Nara Smith sets the internet straight by subtly addressing ‘tradwife’ accusations

Influencer Nara Smith has responded to accusations on TikTok concerning her video content.

In a recent get-ready-with-me video on TikTok, the 22-year-old mother of two shared some facts about herself as she did her makeup for the day. She talked about her relationship with her husband, Lucky Blue Smith - a Mormon and a model - with who she shares two children: a daughter named Rumble Honey, born in 2020, and a son named Slim Easy, born in 2022. The pair married in 2020 after six months of dating and are now expecting their third child.

Her husband Lucky Blue has been a prominent model since the height of his fame when he blew up on Tumblr in the 2010s. Since then, he has continued to model for campaigns for brands like Marc Jacobs and Tom Ford. Together, they have established themselves as prominent influencers, often going viral for their cooking videos or videos that spotlight their growing family.

Nara has long been accused of being a “tradwife,” an internet aesthetic that glamourises 1950s gender roles and values, and packages it in a modern way that encourages women to embrace fundamentalist values.

The South African model subtly addressed comments that she was a “tradwife” and acknowledged that her lifestyle is not for everyone in her recent video. “I’ve always wanted to be a young mom because growing up, my dad would always tell us that he regrets having kids later in life,” she said. “So I took that advice and it’s one of the best decisions I could have made, and I know it’s not for everyone.”

She added: “I was always very mature and independent and did a lot of things at a very young age. So I never feel like I’m missing out on any of the partying, any of that, because I’ve done all of that.”

As for her social media account’s focus on cooking, Nara said that cooking is simply a passion of hers born out of an interest in her wellness.

“I’ve always loved cooking,” she explained. “I just recently, in the past year, have gotten really passionate about it. It all started when I was dealing with really severe eczema and I had to make sure that what I put in my body would be good for my body. And that’s kind of how I got into nutrition and food and cooking.”

Nara also noted that she was well-aware that her Mormon religion has stirred some controversy among viewers, but doubled down that she’s not trying to “spread Mormon propaganda,” as some followers have accused her of. Rather, she said she’s still figuring out what she does and does not believe in.

“I know that my religion is a very hot topic on the internet,” she said. “I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m still learning and figuring out my own faith. I’m not in any way a hardcore Mormon or anything like that. I don’t wear garments. I didn’t get married in the temple.”

She continued that she and her husband have had very different upbringings and spiritual journeys, while Utah native Lucky Blue grew up in the Mormon Church, Nara grew up abroad in Germany with a different set of ideals. “Both me and my husband are on our own journeys and figuring out how we want to raise our kids,” she added.

The video has received over 1.4m likes on the platform, with many gawking over Nara’s age, but also some who felt bad that she was catching a lot of flack for her religion or values.

“There’s not one solid reason for the criticism you receive,” one person said. “You really are the sweetest, most unprovocative person. You’ve inspired my cooking journey.”

“She highkey ate the haters up in the most effortless way possible,” someone else added.

The Independent has contacted Smith for comment.