Mum sparks debate after her daughter is told not to adjust her tights in front of male teachers

A mum has sparked debate after her daughter was told not to adjust tights in front of male teachers [Photo: Pixabay via Pexels]
A mum has sparked debate after her daughter was told not to adjust tights in front of male teachers [Photo: Pixabay via Pexels]

A mum has ignited a debate after turning to the Internet for advice when her daughter was told not to ‘pull up’ her tights in front of male teachers.

Taking to parenting site Mumsnet, the mum explained the rule had been introduced by the head mistress at the school her 14-year-old daughter attends.

“Dd (darling daughter) 14 had her first assembly of the year this morning, and head mistress / principle has a list of new rules, one including female students are banned from pulling up/ adjusting their 60 denier tights in front of male teachers as she feels this is inappropriate and it must be done in private in bathrooms,” she wrote.

“Surely this is crazy?”

And other parents were quick to offer their own opinions on the subject with many claiming they would feel angry if their own daughters were told the same.

“What? I’d be livid if this was announced in assembly – are the boys being given instructions not to adjust their clothes too??” one user wrote.

“If they are worried the male teachers may be “tempted” perhaps they need to hire different teachers! Why else would gender matter? Very odd,” another added.

“Good grief. Thank heavens someone is actively looking out for the adult men of this world who need assistance to navigate the stresses of life involving teenage girls wearing their own clothes. What a relief,” another user penned sarcastically.

But not everyone was completely against the new ruling.

“I agree with her that pulling up tights is something to be done in private spaces. As should all adjustment of underwear by all sexes,” one mum said.

“Why would you pull your tights up in front of anyone? Eh? Also it’s so obvious surely it doesn’t need to be a rule as such,” another added.

Others weren’t annoyed at the rule as such, just that it singled out female pupils and male teachers.

“Rule would be fair enough if it was to not adjust underwear and tights in public,” one user wrote. “It’s the female student/male teacher thing that is totally wrong. I would write in and complain, the rule should be changed so as not to be sexist. It insults teenage girls and male teachers simultaneously.”

Some parents described the new ruling as ‘sexist’ [Photo: Took a pic via Pexels]
Some parents described the new ruling as ‘sexist’ [Photo: Took a pic via Pexels]

This is the second time this week a school’s advice surrounding dress-codes has caused controversy. Just yesterday, a secondary school headteacher sparked outrage by allegedly telling female students they should only wear leggings to school if they’re a size zero or two (a size four and six in the UK).

Back in the UK, boys at Exeter’s ISCA Academy recently wore skirts to protest the school’s no-shorts rule during a heatwave, while a four-year-old boy’s mum was shocked to have him sent home for his long hair in Texas.

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