The Nicest Actors In Hollywood

Not every film star is an egotistical monster.

The Nicest Actors In Hollywood

If you read the red-tops, you might think that Hollywood stars spend their downtime punching out paparazzi or going on coked-up rampages between movies. In some cases this is true, but there is a special breed of A-list actors to whom no dirt will stick – they are Hollywood's nice guys and this is why we love them.

Obviously there are lots more out there, but here are just a few...

Robert Downey Jr

Mr Nice guy himself, Robert Downey Jr. Copyright [Getty]
Mr Nice guy himself, Robert Downey Jr. Copyright [Getty]

Seemingly everyone has positive things to say about post-meltdown Robert Downey Jr – the 'Iron Man' actor appears to have grasped his second chance with both hands after overcoming serious addiction problems. Just last year he helped an old lady after a fall and walked her to an ambulance (he even stopped her bleeding with his suit, which probably cost more than your annual salary), while earlier this year he invited a busload of children over to his house to watch 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' with him to celebrate his 49th birthday. Who knows who he'll invite round for his 50th...

[Robert Downey Jr throws private Captain America 2 birthday screening]

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves is a rather generous man. Copyright [Getty]
Keanu Reeves is a rather generous man. Copyright [Getty]

Reeves has suffered his fair share of tragedy in his life (his daughter was stillborn and his partner was killed in a car crash), but Keanu has spent his whole life spreading joy wherever possible. He's extraordinarily generous for starters: he bought the entire 'Matrix Reloaded' stunt team a Harley Davidson motorcycle each and famously spent an impromptu morning talking with a homeless man in LA in 1997, just because he could. One 'Matrix' set builder suffering family troubles found himself face to face with Keanu, who gave the man a $20,000 Christmas bonus on the spot. Most chivalrous of all, however, is the short video showing Reeves giving up his seat on the subway for a lady.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence isn't just a great actress, she's a great gal too. Copyright [Getty]
Jennifer Lawrence isn't just a great actress, she's a great gal too. Copyright [Getty]

A brilliant interviewee with bundles of energy and endless self-deprecating anecdotes, Jennifer Lawrence is a publicist's dream – and her gawky demeanour and love of pranks and fast food just endears us to her more. It's not just an act, either. In 2012, J-Law rushed to the aid of an unconscious woman and waited with her for the emergency services to arrive. Of course, Jen's very presence could well be what made the woman unconscious in the first place, but let's not let that spoil the story. Lawrence is the current darling of Hollywood and the internet's new queen: long may she rule.

[Jennifer Lawrence comforts crying fan at Hunger Games premiere]

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling knows the importance of road safety. Copyright [Getty]
Ryan Gosling knows the importance of road safety. Copyright [Getty]

If we weren't absolutely 100% sure that Ryan Gosling was a real flesh and blood person, we'd assume he's a cartoon – a caricature of the perfect man. Not only is he a talented actor (and now a director), he's a very lovely man and a de facto superhero too. In 2012, a passer-by shot a mobile phone video of him breaking up a street fight (swoon); later the same year he stopped a woman from getting hit by a car ("Hey girl, always look both ways before you cross the street, haha!"). He also foiled a bank robbery and cured cancer before lunch, we assume. Damn that Gosling.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise always has time for fans. Copyright [Getty]
Tom Cruise always has time for fans. Copyright [Getty]

No actor has a bad word to say about Tom Cruise – he's frequently cited as one of the most passionate, dedicated and generous actors in the business. Lean on your Scientologist conspiracy theories all you like, but Cruise has form in the good guy stakes, on set and off. He always does his own stunts to give his movies an added frisson of reality (including that death-defying leap from the Burj Khalifa for 'Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol'), then goes the extra mile to promote said pictures (it's not uncommon for Cruise to sign autographs outside his premieres for four hours). Whatta guy.

Not only that, but he's a hero in real life too - several times over. In 1996 after witnessing a hit and run accident, Tom took the victim – aspiring Brazilian actress Heloisa Vinhas – to hospital, and upon discovering she didn't have health insurance, paid her medical bills himself. This was the same year he saved two children from getting trampled at his own premiere.

[Tom Cruise thanks rain soaked fans for coming to Edge of Tomorrow premiere]

Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis has proved time and again to be a lovely lady. Copyright [Getty]
Mila Kunis has proved time and again to be a lovely lady. Copyright [Getty]

Mila Kunis has proved herself worthy of this list several times over: not only is she sultry and sexy, she's funny, smart and very generous with her time too. There was her much publicised invitation to the 2011 Marine Corps Ball, which she gratefully accepted, attending the North Carolina event and enjoying dinner and dancing with American soldiers and their families. Then there was her interview with Radio 1's errand boy Chris Stark, in which she gamely entertained his jokey banter and clumsy advances ("This is the best interview I've had today, I'm begging you, keep going"). She even accepted Ashton Kutcher's engagement, out of pity, we presume.

Steve Buscemi

Steve Buscemi used his former fire fighting skills during the aftermath of 9/11. Copyright [Getty]
Steve Buscemi used his former fire fighting skills during the aftermath of 9/11. Copyright [Getty]

Steve Buscemi is a guy who has never had a Hollywood persona – if he's always seemed like a totally normal chap who just loves his craft and hates the bulls**t that comes with it, that's because it's true. But Buscemi becomes even more badass under pressure. On 9/11, when terrorists attacked the Twin Towers in New York, former firefighter Buscemi dropped everything to volunteer at his old station in Little Italy and worked emergency services during the crisis – he was snapped riding a fire truck in full firefighter kit. It wasn't a one-off incident, either; in 2012, the actor turned up unannounced in Breezy Point, New York, to assist with the clean-up of the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp entertained children at Great Ormond Street hospital in full Captain Jack get up. Copyright [Getty]
Johnny Depp entertained children at Great Ormond Street hospital in full Captain Jack get up. Copyright [Getty]

When politicians visit sick children in hospitals, they make sure to cram as many camera crews in the waiting room as possible to maximise the press attention and help build their public image. Johnny Depp, however, prefers his visits to be private: on more than one occasion, Depp has arrived at Great Ormond Street hospital without a fanfare dressed in full Jack Sparrow regalia to entertain the kids. While shooting 'Pirates 4' in 2010, Depp turned up at a school in Greenwich, London in full costume and interrupted an assembly, calling on the children to stage a mutiny in response to a little girl's letter. Imagine the poor teachers tasked with getting the kids to concentrate once he'd left.

Bill Murray

Bill Murray could be gate crashing a party near you soon. Copyright [Getty]
Bill Murray could be gate crashing a party near you soon. Copyright [Getty]

The famously mischievous Murray is well aware of his reputation and likes to play up to his aloof persona by messing with fans on the street. Legend has it he approaches strangers, gives them a brief, personal interaction and then whispers "No one will ever believe you" before leaving forever. He's tended bar at SXSW (serving everyone tequila no matter what they asked for), gatecrashed numerous college house parties and joined in a karaoke session in New York (he sang Elvis, in case you were wondering). Why? Just to bring a smile to people's faces. Because he's Bill Murray, and he's awesome.

[Bill Murray crashes stag party]

Robin Williams

Robin Williams doesn't mind it if you shoot him in the face with a paintball. Copyright [Press Association]
Robin Williams doesn't mind it if you shoot him in the face with a paintball. Copyright [Press Association]

Why Robin Williams? Well, he's a charity spokesperson, an advocate for sobriety and, by all accounts, a hilarious and personable man. Mostly though, he makes this list purely for this user account from a Reddit thread entitled 'Nicest Celebrity You Ever Met'. Says The_Adventurist: "I played paintball with Robin Williams and made it a point to run straight to his bunker and shoot him right in the face. He was going to be my prize. He was a good sport about it and spent the rest of the day giving me a running commentary/riff track on the game as it progressed. Really nice guy considering I just shot paint into his face."

And if those weren't enough? You can also add 'Hangover' star Zach Galifianakis (and Renee Zellweger) to the list for this wonderful story and Hugh Jackman, who is truly an all-round top bloke. Remember the moment he recognised someone from his past at a red carpet event? Watch it here. And recently we reported on an incredibly generous gesture by Bryan Cranston.

Got any more stories of nice Hollywood stars? Let us know below.

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