couple of times a night."


14."When I realized how much my parents have aged and was sad about seeing it."


15."When I started struggling to stay up past midnight."


Rowan Atkinson, in character as Mr. Bean, appears tired with droopy eyes and a disheveled suit and tie during a close-up shot
Universal Pictures / Paramount Pictures

16."Making an involuntary groan when getting up from bending over or getting out of the car."


17."When most of my political opinions were no longer considered 'progressive.'"


18."When I was picking up my son in third grade, his classmate shouted out, 'Marcus! Your grandpa is here!'"


Grandpa Simpson angrily waves a white card while yelling, with a window in the background

19."When I dislocated my jaw lying in bed yawning. I didn't even think it was even possible."


20."When I just bought a new mop and was really excited to go home and use it. I mopped the whole apartment in absolute bliss."


21."When my mom had a heart attack at 85 years old. I went to the hospital when she was in the ICU. The excellent doctors and nurses were younger than my kids. They looked like high schoolers to me."


Doctors in scrubs, including five individuals, are looking up in a medical facility

22."This year when multiple SONS of American football players I watched growing up got drafted into the NFL."


23."When my best friend and I were planning for a concert next month and for the first time in our lives, we were like, 'Do we... want to buy seats instead of standing in the pit?'"


24."When I realized having the number 1 in front of my birth year is all anyone needs to know that I'm old enough to purchase alcohol. I don't know why, but that dumb fact just hit me like a ton of bricks."


A person with black wavy hair, wearing a name tag and a red shirt, holds a wallet in a store aisle stocked with cigarette packs
Columbia Pictures / Sony Pictures Releasing

25."When I went through the house yelling to the kids, 'When you leave a room, turn the light OFF!!'"


26.And lastly, "When I started viewing guys on motorcycles with concern instead of awe. Now I think 'Damn kid is gonna get himself killed' vs. 'Oooh, look at that hot rebel.'"


What was the moment you realized you were no longer "young?" Tell us in the comments!

Submissions were edited for length and/or clarity.