Here's what October has in store for your star sign

Something wicked is on its way this October! Autumn is now fully underway, the pumpkin spice era is in full swing, and it’s all looking cosy, spooky, and eerie! Cosmically, we start big with a New Moon eclipse on the 2nd October, which asks us to turn the page in our less healthy relationships and bring a new dynamic (or maybe even an end) to the table. Change = change.

Jupiter goes into retrograde on the 10th October (until February 2025) which triggers a long phase of success being found in collaborations, partnerships, bigger systems and groups. So, relationships really are front and centre in this Libra-driven month.

The 17th brings a Full Moon in Aries AND Venus moving into Sagittarius, creating a double whammy of Fire sign activity. There’s still plenty to go at in 2024, and lots of time to craft new goals, refine your purpose, set an ambition and end the year on a high. You might even get a burst of energy mid-month.

Scorpio season brings us to the 22nd October, with Samhain (Witches New Year!) on the 31st, time for all things murky, intense, dark and shadowy. It’s a period for divination, fortune-telling, mediumship and shadow work. Face your demons and make friends. In fact, have a party with them (they’re not so bad when you finally meet them!) End the month with a spell of reflection and contemplation, in fact it’s the perfect time to read your cards as the veil is thin between the worlds…

October 2024 horoscope readings for your star sign


(Five of Wands, Knight of Swords, Justice)

aries star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

You are on the front foot this October, Aries, feeling like you need to stand your ground, protect what’s important, and fight back against some kind of unfairness, cruelty or injustice in your realm. You were built for this kind of skirmish, as your Mars ruler makes you a formidable opponent, and you usually win whatever you set yourself to compete for!

Justice sees you feeling triggered and ready to fight for what’s right. And trust that you are on the right side. The Knight of Swords brings an element of intelligence and strategic planning to your battle plans, rather than just shouting your mouth off or being angry. This is a game, and you can play it well. The Five of Wands reveals you’re tackling the right root cause. This issue has caused lots of petty symptoms, upset and squabbles in your circle. Face the root cause and remove all of the angst.


(Seven of Wands, Ace of Cups, Six of Swords)

taurus star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

The path to true love is never all that smooth, and there’s always some kind of drama to sort out. The Ace of Cups sees you enjoying a new, or rekindled, romance. Maybe it’s yet to start but, trust me, this will be a significant relationship in your future. It, at the least, could be a new BFF. But, at the most, it’s ‘your person’.

The Seven of Wands shows there is competition here; interference or influences which threaten to disrupt the course of this true love. Perhaps an ex, or a career priority, or a location change, or a friend with good intentions but also a big mouth. Whatever it is, resolve to address it one way or another because it could chip away at your shared happiness and undermine the trust and security (that you so prize).

The Six of Swords reveals you (or they) might have to move on from something or someone in order to quieten the outside noise. It won’t be a hard or sad decision. In fact, it has been brewing for at least six months anyway. It just seems as though this new, or rekindled, love is going to be the catalyst to finally make the shift. Sometimes we all have to make a necessary sacrifice, and that’s what this is.


(King of Coins, Four of Cups, Three of Cups )

gemini star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

You’re very hard on yourself, privately and internally, away from the sunny social self you present outwardly. You doubt that people truly like or respect you, and you often feel, despite your cleverness and success, like an imposter. The Four of Cups sees you noticing these feelings and thoughts this October and perhaps deciding to tackle them.

The King of Coins wants you to be the ally to yourself that you are for other people, friends, family or colleagues. You go hard for those you love and aim to boost their confidence. Why can’t you do this for yourself? The Three of Cups asks you to live in happiness and gratitude, to feel pride about your achievements, to celebrate your success and talents. You are a blessed person and the only one who doesn’t really believe that is YOU. Change that.


(Three of Coins, Page of Swords, Ace of Swords)

cancer star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

An important conversation will happen this month with someone with influence; someone who can promote you or change your future. Make it count. The Ace of Swords asks you to be honest and open, to say what you feel (don’t retreat into your shell, Cancer.) The Three of Coins reveals they respect your opinion, and want this level of honesty from you. It will lead, in a roundabout way, to you receiving a new opportunity that helps you get onwards and upwards!

So, look out for touring bosses, visiting consultants, or colleagues who are doing well. Look out for people you know who’re doing the kind of thing you wish you were doing. Conversation will lead to action! The Page of Swords asks you to be decisive and positive when this action unfolds. Don’t hesitate or overthink the options, just jump in! This has been a long time coming, and is the reward for a long phase of diligence, integrity and hard work.


(The Chariot, The Hermit, Six of Coins)

leo star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

October feels like a research month for you, Leo. The Hermit sees you seeking enlightenment and knowledge. You want to fill the gaps in your understanding so you can make a new, amazing plan of action. The Chariot compels you to look for purpose, meaning, and direction. Whatever it is you’re doing, you don’t truly feel it’s entirely fulfilling your potential or what you want to give and contribute to the world. Maybe it’s time to consider a new career path, maybe a side gig, community or charity project, or a fresh creative outlet. It doesn’t have to be anything radical, but you do need something extra…

The Six of Coins shows you want to do more, give more, and feel like you’re of value. You are a generous, protective soul and you’re here to guard and inspire. It’s time to step up and seek that purpose. October will reveal what it is.


(Judgment, Four of Wands, Eight of Coins)

virgo sstar sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

Do you think you’re unstoppable? Do you think you’re an invaluable asset to wherever you work or choose to invest your time and energy? I hope you know these things because they’re true, and it’s time that you embraced the implications of them. That is to say: you deserve more.

The Four of Wands sees you on the up, getting a promotion, gaining more scope or responsibility, and finding yourself in a better position (sometimes location change is hinted at here.) This is because of Judgment - the ability to see yourself clearly, know your worth, appreciate your talents and experience, and put all of this to good use, with appropriate reward. It’s not rocket science - it’s market forces, it’s supply and demand, and you’re the asset. Virgo, know your worth!

The Eight of Coins sees you relishing the new upgrade and working very hard, but also enjoying it, because NOW you feel like every ounce of effort is met with equal reward, and that’s the real balancing act you were trying to get to. This October, it happens!


(Two of Coins, Strength, Nine of Wands)

libra star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

A great deal of reassurance this October, Libra, that you can do whatever it is you’re thinking about doing, whether it’s positive or difficult. You can handle it, and things will go a lot better than you believe, so don’t procrastinate or delay - get to it! The sooner started… sooner done!

The Two of Coins shows you’re busy, juggling a lot of balls, and there’s more to come! It’s a phase of high demand but it’s okay because these opportunities are good and you can manage them. It’s like the more you do… the more you find you can do.

Strength and the Nine of Wands are like a cosmic power duo joining forces to clear issues out of your path. Whatever you’re worrying will be difficult? Well, it won’t be. Whatever you’ve been dreading will actually turn out great. Libra, it’s going to be a mega productive and positive month and the more you try to accomplish, the more you will, so set to it with maximum enthusiasm and effort.


(The Star, The Tower, King of Swords)

scorpio star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

It’s your birthday season soon, a time of year to celebrate and perhaps look ahead to set new goals. I feel like these cards really play into your ruling planet, Pluto, and its energy, which is all about transformation and rebirth. The literal phoenix rising from the ashes. The Tower sees something ending in your realm, something collapsing that has been wobbling for a long time, and it’s actually a relief to see it go. This was a long time coming, and now you’re free of the dread and worry. It’s done.

Immediately, The Star comes in to bring blessings and good fortune, to make magic happen and dreams come true. Replace what was lost with something much, much better. Be thinking already what that is…

The King of Swords asks you to be rational and dispassionate as these events unfold, trust in the Universe’s plan for you, and look ahead (NOT back). It is all to play for, Scorpio.


(Two of Swords, The Fool, Six of Cups)

sagittarius star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

October feels like a pivot month for you; a phase of getting organised and clearing out big changes ready for your own Sagittarius season in November. Do the hard work now and then you can celebrate later!

The Fool sees the main theme of new beginnings, clean slates, and fresh starts. You want to turn the page and write a new chapter. Something personal, uplifting and maybe a little radical or surprising to others. This is all about your desires, and no one else’s. The Six of Cups says it might link to the past in some way - maybe a relationship, place, old role, talent or hobby, friendship circle or educational goal. You are going back to go forwards.

The Two of Swords shows the way ahead is forged through decisions. You need to pick options and put them into practice, which in turn creates momentum and more options. So get going!


(Seven of Coins, Seven of Cups, Page of Cups)

everything to know about a capricorn and their traits
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

A trio of imaginative ‘what if’ cards, Capricorn, so let your mind’s eye roam and let the daydreams flow freely. The Page and Seven of Cups urge you to get your Post-Its and coloured pens out to do some mood- and vision-boarding around a goal or ambition you need fresh ideas for. Write your fantasies down, because they’re here to serve you and make you happy, right? Use them as fuel for real life.

The Seven of Coins shows you’re entering a new seven year chapter (some theorists believe we all live in seven year chunks of life before the next phase kicks off). You’re starting to think about the longer-term future and how you can control and shape it, depending on the changes you might make in the here and now. We are all masters of our own destiny. We all have choices and options, and the quicker you get used to mastering effective decision-making, the quicker you can hop-skip towards the lifestyle you really wish to adopt. What’s stopping you?


(The Sun, Nine of Swords, Temperance)

aquarius star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

You’ve been worrying about a wonderful event or potential life change coming up on the horizon (even as far as next spring, though December feels likely.) The Nine of Swords sees you bottling up your anxieties and creating mental visions of catastrophe and disaster that actually bear zero relation to reality… But that isn’t stopping you - you’re on a roll of doom.

Aquarius, please press ‘pause.’ The Sun and Temperance reveal that you’re actually stepping into what could be your greatest life chapter so far. Love, success, prosperity and happiness all lie in store for you. Changes unfolding from December through spring 2025 will bring a change of outlook for you, maybe even a change of location or where you spend most time. But it’s all for the best. Go into this phase of transition being led by hope, not fear. Draw on visions of your most optimistic outcomes and revel in them because this card trio promises that will be the reality.


(Six of Swords, Wheel of Fortune, Ace of Cups)

pisces star sign horoscope
Cosmopolitan UK - Hearst Owned

Every ending is the embryo of a new beginning. Endings can be galvanising, they’re actually a nudge that the story is far from over, because there’s a whole new chapter to imagine, design, and create. Life still has so much more to bring to you. Remember that when The Wheel of Fortune turns this month and brings you the Six of Swords- a departure.

Funnily enough, this won’t be as much of a surprise as you might think. This ending was seeded long go, at least six months, and you’re ready to face it and let go. It’s almost a relief. The Ace of Cups brings almost immediate renewal, replacement, substitution and opportunity. In love, a new person will emerge swiftly. In work, a new idea will burst into life and carry you ahead. Whatever was lost will be replaced with better. Look out for fellow Water signs to support you through this transition (Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer). Look out for omens and signs, they too are nudges towards the right pathways.

For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, including your own life story reading, visit Kerry's TarotBella page

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