Naked Sleepers Are Sharing Their Unclothed Experiences, And Nude Is The New Pajamas

We all have bedtime routines, but we often never openly discuss what we wear once we start counting sheep. Reddit user iMahoraga asked on the always popular subreddit r/AskReddit, "How is your experience sleeping naked?"

Two people hidden under a blanket on a bed, with only their intertwined legs visible
Flashpop / Getty Images

Lots of people responded to the thread taking sides of either clothed or unclothed. Here are some of the best comments:

1."I always sleep naked. Once you grow accustomed to it, you love it, and sleeping with clothes feels kind of weird, at least in my case. If you sleep in a cold place and have great sheets, the experience is even better. The only disadvantage is that if someone goes into your bedroom, aside from your partner, you may have an awkward interaction."


2."I live alone, and it's honestly the only way I sleep now. Sleeping with clothing on is so uncomfortable for me now."


3."Honestly, I’m a germaphobe. And I’m gassy. So I worry about you know...dirty sheets."


A man making a confused and slightly disgusted facial expression while wearing a shiny jacket

4."Sleeping naked in silk/satin sheets and blankets is life-changing."


5."First, it's a bit weird, but then you feel so free. A bit like taking one leg out of your pants when you're taking a sh*t. Real freedom."


6."Sleeping naked works when you don't live alone, too. You just have to be more careful."


  NBC /

7."Slept naked for at least 20 years now. I can’t imagine sleeping with clothes on. Plus, I live in the Deep South. Too f*cking hot."


8."I hate it. Feels way too vulnerable, and I hate the feeling of my t*ts flopping everywhere."


9."I love sleeping naked. Plus, if an invader comes in, I can scare them with my body!"


"I use my face, but to each their own."


Wayne Knight as Newman from Seinfeld smiles and laughs during a scene

10."I don’t like sleeping naked. I never really feel comfortable and I like to place my hand in my waistband."


11."I’m a 'pants-off' gal, but I need a t-shirt, or my hair tickles my back."


12."I flip around a lot through the night and don't want my d*ck rubbing all through the sheets. Gotta have a layer that moves with me."


Elephant trunk smacks people in the face

13."I’m too scared of some emergency happening, and I’m standing out on the street butt naked while my house burns down. Also, I have young kids who end up in our beds most nights."


14."I have sensory issues, so anything on my body while sleeping feels like torture. Naked sleeping is the only way I’m comfortable."


15."Sleeping naked is great and makes the room feel more of my own."


Leonardo DiCaprio and Danny Nucci in Titanic scene. DiCaprio stands with arms outstretched, while Nucci smiles behind him on the ship's bow

16."I think it's lovely! Great right after a shower, especially. Good for the skin. I feel more refreshed when I wake up!"


17."I'm a very warm-bodied person; I always sleep naked. I keep my room temperature around 65 degrees during summer and keep my windows open all through winter even though it is like -15 degrees sometimes. I also can't sleep without some sort of blanket over me regardless of the temp. So, for summer, I have a very light bamboo comforter that is designed to wick away heat. So it often feels cooler under the blanket than the ambient temperature."


18."I used to sleep naked all the time when I was single, it was extremely comfortable. Stopped after getting married as wife is paranoid about something (other than me) crawling into her private parts."


Ron Burgundy, portrayed by Will Ferrell, looks puzzled as he says, "What did you say"

19."I dread to think how often you people who sleep naked are changing your sheets."


20."I live in Thailand. It's so hot, even at night! Sleeping naked helps a lot and feels kinda nice too."


21."I sleep only with my boxers on. It feels weird sleeping fully naked, but I can't sleep with anything else on."


George Takei, wearing a futuristic uniform, says "I AGREE, SIR"

22."My grandmother once told child me (who would sleep naked) that if I didn’t wear underwear to bed, a cockroach would crawl up my 'Mickey' while I slept. Safe to say I’ve worn underwear to bed since and have a crippling (and irrational) fear of insects entering my various orifices."


23."I have a very vivid memory of peeing on the bed when I was around 10 or 11 because I had gone to my dad's house with no clean underwear. For the longest time, I was terrified it would happen again if I ever dared to sleep naked. Now, I prefer to sleep naked and can admit that I do not pee in the bed. It's wonderful."


24."I've slept naked every night for 15-plus years, it's so relaxing! Once I got used to being naked, wearing any sort of clothes to bed feels so restrictive that I can't sleep properly."


A man in a sleeveless shirt is intensely punching a punching bag outdoors at night

25."My periods are way too inconsistent to feel comfortable doing that. I don't live alone."


26."I’ve slept naked since I was in 6th grade (I’m 42 now.) It’s great. I can’t imagine having pajamas bunching up while I sleep. Girlfriends don’t think it’s that weird. Or if they do they get over it after about 2 days. Highly recommend."


27.And finally, "Can't do it. I just can't. I don't trust my farts, and I don't want no skid marks on those nice NASA sheets my wife bought."


Group of NASA mission control staff members with headsets engaged in work at computers. They are focused and attentive

Where do you stand? Nude sleeper or clothed sleeper? Comment below and tell me why.