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People Online Are Sharing How They’d Prepare For A Country's Collapse, And For No Reason At All I'm Reading Every Single Comment

Recently, Reddit user DetroitsGoingToWin turned to the popular Ask Reddit page to pose an apocalyptic hypothetical: "If you thought your country was three to six months away from a violent collapse, how would you prepare?" and the answers range from funny to genuinely earnest. Here are some of the best:

1."Really work hard on strengthening my relationships with my fellow community members."

People in matching shirts happily volunteering, with a woman hugging a child and others packing bags
People in matching shirts happily volunteering, with a woman hugging a child and others packing bags



Two people jogging along a waterfront; the man wears a sleeveless top and shorts, the woman wears a long-sleeve crop top and shorts
Two people jogging along a waterfront; the man wears a sleeveless top and shorts, the woman wears a long-sleeve crop top and shorts

"Legit something that is wildly overlooked is how physically demanding fighting is, even just running around.

You can have all the guns and bullets and food stockpiled and then get mowed down because you can't run for more than 10 seconds.

Go all out and carry a 35-pound pack on your back while you do it for extra realism."


"In the military, we were taught that if we stop moving, we die. This is especially the case with drones now. Soldiers think they can hide from them instead, but this isn’t the case."


3."If Zombieland taught us anything, it's that cardio is Rule #1."

Two people running on a football field, with the text "Rule #1 Cardio" overlaid
Two people running on a football field, with the text "Rule #1 Cardio" overlaid


4."I would go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over."

Universal Pictures, United International Pictures, Rogue Pictures, Bac Films / Via


5."I wouldn't; I procrastinate far too much."


"Yeah, can we get to the collapse tomorrow instead?"


6."Instead of obvious prepping, I joined a local hiking group to learn the terrain and made friends with people who have useful skills."

Aerial view of a winding dirt hiking trail through a lush, green forested area with a few hikers on the path
Aerial view of a winding dirt hiking trail through a lush, green forested area with a few hikers on the path

"My new friend Sarah's a nurse, John's ex-military, and Mike's an expert gardener. Building a community might be more valuable than stockpiling supplies when everything falls apart."


7."I'm from Venezuela, and it happened...2013."

"I started saving in foreign currency (USD, EUR), sold my properties while they still had value, renewed documentation (passport, IDs, credit cards), sold vehicles, worked on apostille for my credentials (diplomas, certifications), spent on the basic stuff to survive to get ready to leave, started networking with friends abroad to see my options, made up my mind, and hopped on a bus to the border."


8."Honestly, even some backyard gardening could go a long way, in just getting the knowlege, even."

Peter Burnett / Getty Images, © Marco Bottigelli / Getty Images

"I sometimes watch a Youtuber, a heavily tattooed and mustached Italian living in London, and he goes through lots of space-saving ways to grow lots of food in the middle of London, of all places."


9."Start wrapping my baseball bat in barbed wire and learn to whistle."

Man with a beard, in a leather jacket, holding a barbed wire bat, standing in a field
Man with a beard, in a leather jacket, holding a barbed wire bat, standing in a field


10."I'd inform the neighbors and hope they stock up on supplies so I can rob 'em later."



11."I kinda hate to say this but the people who have been prepping for years would be the most prepared. They’ve seen this coming and have set up for it."

Person organizing jars, cans, and bags of food items on a shelf, including pasta, beans, and bottles
Person organizing jars, cans, and bags of food items on a shelf, including pasta, beans, and bottles

"In Washington state, I lived near people who built their home underground. Full electric solar systems and such. I dated a girl when I was 18, and her dad was always filling his used soda bottles with filtered water and beans and rice, and storing them under his home. Things like that.

BUT, in desperate situations, anyone who knows these things will go to those people for help when (or if) shit hits the fan."


12."The reality is, if it was three to six months away from collapse, you would have already had a lot of market failures and daily changes that would inhibit you from being able to sufficiently prepare."

Digital display showing fluctuating stock market data with graphs and world map background
Digital display showing fluctuating stock market data with graphs and world map background

"Realistically, figure out what type of survival you want, refugee, institutional loyalist, looter, scrapper, etc."


13."I'd put micro machines around the doorway of society so any threat would slip and fall. Maybe rig some paint cans on ropes to cover society's staircase."

20th Century Studios, 20th Century Home Entertainment, FilmFlex / Via


14."I'd say stop overreacting. Your country isn't facing a violent collapse. Sure, it's going through a somewhat tumultuous phase, but it's so much better off than most economies and still the world's innovation capital. People/democracies are far more resilient than you give them credit for."


15."It’s not three to six months from collapse, but I prepared by buying a bidet instead of stocking up on Costco toilet paper."

George Pachantouris / Getty Images, Hapabapa / Getty Images


"Bidet life, best life."


16."People are very frustrated with the cost of basic needs. Starting a garden is ideal."



Person wearing a retro-inspired flight attendant uniform with a pillbox hat, smiling and waving
Person wearing a retro-inspired flight attendant uniform with a pillbox hat, smiling and waving


18."Ammunition for my guns. As much nonperishable food as I can get. Bigger generator and lots of fuel for it."

A quaint house with a wooden porch, surrounded by a green lawn. A tire swing hangs from a tree in the foreground, and an American flag is displayed
A quaint house with a wooden porch, surrounded by a green lawn. A tire swing hangs from a tree in the foreground, and an American flag is displayed

"I live on 20 acres in the country, so I can control my immediate environment better than if I lived in town.

I would talk to all of my immediate neighbors to make a plan so we can coordinate our actions, should actions be necessary. As a group, set up a control to access the subdivision. Fuel up all of the vehicles."


19.And finally: "If the cities do fall apart — and you’d be surprised how many won’t in war, as the military creates supply lines — you will see people from the cities coming to where you are and setting up camps to survive if that’s where food is."

Clock tower amidst modern city buildings with a hilly backdrop. Urban and historical architecture blend in a bustling cityscape
Clock tower amidst modern city buildings with a hilly backdrop. Urban and historical architecture blend in a bustling cityscape

"You need to decide if you all can help each other or not. Refugees are best to see. If you see the army or soldiers, they will take your food and farm for their side of the war effort and you’ll get bombed too by the other side. There is no amount of strategic planning that can prepare you for a governmental collapse."


Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Note: Some comments have been edited for length and/or clarity.