Older people in England are happier than before Covid – but this 1 problem won’t go away

old people happier
Old people are happier since Covid except for this Darren Robb - Getty Images

Older people in England are happier and more satisfied now than before the pandemic, says a new study.

Researchers looked at data from a long-term study, the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, which tracked the wellbeing of just under 4,000 people aged 50 and older in England from 1998.

Published in Aging and Mental Health, the team found that those surveyed reported that their happiness, life satisfaction and eudaimonic wellbeing – happiness found through meaning, purpose and the realisation of potential – all decreased sharply during the pandemic.

However, Paola Zaninotto, professor of medical and social statistics at UCL's Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, said that, 'remarkably', all these metrics of positive wellbeing have risen significantly since then, with eudaemonic wellbeing and life satisfaction being much higher than before the pandemic.

Older people are 'happier, more satisfied and have a greater sense of purpose' than before Covid-19, she continued.

'We can only speculate on the reasons for this. It perhaps could reflect a renewed appreciation for social connections and meaningful activities, as well as increased psychological resilience after a period of adversity.

'Improved health security following widespread vaccinations could also have contributed to this positive shift.'

But depression levels are still higher

However, levels of depression among this group are still higher than pre-pandemic levels.

Around 11.4% reported depressive symptoms before Covid-19, which increased to 27.2% in 2020. After the pandemic, the study found depression levels were at 14.9%, which was still above pre-Covid numbers.

Ms Zaninotto added that, 'As many would expect, we found that wellbeing declined during the pandemic, and instances of depression rose,' she said.

'While depression is still slightly more prevalent than before 2020, remarkably, overall older people are now happier, more satisfied and have a greater sense of purpose than before the pandemic.'

She highlighted the need to create specific measures for different age groups and wealth demographics. 'We saw marked differences by age and affluence, underscoring the importance of tailored support policies for the immediate and lingering effects of pandemics on the well-being of our older population.'

Figures from the Office for National Statistics’ National Wellbeing Dashboard show that, from July and September 2024, 4.7% (one in 20) of UK adults report they have low levels of satisfaction with their lives.

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