The most stressful time of day is 8.15am, according to a study
The most stressful time of day is 8.15am, according to a study. A poll, of 2,000 adult, found 35 per cent experience stress during the first part of the day, with the prospect of the working day ahead, struggling to leave the house on time, and oversleeping the most common early morning challenges. Coping with the school run, looking for lost house keys, and figuring out what to wear are common anxieties too. As are dealing with the unpredictability of kids’ emotions - in addition to both feeding and dressing them and making packed lunches. And at a time of the day when every second matters, those polled typically lose 20 minutes and 28 seconds to morning trials and tribulations. Following the findings, revealed as part of Onken's ‘Feed Your Inner Happiness’ campaign, Paddy McGuinness has shared his tongue-in-cheek time-saving tips []. Pointers include how to get the kids to do housework without them realising, how to stop them bickering, and how to help them with their homework when you’re stuck.