National Geographic’s ‘Explorer’ Taps Phil Keoghan As Host For Fall 2018 Bow – TCA

Emmy award-winner Phil Keoghan will host the network’s long-running series Explorer when it returns in fall, 2018. The series will have 20 new episodes.

The new season follows Keoghan as he treks into far regions to meet with National Geographic Explorers on the front lines of groundbreaking scientific, technological and historical discoveries. Trekking into the Amazon, high into the Himalayas, and sitting barefoot in some of the world’s most sacred spaces, Keoghan plays host to documentary segments curated to deepen understanding of the world by exploring complex shifts, relationships and phenomena.

The new season, currently in production, will premiere on National Geographic in 172 countries and 43 languages.

“Phil embodies what it means to be a National Geographic Explorer — he’s undoubtedly interested and curious about investigating the relationship between the Earth and human life,” said Tim Pastore, president of original programming and production. Explorer is a show about informing and entertaining, and we’re confident that with Phil as host, he will be the catalyst for viewers to understand the way we fit into the world.”

“I have been sharing stories in front of a camera for the past 30 years, and I am thrilled to partner with National Geographic again on such an iconic series that is rooted in fueling the adventurous spirit found in all of us,” said Keoghan. “I look forward to taking viewers with me on adventures around the globe to learn how we shape the world through adventure, curiosity and understanding.”

Keoghan is best known as the host and executive producer of CBS’ The Amazing Race. Keoghan has won 10 Primetime Emmy awards and was most recently a correspondent for 60 Minutes Sports on CBS, won the Director’s Award at the American Documentary Film Festival and hosted National Geographic’s groundbreaking television event, Earth Live. A hardcore scuba diver and avid cyclist, Keoghan is also the director of the award-winning feature documentary, Le Ride, about the 1928 Tour de France.

The season’s correspondents include Francesca Fiorentini, journalist, comedy writer and host/producer of AJ+; Ryan Duffy, journalist/producer who has scaled empty high-rises in China’s Ghost Towns, gotten shot on the outskirts of Bogota in a bulletproof coat and traveled to North Korea with Dennis Rodman; Mariana van Zeller, award-winning journalist and co-founder of MUCK Media, who is fluent in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian and French; Alexandra Roca, a Spanish-American correspondent, documentary filmmaker and director who focuses on stories in developing countries; and Jago Cooper, a British archaeologist, National Geographic Explorer and the curator of the Americas at the British Museum;

Also, Cara Santa Maria, an Emmy- and Knight Foundation Award-winning journalist, science communicator, television personality, producer and podcaster; Sal Masekela, a commentator, journalist, musician and producer, and co-founder of Stoked Mentoring, a nonprofit action sports organization for at-risk youth; and Gaelareh Darabi, a multiplatform journalist and documentary filmmaker;

Also, Albert Lin, whose innovations have led to dozens of academic publications, two tech startups and requested briefings from the Pentagon, and who serves as an advisor to the Harvard Business School’s Digital Initiative and is a National Geographic Explorer; and Tim Samuels, an award-winning documentary filmmaker, broadcaster, and author.

Launched in 1985, before there even was a National Geographic Channel, Explorer has encapsulated more than 2,000 films and has been honored with nearly 60 Emmys and hundreds of other awards. The series has taken viewers to more than 120 countries.

Explorer is produced by National Geographic Studios for National Geographic.


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