17 Married Folks Are Confessing The Things That Made Their Spouse Different From Others

Recently Reddit user dmittens111 asked the married people of the community, "How did you know your spouse was the one?"

Jennifer Lopez in "Marry Me"
Universal Pictures

They didn't hold anything back, and revealed some of the most wholesome and heartwarming stories about their partners. Knowing you found "the one" in the intense dating world? How lucky can you get!!!

Ty Burrell and Julie Bowen in "Modern Family"

So, here are some married folks who knew they found love once they met their now-wives and husbands:

Jason Momoa making heart sign out of hands

1."We had only been dating for three months, so there was still some awkwardness here and there. I was working an outrageous amount, and I got a phone call that one of my very good friends had just died in a car accident. I don't really remember walking there, but instead of my apartment, I ended up at hers. She opened the door to her new boyfriend, half-ugly-sobbing. Instead of being weirded out, she listened and cried with me for a couple of hours. The friend who died was the one who had encouraged me for six months to ask my now-wife out. My friend never knew the impact she had. My wife and I have been married for 15 years now."


2."He told me, 'loving you is easy.' I don't know why, but that gave me a really warm fuzzy feeling (maybe because no else had ever said it to me before."


"This. I explained it to my then-girlfriend (now-wife) as the 'enjoyment of company' vs. the 'social energy required' plot. I had friends all over the graph, but she's the only one who was in that top left corner."


A couple holds hands closely, showing intimacy and connection. The woman wears a ring on her finger
Rowan Jordan / Getty Images/iStockphoto

3."I started sleeping a lot more than usual, which was weird for me because I'm usually an insomniac. I'd sleep all night and then take a four-hour nap during the day. This happened most days unless I was working. After not having that for years, I finally realized I was catching up on lost sleep because I felt safe and loved at home. I don't sleep as much now, so I think I'm mostly caught up, and there are no health problems."


4."We knew each other for a couple of months when we both got invited to a mutual friend's birthday party. She wasn't feeling great, but she came anyway because there were some others there who we hadn't seen for quite a bit, and she wanted to say hi. So, after a few hours, she said she felt worse and asked if someone could help her get home. A friend and I said sure, we'll walk with you. We walked her to her house, which was about 15 minutes away, and when we got there, she got dizzy and was on the verge of fainting. I saw her wobble, grabbed onto her, and then she sagged into my arms. It was only for a few seconds, but she was out of it. She opened her eyes, looked at me, and BLAM! Fireworks, butterflies — everything all at once."

"This was at her parents' house, so her father walked into the hallway to look at what was going on. He saw me there holding his daughter and gave me a 'stern look' until she explained what happened.

We went on a date a few weeks later, which was the first date of 19 years."


5."It was the first night I met her. She was a friend of a friend, and neither of us was looking for a partner at the time. Much later in the evening, I saw her dancing on her own, and, like, really going for it. She just stood out so much compared to all of the other girls on the dance floor. I thought, 'Yep...she's the one for me.' We've been together 18 years this year, 11 married, and have a teenage daughter now."


People dancing at a lively nightclub with neon lights creating a party atmosphere. The main focus is on a woman in a glittery dress spinning around with her hair flying
John Lamb / Getty Images

6."My last relationship was really traumatizing, and I was not interested in dating anyone at all. But he pursued me very gently for months, and I just thought, 'Why not give someone who actually treats you well a chance?' The night of our first date, we made out, and we’ve been together ever since (that was 12 years ago). But I knew he was husband material when he escorted me home after that first date. I was very tired, and he didn’t want me to fall asleep on the subway. He knew I lived with my mom and that he wouldn’t be coming in before he even offered. It was a very long trip for him to go home after since it was late, and service was reduced overnight."

"He displayed a level of concern and protection that I was unaccustomed to, and it really opened my eyes. The best decision I ever made was to go out with him.

He’s my best friend, makes me laugh constantly, and I still find him wildly attractive."


7."We had hung out with another friend a couple of times. I made plans to visit my friend, and my friend recommended that I invite my now-wife to come along since she lived near me. After driving for seven hours each way and having fun conversations the whole time, I was pretty sure we should be together. We're still together 35 years later, and married for 30."


A couple is sitting in a convertible car at the beach during sunset, embracing each other affectionately and gazing at the horizon
Courtneyk / Getty Images

8."When I yelled out, 'Hey! You wanna go get some fried chicken and catch a flick?' from across the room at a college party. She instantly started walking towards me and yelled out, 'Fuck yeah!' We've been together for 28 years and married for 24."


9."I always felt this way when I began loving her for what she wasn't. I fell in love with her faults and realized that we balanced each other. She loved me for me, and I'd never had that before."


10."I had some deep-rooted trauma and 'friend-zoned' him for 10 years, and he waited for me. I genuinely enjoyed his company, and I realized I had the perfect guy right under my nose the entire time. I initiated our dating, but I was very traumatized, so our sex life was pretty much nonexistent. He would just sit there with me and let me be. He made me feel safe, and that's when I knew he was the one."


A man and woman lie in bed cuddling under the covers, with the woman's head resting on the man's shoulder, both appearing content and relaxed
Willie B. Thomas / Getty Images

11."I always felt safe with him. But the big moment for me was when I had an awful fight with my parents that ended with them kicking us out of their house and telling me never to contact them again. It was a shitty situation to be in. I was ugly crying, and my biggest concern was that he would decide that it was just too much drama and leave me. I had pulled over on the side of the road, bawling my eyes out and he got out of the other car, gave me a hug, and said, 'I always knew you had a rocky relationship with your old man.' No judgment, no adding to the stress — just there to comfort and support me."


12."Sundays were my favorite day of the week with her. Whether we were sitting quietly with books or running mundane errands to prep for the coming week, the test, for me at least, was how happily we spent our Sundays. Friday and Saturday nights are easy. But you have a keeper if you can consistently spend a good Sunday with someone."


A man and woman browse a bookstore, picking books from shelves. The woman holds an orange book and has a backpack. The man wears a coat and glasses
Goodlifestudio / Getty Images

13."I used to get really bad periods when we first met; one was a bad one, maybe a month into our dating, so I canceled the date and was honest about why. I figured he'd be grossed out, but instead, he understood. He said it was up to me, but we could still hang out and watch dumb TV. He came over and it was so nice. He brought me ice cream and weed — I was so excited. Then, later, he said, 'Do you want me to go down on you? I heard that helps with cramps?' And he did. He didn't ask me to reciprocate — what a freaking mensch! That's when I knew as I orgasmed lolol)."


14."When we first started dating there was a year or so when we lived a few hours apart. It was really hard to leave. One time, it was early morning, and I had already said goodbye. I got in my car in the parking lot and noticed that he was running towards me in his boxers. It was cold, and it was so silly. I couldn’t stop laughing, but I also had major butterflies. He wanted to give me one more kiss goodbye. A fool in love, and that’s never changed."

"We’ve been together almost 12 years now, and married for seven. He makes me feel like I can do anything, and that I'm beautiful.

I know he’s got my back. We’ve been through a lot of dark times, but at the end of the day, I’d rather do the shitty stuff with him."


A couple sits in a car, with the man leaning in to kiss the woman's cheek. The woman is smiling, and both appear relaxed and affectionate
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

15."On our third date, I drove her home after a wonderful time. We watched a movie at my place and started holding hands in the middle (we were young and inexperienced, so we moved slowly). We kissed before we started driving, and then, on the way to her place, my car had a major meltdown. My cruise control burned out and something fused (PT Cruisers are death traps) and I was unable to brake fully. Got off the freeway doing about 40 mph, and I had to pull my brake and hope for the best. She never panicked — she just offered suggestions and remained calm. Once we were safe, she called Triple A. I figured she could handle just about anything if she could handle that experience. We've been together for 10 years and married for six."


16."I'm somewhat of a weirdo — simple things in life bring me joy. Avoiding cracks while walking on sidewalks and anywhere else with cracks (including tiles at the store if I can help it). Stepping into really small puddles (small enough that if I stomp on them, it won't make a mess). When I'm hungry, I sometimes dance in the kitchen when I cook. Is singing included? Is it loud, offbeat, and in the wrong pitch? I shall not confirm or deny this, but perhaps sometimes. To put it plainly, she puts up with all of my daily BS, and I love her for it! She always responds best when I ask strange, unusual questions about life and random spur-of-the-moment questions off the top of my head."


17.And finally, "She never weaponizes my feelings against me like my ex did. She's seen me at my very worst emotionally when my ex was finished destroying me, and she never made me feel bad about it. From the beginning, she made herself the one person in the world I could confide in without my heart being ripped apart. In doing so, she made herself the one person in the world I could trust completely. To this day, almost 18 years after we first met, she's never once violated my trust. I'm old enough to know how unusual and special that is."


A woman and a man sit at a table facing each other, holding hands while having a serious conversation
Fizkes / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Let's flip the script a little bit here, folks: When did you know that a person would ***NOT*** be your spouse or life-long partner? The major red flags that made you go, "Nope...absolutely not."

Kim Cattrall in "Sex and the City" (2008)
Warner Bros. Pictures

Share with us in the comments below (or in this Google Form if you want to remain anonymous).

Angela Bassett in "Waiting to Exhale"
20th Century Fox

The best submissions will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.