Are you eating enough protein?

how much protein should i eat
Here’s how much protein you should be eatingGetty Images

Most runners know that in order to train hard and be able to keep going, run after run, you need to have a diet that’s reasonably high in protein. Why? To help muscles to repair, recover and grow. Here, we caught up with nutritionist Kim Pearson to find out how much protein runners should really be eating.

‘I spend a lot of time speaking with clients about the importance of optimising protein intake,’ says Pearson. ‘We need protein to build and repair tissues such as bones, muscle and cartilage, to make enzymes and hormones, and it’s also needed for healthy immune system function. Protein is key for runners since muscles are largely made up of protein (actin and myosin), so including enough in your diet is vital for recovering from runs and building muscle to improve performance.’

How much protein do runners need?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. But runners may well require more than these guidelines, says Pearson, ‘to aid muscle recovery’.

‘It is understood that up to twice this reference nutrient intake (RNI) is safe. Endurance athletes (eg those training for a marathon) should consider raising their protein intake to between 1.0-1.6g per kg per day,’ she adds.

When should you aim to eat after running?

‘In the first 30 minutes after intense exercise, the body is primed to use protein and carbs for recovery and muscle repair,’ says Pearson. ‘If the same nutrients are taken two hours later, there is less protein synthesis and muscle-glycogen storage. Refuel with a protein and fruit smoothie or a recovery supplement as soon as you can after your run.’

Where should I get my protein from?

‘Protein is made up of amino acids, some of which the body cannot make,’ she says. ‘Animal proteins such as meat, fish, eggs and seafood provide these essential amino acids and are therefore known as "complete" proteins.’

Meat is the most well-known protein source. ‘If you’re a meat eater, ensure you choose meat from animals raised traditionally – look out for organic, free-range and grass-fed. Fish and seafood are some of the best protein options out there. Look out for the blue Marine Stewardship Council label to ensure your fish is sustainably sourced. As well as being protein-rich, eggs provide a variety of other essential nutrients, making them a nutritious breakfast choice. Choose free-range eggs.’

I’m vegan; where should I get my protein?

‘The best soy products are those that have been part of Asian diets for centuries, which are the fermented kind (eg miso and tempeh) rather than processed (eg soy milk and tofu). Nuts, lentils, beans, chickpeas and quinoa are also good vegan protein sources,’ she says.

Do I need protein supplements?

‘While it’s important to include protein sources as part of your diet, supplements can be a handy way to top up your intake. A good-quality protein shake can be particularly useful in that golden-window period and protein bars can make for a healthy, portable snack option on race days,’ adds Pearson.

What does 20g of protein actually look like?

As a general rule of thumb, aiming to get at least 20g of protein per meal is a good place to start. But what does this actually look like? In the list below, we've rounded up meat, vegetarian and vegan sources. This isn't presented as an exact science, more a user-friendly crib sheet for you to follow:

Small chicken breast

Half a steak

3 large eggs

Small turkey breast

Tin of black beans

Tin of lentils

Tin of tuna

2/3 pack of tofu

1 scoop of whey protein

Fillet of salmon

2/3 tub of cottage cheese

5 tablespoons peanut butter

Three handfuls of peanuts

1 pint of milk

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