People Who Live In Vacation Destinations, Tell Us How Tourism Has Impacted Your Community

Many people dream of living in their favorite vacation destination. Whether it's the beach, the mountains, a quaint small town, or even a bustling city, tourists often think that their brief experience in a location must be the daily reality for that community...

A person stands smiling with their eyes closed, wearing a checkered sleeveless top, with a scenic background of mountains and a lake
Klaus Vedfelt via Getty Images

However, tourism itself can often have a negative impact on the locals' everyday lives. There are the obvious effects of tourism, such as crowds, but oftentimes, there are differences that only the people who live there full-time notice...

Two women stand in a sunny street, one points ahead while the other consults a map
Antonio Guillem via Getty Images

Maybe you noticed that the constant traffic was making it more difficult to get to your job on time?

Busy city street with heavy traffic, pedestrians on sidewalks, and tall buildings on either side. Sign on right reads "Right Lane Must Turn Right"
Alexander Spatari via Getty Images

Maybe you've noticed damage to the natural environment, such as pollution, litter, or even forest fires?

A person using a grabber tool to clean up litter from a pond, removing bottles and other trash
BrianAJackson via Getty Images

Maybe the cost of living has increased to match tourist prices? Or wealthy individuals buying vacation homes have driven up property values to unaffordable prices?

Keys are placed on a wooden table near a pool with a scenic outdoor view
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

Or perhaps you've noticed increased crime, leading locals to become wary of new people?

A hand reaches for a phone on a cafe table while two women in the background, out of focus, smile and converse over coffee
Antonioguillem / Getty Images/iStockphoto

No matter how tourism has impacted you or your community, we want to hear your story. Which is why I'm asking people who live in vacation destinations: How has tourism affected your everyday life or community? Tell us in the comments below (or if you would prefer to stay anonymous, use this Google Form). Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.