'This Peloton bike alternative helped to get my fitness back on track'

Echelon bikes are the next best thing to Peloton. Fact. So, I was V excited when I was offered the chance to review one.

Before we jump into it, allow me to give you some context. You see, me and running? Not going to happen. Swimming? Far too much faff, and as for yoga? I’m probably the only person in the world who finds it stress-inducing rather than alleviating. Spinning, however, that’s my jam. My religion, if you will.

I usually hit up a 45-minute Boom Cycle class two to three times a week. I love the pack mentality when you’re all riding to the beat together and the fact that you get a full-body workout. Not only does it burn a serious amount of calories, but it also produces an endorphin buzz that fuels me for the day ahead like nothing else. So, you can imagine my dismay when COVID hit and studios promptly closed.

Thankfully it was then that the Echelon EX-3 Smart Connect Bike came to my rescue. Designed to bring the spinning experience to the comfort of your living room, its launch couldn’t have been timelier, but I've never looked back. Even since studios have reopened, I still use my Echelon bike on the reg, and often choose a sesh with it over one IRL.

Here's why it's so good.

What is the Echelon bike?

For those of you not au fait, every Echelon Connect Bike (there are six models) offer at-home spinning classes at a more affordable price compared to its competitors, including Peloton. (Google 'Peloton alternative' and the Echelon bike will pop right up.)

The live daily classes and on-demand bank of over 3500 on and off-bike workouts mean you can create at own home fitness studio rather than schlep across town to the gym.

Brimming with clever tech, you simply connect the app to your bike to get it going. Once all synced up you can track a whole host of stats to monitor your progress. If you're someone who prefers to go without a wrist-based fitness tracker, having the metrics on screen can be a great alternative.

For me, having a screen of such a big size is the one thing that could've made my experience with the EX-3 bike better - you have to connect your Echelon app to a Smart TV otherwise, and this won't show you your stats like an in-built touchscreen does - you'd have to check your app or fitness watch throughout your ride.

Read on for everything else you need to know about the Echelon bike, including how it compares to Peloton.

Not keen on shedding out so much in one fell swoop? You can pay for the Echelon EX-3 bike in 24 monthly instalments of £31.21.

What makes Echelon different?

  • The on-demand classes mean you tap into a class whenever you want. Plus, it’s not just spinning either. You have access to kickboxing, yoga, stretching, Pilates, HIIT, strength training classes and more and Zumba as well as warm-up and cool-down sessions

  • Scenic rides offer you the chance to explore different terrains – from the French countryside to the streets of Singapore.

  • There are 32 levels of resistance, providing a challenging workout for all levels of riders. The bike is also fully integrated, connecting to your smart devices via Bluetooth to monitor your speed, cadence, calories burned, heart rate and more.

  • It’s compact: the bike has a footprint of 3ft 4in by 1ft 8in so doesn’t take over your home.

  • The app tracks your progress so you can set a goal and also links to your Facebook, Fitbit, and Strava accounts so you compete with friends and family. There's also a leaderboard to track your performance.

Is the Echelon bike as good as the Peloton bike?

In terms of set-up and the overall offering, they're pretty similar. The Peloton feels slightly sturdier and has cleats (cycling shoes that you clip onto the bike) so the overall spinning experience feels a little slicker.

The main difference between the two is the price. If budget is your main concern then the Echelon bike should be your port of call because it comes in quite a bit cheaper.

5 ways Echelon is different from in-studio spinning

One-upmanship here is tricky because there is an equal number of pros and cons to both at-home spinning and studio spinning.

1. Availability

As a working mum, I loved that I could nip upstairs to do an Echelon class after work and still have time to do the bedtime routine with my two-year-old. I could also squeeze in 4-5 classes a week rather than my usual 2-3.

2. Motivation

Having said that, there is less emphasis to "show up" for yourself knowing your bike is only one room away and that you have access to it whenever you want. Also, if I wasn’t really in the mood, I could hop off the bike 15 minutes before the end without anyone batting an eye. At a studio, you’re pretty much locked in the room until the class is over.

3. Atmosphere

Then there's the issue of atmosphere and ambience. In a spinning studio, you ride as a pack with an emphasis on teamwork and rhythm, so you'd be forgiven for thinking that it doesn't compare to riding at home, but the Echelon instructor will give you shoutouts, and you'll be able to track the other 600 people are also taking part on the leaderboard.

4. Competition

I was a big fan of the Echelon bike leaderboard. This gave me something to focus on in each class as I tried to outpace those ahead of me. I didn’t think I was competitive but this bought out a new streak in me, which kept me going back for more. It’s also something spin studios don’t tend to have.

5. Format

The class structure of Echelon sessions compared to what you'll get in a spin studio is quite different. Echelon classes are full of variety, with settings set to mimic rolling hills, seated climbs and building up your speed and resistance levels. You'll never get bored.

Studio spinning seems a little more 'airy-fairy' in comparison. There's occasionally some choreography, with push-ups and weights circuits factored in, but it's largely just your speed that changes.

A few of the Echelon classes also had a weights section which I loved.

Can I watch TV on Echelon Bike?

When I told friends I was testing the Echelon bike, this was one of the most asked questions. For those of you who prefer to spin and binge watch a Netflix series, you'll be pleased to know you can do just that, simply use your Echelon web login on any Smart TV (they recommend an Apple TV or screen mirror from your phone).

The verdict

Putting together the bike was easy enough, although I had difficulty figuring out how to move the seat back and forth because it doesn't have a sliding mechanism, which seemed a bit odd. Instead, you clip into place, but the instructions were quite vague, so I never knew if I had it in the right setting.

As for the actual classes, there was a huge mix to cater to all abilities so Echelon does live up to its promise. Timing-wise, classes varied from express 20 minutes (perfect if you're short on time) to 45-minute endurance sessions.

Chris Tracey's classes were by far the best. He gives crystal clear instructions, has the right amount of encouragement, but offers zero small talk so you can concentrate on getting through the ride. His playlists are also on point but, again, the options are endless so it's just a matter of finding an instructor you click with and that shares your taste in music.

Is the Echelon bike worth it?

100%, yes. Especially if you're serious about upping your at home workout game or want to embark on a new fitness journey at home. It helped to get my fitness back on track during lockdown and came at a time when I couldn't face doing another set of burpees in my living room, and I haven't looked back since. It's definitely a solid choice if you don't want to shed out quite as much money for a Peloton.

Even if you're a die-hard fan of spinning in a studio, the atmosphere and team mentality that you get through the leaderboard and shoutouts from the instructors are game-changing.

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