Paul King to direct Tom Holland's Fred Astaire movie

Paul King will direct Tom Holland in the Fred Astaire biopic credit:Bang Showbiz
Paul King will direct Tom Holland in the Fred Astaire biopic credit:Bang Showbiz

Paul King is to direct Tom Holland's Fred Astaire biopic.

The 'Paddington' filmmaker will helm the untitled Sony Pictures film that has the 'Spider-Man' actor attached to star as the film and dance icon of Hollywood's golden age.

Plot details are being kept under wraps but it is known that the movie centres on the relationship between Fred and his sister Adele Astaire.

The pair were inseparable for more than 20 years and moved from a Midwestern vaudeville act in the early part of the 20th century to Broadway and London's West End in the 1920s.

Adele was initially the face of the act but was eventually eclipsed by Fred's consummate stage skills. The duo parted in 1932 when she married, which came as a blow to Fred.

However, it turned his focus toward Hollywood dance musicals and subsequently set him on the path to cinematic legend.

The project has been in development for several years and now has Lee Hall, who wrote the dance-centric movie 'Billy Elliot', rewriting the script by Noah Pink.

Amy Pascal, Rachael O'Conner, Ben Holden and Josh Hyams are all producing.

Tom has experience in the field of dance having starred in 'Billy Elliot the Musical' on the West End from 2008 to 2010 and has vowed to put his ability to good use in the film.

The 26-year-old actor said: "I’m quite a good tap dancer.

"It’s something I’ve done for a very, very long time so it’s something I’m sure I’ll be able to pick up."

Tom is aware that Astaire was a far more "elegant and graceful" dancer than Billy Elliot.

He said: "Fred Astaire does have a very particular style.

"Billy Elliot was very much a kind of like scuffy boot kind of tap dancer whereas he is very elegant and graceful so I’ll probably have to learn how to do that.

"But it’s something I’m gonna practice, something I’m very excited for and I think it will be a fantastic film."